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Break Dance Camp 1: Foundations

This camp teaches the essential beginner movements for a safe introduction to breakdancing while also teaching the history and terminology. Alongside light workouts, students build their confidence with performance experience. NOTE: My “Beginner Break Dance (Age 7-12)” one-time class is a prerequisite.
Lima (Confidence Crew)
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What's included

8 live meetings
7 hrs 20 mins in-class hours
1-2 hours per week. All "homework" is referred to as "training" to reinforce the goal of building skills rather than the negative connotation that the word "work" has. Daily training is to update their choreography worksheets and practice with the supplementary recap videos the teacher provides in the classroom.
Learner progress is assessed by how well they demonstrate the moves and combine them without pause. Additionally, the students will get to showcase their progress by learning a brief routine (less than a minute).

Class Experience

2ND REMINDER: My “Beginner Break Dance (Age 7-12)” one-time class is a prerequisite.

Students will learn the basic beginner elements to breakdancing alongside safety tips, game exercises, and choreography using the moves they learn. Classes begin with a warm-up, continue with learning new moves for the weekly element, and progress with learning steps to choreography using the moves they're learning. Worksheet breaks are taken throughout class to maximize their learning through my "Bodies at Rest, Minds at Work" philosophy. Worksheets cover historical, cultural, and technical knowledge necessary to gain a strong foundation in this dance form. The camp concludes with a final performance. 

- Playlist of 150+ family-friendly songs that belong to the breaking canon
- Daily Worksheets that cover culture, technical knowledge, and opportunities to create
- Recap Videos (3-5 mins) that you can use to review moves or easily catch up what was covered if you miss class

- Mic Check: Everyone is on mute to respect the privacy of your homes
- Put your Hands in the Air: if you have a question (after instructions)
- Preview Mode: When teacher introduces a new move DO NOT try it before he teaches the step-by-step way to learn the move safely. 
- Night Night: If your device loses power or your wifi goes out, don’t worry. My classroom stays open and let you back in ASAP to catch you up. No need to pause class to explain what happened. We keep it moving.
- Audit the Cypher: Learners are encouraged to listen to their bodies. If you feel sick or sore from another activity before class you are still welcomed to join the classroom experience with lower physical participation. 

- Athletic Shoes to protect your heels and toes (Required)
- Comfortable clothing for movement (Required)
- Beanie style hat (recommended)
- Yoga mat (recommended)

Week 1: Toprock + Rhythm Training 
Week 2: Go-downs + Bottomrock
Week 3: Freezes + Advanced Stretching 
Week 4: Group Work + Final Performance

Week 5: FREE Dance Party for completing the camp! (Bonus Class will be added to the camp)
Certificates sent to families :-)
Learning Goals
By the end of class students will
- tie together new moves confidently
- Adapt more comfortably in a dance setting
- Perform choreography with the moves they learn
learning goal

Other Details

Parental Guidance
Music is a mix of hip-hop and funk, but has been screened for appropriate lyrics. Wrist warm-ups/exercises will be required for learning/practicing the bottomrock moves. It is also advisable that students should wear comfortable shoes (sneakers) and clothes for dancing (not oversized). As well, students should have a clear open space for dancing and a distance from the computer that allows me to see them from head to toe in order to ensure they're doing the moves properly. A water bottle is also required for brief breaks. See "Learner Supply List" for an itemized list.
Supply List
SUPPLY LIST (REQUIRED) - a comfortable pair of indoor shoes (to protect their heels and toes during footwork) - clothes they can move in (no over-sized clothing, no skirts, no dresses as they might trip over themselves) - clear space to dance (non-carpet preferred, but not necessary) - distance from camera to so I can see their heads and feet are correctly doing the moves SUPPLY LIST (OPTIONAL BUT RECOMMENDED) - folder to hold worksheets - Beanie style hat - yoga mat
 2 files available upon enrollment
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
  • Spotify
Joined April, 2020
Teacher expertise and credentials
I traveled around the world (40+ countries) while teaching and learning from the local dancers. Also, I was mentored by a world renown breakdancer while living in Korea for three years. This mentorship mixed with my experience and personal training has made me particularly knowledgeable and skilled in the topic. 


Live Group Class


for 8 classes
2x per week, 4 weeks
55 min

Completed by 312 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-12
3-9 learners per class

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