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Paragraph Writing (Ages 8-11)

AJ Crocker
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Over the course of 4 sessions, students will be introduced to the basics for writing a strong, organized paragraph! This course will give students, especially those who struggle to organize their thoughts, an framework and lots of practice!

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 6
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
Aligned with State-Specific Standards
4 lessons//1 Week
 Week 1
Lesson 1
The RACES paragraph outline
Students will be introduced to the RACES paragraph outline. They will read a series of paragraphs and dissect the author's use of evidence, explanation, and summary. They will be given several opportunities to write strong outlines using the RACES outline. Homework: outlining 2 paragraphs.
Lesson 2
Making statements and answering prompts
Students will practice the first part of any strong paragraph - a clear statement. They will be shown how the first statement can answer a given prompt OR make a statement based on their own claim for any given paragraph. Homework: Writing 4 introduction sentences that restate and answer 4 different prompts.
Lesson 3
Citing & explaining evidence
Students will use a variety of tools to cite and explain evidence that supports their claim. Through a series of activities, students will practice finding meaningful evidence and explaining it in ways that make their claim stronger. Homework: Finding and explaining evidence to support 2 different claims.
Lesson 4
Summarizing & writing strong paragraphs
On the last day of class, students will learn how to write a summarizing statement to end their paragraphs. Then, students will practice outlining, researching, and writing a full paragraph on their own. No homework!
  • Students will be able to answer any paragraph prompt in at least 6 sentences, providing a clear claim, strong evidence, meaningful explanation, and a summarizing sentence.
Ms. AJ teaches in elementary classrooms and has been a teacher since 2007! She has extensive experience supporting writers - both those who are reluctant and those who are eager. 
1 - 2 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: For sessions 1, 2, and 3, students will be given homework that extends their class time learning and provides extra practice for each skill we are learning.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: On the last day, students will be given an opportunity to write multiple paragraphs. These paragraphs will be assessed on a rubric, and grades will be offered.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: The grades offered for this class will be based on a rubric for the RACES format. Students will be assessed on their ability to write a clear and organized paragraph that restates and answers a given prompt, cites meaningful evidence, explains evidence thoroughly, and summarizes the claim.
This class is designed to support all learners. It can be especially helpful for those with executive function difficulties related to ADHD, ASD, and other neurodiverse profiles.
Students will be most successful if they are able to construct a simple sentence and write it by hand. Accommodations for those who require speech-to-text or typed responses can be made. 
Please print out each linked handout prior to the session. 
Joined April, 2023
Teacher expertise and credentials
Colorado Teaching Certificate in Elementary Education
Master's Degree in Education from Teachers College, Columbia University
Master's Degree in Education from Colorado State University
Hi! My name is AJ! I am passionate about teaching reading, writing, music, and art. 
I am an experienced educator - 8 years in public school classrooms, and another 5 years teaching art, theater, and music for various organizations. I hold a... 
Group Class


for 4 classes
4x per week, 1 week
55 min

Live video meetings
Ages: 8-11
2-10 learners per class

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