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Preschool Music Movin and Groovin - Let's Sing About Trains

Bring your favourite train. In our class we will share about our train, ask questions about trains and sing a few songs about trains.
Miss Pam (Lacusta) - Preschool / Music Teacher
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What's included

1 live meeting
20 mins in-class hours

Class Experience

Each week we will sing and learn actions and movements to children's songs. Some songs will be familiar and some will be new and catchy.  We will listen, sing and move to the songs.  Repetition is a great way to learn. Each time we meet the class will follow a similar pattern. Welcome song, songs and activities and a good bye song. Repetition leads to familiarity and the children will get to know the pattern of the class. 

In this circle time class we will start with a welcome song. Each child will be greeted and made to feel welcome in the class.  If your child chooses to bring a train they will begin the opportunity to tell everyone about their train.

Each song will be introduced in a fun and informative way. Explaining the actions and/or sounds that will make the experience very enjoyable.

Learning Goals

Based on the understanding that children learn best through play, the focus is on being involved and having fun. The kids don't even realize how much they are learning! Early music concepts involving tempo and rhythm will be taught as well as other important pre-school concepts such as turn taking, sharing, colours, simple counting and using their words.
Children will see their own potential and growth in self-esteem, as well as in their appreciation of each other. 
Lessons will reinforce the skills taught in reading and writing.  Counting, sequencing and pattern recognition become meaningful to children in lessons that use the relationship between rhythm and math.
learning goal

Other Details

Language of Instruction
External Resources
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
Teacher expertise and credentials
I have many titles, wife, mother, aunt, daughter, grandma, friend and teacher. One title I love is "Teacher". Most affectionally known as Miss Pam.
I live in Canada by the Rocky Mountains.  If I'm not out riding my bike or going for a walk you will find me at the piano playing and teaching skills to young learners or singing and teaching music to preschoolers.
I am a classically trained musician, my instrument being piano.  I received my training through the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. I have completed my Elementary and Intermediate piano teaching courses through the Royal Conservatory of Music. I have been teaching piano for over 30 years in my home studio. 
I took my Kindermusik training in 1994 and fell in love with teaching music to preschoolers. I owned and operated my own Kindermusik studio for 5 years. I have been teaching music to preschoolers in schools, daycares, churches and in my home for 25 years. I always refer to myself as a big kid. Seeing the light in a child's eyes and their body moving to the beat of the music is very fulfilling and allows me to say - Teaching music is a fun job! Music brings me joy.
I will be teaching preschool music classes for children ages 3-5 and theory skills for children 6-12. 
Exposing children to music at a young age develops their social development, language skills and imagination. My classes will look like we are playing but I am helping your child develop through moving, singing, simple instruments and listening. Come and join my class and get to know “Miss Pam”


Live One-Time Class


per class

Meets once
20 min
Completed by 132 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 3-5
1-6 learners per class

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