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Gymnastics: Learn to Do a Cartwheel

Angela Gonzalez (she/her)
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In this one-time course, students will learn the fundamentals of the gymnastics cartwheel and practice their skills.

Class experience

  • Students will learn and practice a gymnastics cartwheel.
In addition to being a former competitive gymnast, I have over 18 years' experience coaching gymnastics for children of all ages at the recreational and competitive level. I have created gymnastics curriculum and taught thousands of children the fundamentals of gymnastics, my favorite sport!
Homework Offered
Assessments Offered
I will give each learner recommendations for exercises to do to improve their cartwheels.
Grades Offered
A clear open space
Cushioned floor
A folded panel mat, yoga block, or sofa cushion
Masking tape
Water bottle
Learners will not need to use any apps or websites beyond the standard Outschool tools.
As with any physical fitness routine, gymnastics carries the possibility of injury. Students should be have a wide open space for tumbling, dress comfortably for movement, have a bottle of water nearby to drink, and be supervised in their homes in case of a fall.  
Joined June, 2020
I am pleased to report that I will be back and better than ever in my Outschool studio this fall 2023! My experience working with children goes back to when I was a teen nearly 30 years ago! I was a competitive gymnast as a child, experience which... 
Group Class


per class
Meets once
30 min

Completed by 109 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 5-9
3-8 learners per class

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