per weekBeginner Spanish Fun - Weekly Themes, New Vocabulary & More!
Completed by 239 learners
Ages 4-7
Live Group Class
Live video meetings
2x per week
3-8 learners per class
30 min
What's included
2 live meetings
1 in-class hours per weekHomework
There will be minimal work to do outside of class, however, it is highly suggested that families encourage their children to practice the new vocabulary and concepts outside of the classroom. Practicing outside of class will give students the opportunity to relate the class material to their own life and environment which will help cement the new language in their brains. Occasionally additional activities for children to do outside of class will be posted in the classroom dashboard. These are optional but highly encouraged!Class Experience
Beginner Level
Hola y Bienvenidos! 50% OFF DISCOUNT - YOUR FIRST WEEK! 🌟Try out this class and use the coupon code BROOKOYE9U13 to get 50% off your first week of lessons! 🌟 Who is this class for? 1) This class is designed for beginner Spanish students. 2) Students with little to no previous exposure to the Spanish language are welcome! 3) Students who want to not only learn Spanish but also have fun! 4) Students who do well with small class sizes (6 students or less). ********* 🌟How is this class structured? 1) 1st meeting each week will be an introduction to the new vocabulary/grammar based on the weekly theme (topics listed below) 2) 2nd meeting each week students apply and practice what was learned in meeting #1 through games, stories, and activities. ********* 🌟Teaching Approach 1) Our number one priority is making your student feel welcome and included. We understand that when students feel comfortable they are more open to learning new things. 2) Vocabulary in this course is learned through exaggerated facial expressions, TPR (total physical response), pictures, games, and props to help your child make associations between new words and their meaning. 3) Teachers speak slowly and clearly and model sentence frames and vocabulary for students. After modeling the sentence frames the students and teacher will practice them in a call and response manner. 4) Class activities include a mix of speaking, listening and writing/drawing activities. Teachers may utilize Nearpod (https://nearpod.com/) in class presentations so that students can demonstrate their understanding in a nonverbal manner by drawing on presentation slides. 6) This course is designed to give students repeat exposure to the target vocabulary and sentence frames so they have plenty of opportunities to practice and master the lesson objectives. ********* 🌟 Weekly Themes: 1/13/25 Comida (food)-Lechuga, Brócoli, Zanahoria- Number Practice1-10, Comer (yo form) 1/20/25 Comida (food) review, Number Practice1-10, Comer (3rd person singular form) 1/27/25- Cosas de la Escuela (school items)- Tablet, Computer, Pen, Pencil, Book -Plural and Singular 2/3/25- Introduction to Es vs. Son 2/10/25- Colores y Sustantivos- Learning how to describe the colors of different items. 2/17/25- Clothing Vocabulary 2/24/25- Clothing & Colors- Learning how to describe the colors of different clothing. 3/3/25- El Clima (weather)- Hace Frío/Calor/Sol ~Hay nieve/hielo - It’s cold/hot/sunny ~ There is snow/ice 3/10/25-4 Estaciones (4 seasons)- Invierno, Primavera, Verano, Otoño - Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall 3/17/25 Ropa del Invierno (Winter Clothing)- Los Guantes (gloves), La Bufanda (Scarf), El gorro (hat), La Chaqueta (jacket), Yo llevo..I wear… 3/24/25 Actividades del invierno (winter activities)- bolas de nieve (snow balls), Yo lanzo…I throw…, hombre de nieve (snow man), 3/31/25 Actividades de la primavera (spring activities)- Yo juego…I play…, beisbol-baseball, deportes- sports, el tenis- tennis, amigos- friends, pelota- ball Our teachers are so excited to share their love of the Spanish language with your students through fun and interactive activities! Nos Vemos Pronto :) #confidence ***************** TEACHER QUALIFICATIONS: 1) Language or Education Background (Bachelors Degree and/or Teaching Certificate) 2) Native or Fluent Speaker 3) 5+ Years of Experience Working With Youth 4) Have Travelled or Lived in a Country or Territory Where Language is Spoken. 5) Believe in Creating an Inclusive and Welcoming Environment For All Students to Learn ****************** REFUNDS & TRANSFERS: Per Outschool's limited refund policy: "Full refund within 24 hours of purchase or up to a week in advance of the class."
Learning Goals
In this course, students will learn a variety of vocabulary in accordance with each week's theme.
1) Greetings/Introductions -I can have a simple conversation and greet others in Spanish!
2) Mascotas (Pets)- Dog, Cat, Fish, Mouse, Numeros 1-5
3) Colores (colors)- Amarillo, Gris, Morado, Marron, Anaranjado
4) El Clima (weather)- Hace Frio, Hace Calor, Hace Buen/Mal tiempo
5) El Clima (weather)- Esta nublado, esta soleado, esta lloviendo
6) Comida (food)- Pizza, Carne, Queso, Verduras, Comer
7) Comida (food)- Lechuga, Brócoli, Zanahoria- Number Practice1-10, Comer (yo form)
8) Comida (food) review, Number Practice1-10, Comer (3rd person singular form)
9) Cosas de la Escuela (school items)- Tablet, Computer, Pen, Pencil, Book -Plural and Singular
10) Es vs. Son
11) Colores y Sustantivos- colors and nouns
12) Ropa- Clothing- Camiseta, camisa, pantalones, zapatos
13) Ropa y colores
14) Mi Familia- My family- parents, grandparents- singular and plural. Introduction to possessive adjective (mi)
15) Personal Pronoun- "Nosotros/as"~ "We". Describing how "we" are feeling.
16) Verb estar-to be. Describing how different groups of people feel (Los amigos están felices.- The friends are happy. Los estudiantes están enfermos.- The students are sick. etc.)
17) Numeros 1-20
18) Fruta- Fruit ~ (Platano/Fresa/Manzana/Naranja)- Yo quiero...I want...
19) El Clima (weather)- Hace Frio/Calor/Sol ~Hay nieve/hielo - It’s cold/hot/sunny ~ There is snow/ice
20) 4 Estaciones (4 seasons)- Invierno, Primavera, Verano, Otoño - Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
21) Actividades del invierno (winter activities)- bolas de nieve (snow balls), Yo lanzo…I throw…, hombre de nieve (snow man),
22) Actividades de la primavera (spring activities)- Yo juego…I play…, beisbol-baseball, deportes- sports, el tenis- tennis, amigos- friends, pelota- ball
23) Let's Go to the Zoo -Yo veo...(I see), Un leon- Lion, Un Mono- Monkey, Un Elefante- Elephant, El Tigre- Tiger
24) Acciones- Actions in the third person singular. Verbs- Correr (to run), Saltar (to jump), Caminar (to walk). Rápido (fast), Lento (slow)
25) Acciones- Actions in the first person (yo-I). Verbs- Correr (to run), Saltar (to jump), Caminar (to walk). Rápido (fast), Lento (slow)
26) Adjectives- Students will learn how to describe different items and animals using the following adjectives ~Grande (big), Pequeño (small), Baja (short), Alta (tall)
27) Students will learn how to identify different body parts: Cabeza (head), Ojos (eyes), Nariz (nose), Boca (mouth), Manos (hands), orejas (ears)
28) Students will learn how to talk about different hair types/colors: Pelo- Hair, Pelo Rizado- curl hair, Pelo Liso- straight hair, Pelo Ondulado- wavy hair, Rubio- blonde hair, Negro-black, Marron-brown, Pelirojo- red hair.
29) Students will learn about different places they can go and visit using the sentence frames "yo voy...I go..." and "tú vas...you go". La Granja- Farm, La escuela- school, La casa- house, El parque- the park.
30) Students will learn about different places we can go and visit using the sentence frames "nosotros/as/es vamos....we go.....". El zoo- the zoo, La ciudad- the city, El campo- the countryside, El cine/movie theatre, La playa/mar- beach/sea .
31) Animales de la granja- Farm animals ~ Las Vacas- Cows, Las Gallinas-Chickens, Los Gallos-Roosters, Los Caballos- Horses, Las Ovejas- Sheep. Students will learn new vocabulary as they go on an adventure to help bring the escaped farm animals back to the farm!
32) Students will learn a variety of food vocabulary and talk about what they want and don't want as we pretend to create a meal together. Sentence Frames "yo quiero...I want....tu quieres....you want". Vocabulary: juevos- eggs, fruta- fruit, pan- bread, hamburguesa- hamburger, helado- ice cream.
33) la familia-los padres- parents, hermanos-brothers/siblings, abuelos- grandparents and possessive adjectives (mis-my)
Students will learn simple questions and responses:
"Como te llamas"- What is your name? -"Me llamo_____" -My name is______
"Cuantos años tienes?"- How old are you?- Yo tengo_____años - I am _____ years old
"Que Ves"- What do you see? -"Yo veo____"- I see_____
"Que son"- What are they?"- Son ____(s)- They are _____
"Que es"- What is it?- "Es un/a_______"- It is a _____
"Como Esta/s"- How are you/How is he/she/it?- Yo Estoy ____- I am___/ El/Ella/Usted esta- He/She/It is ____
"Como es el clima?"- How is the weather
"Hace...Calor, Frio, Buen/Mal Tiempo" - It is Hot, Cold, Good/Bad Weather"
"Esta...nublado, soleado, lloviendo"- It is cloudy, sunny, rainy
"Pizza con...(queso, verduras, carne)"- Pizza with...(cheese, vegetables, meat)
How to use "con" / "sin" - "with/ without"
"Yo Como..." - "I eat..salad, pizza, lettuce, carrots, Brocoli"
"El/Ella/Elle/Usted Come- He/She/They eat...
Students will learn numbers 1-20
Yo quiero...I want...
Yo veo- I see...
Hay...There is/are
-Students will begin to gain an understanding that the ending of Spanish verbs change with the subject.
-Students will gain an understanding of how to make plural nouns
- Students will learn when to use "Es.... vs. Son..."
-Students will be able to identify the singular personal pronouns Yo/Tú/Usted/Él/Ella/Elle (I, you, formal you, he, she, it, they (singular /gender-neutral)
-Students will be able to identify the plural personal pronouns- "Nosotros/as"~ "We"
-Students will be able to identify the plural personal pronoun- Ellos/Ellas/Elles ~ They
-Students will gain an understanding that the ending of adjectives change based on the object or gender of the individual being described.
-Students will gain an understanding that adjectives follow nouns (ex. Libro rojo)
Other Details
Parental Guidance
In this class I include the personal pronoun elle/elles when we have lessons on the personal pronouns or discussions on the adjective endings (in the Spanish language adjectives used to describe people will take a different ending to agree with the gender of the person). Elle/Elles are pronouns that can be used to describe people who identify as non-binary or to talk about groups of people where not everyone has the same gender. Our organizations goal is to make sure that all students in our classes have access to pronouns that affirms how they choose to identify or talk about individuals they know.
Supply List
In this course, students will need minimal supplies. Any worksheets will be posted in the classroom portal before class starts. Please let the teacher know if you do not have access to a printer so they can make accommodations. Information for this class will be presented via google slide presentations and nearpod presentations (a link will be sent to participants via the classroom dashboard before class starts). Depending on how quickly the students go through the material there may be time to complete additional exercises to practice new vocabulary. Please have your student bring a piece of paper and something to draw with to each class. If time allows these materials will be used to continue practicing the new words. Student's should come prepared to speak Spanish, interact with their classmates, and have fun! If there are any additional supplies they will be listed in the classroom section before the class begins.
1 file available upon enrollment
External Resources
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
- Nearpod
In this course, teachers may integrate interactive features in their presentations using nearpod (https://nearpod.com/). This will allow students to draw on the presentation slides and demonstrate their knowledge in a nonverbal manner in addition to speaking activities and exercises.
Before class, a link will be posted in the classroom portal that will allow students to access this interactive slideshow. On select slides, students will be able to draw and complete activities. They can submit their work to me so the teacher can gauge their progress and understanding of the class objectives.
Offered by
Teacher expertise and credentials
1 teacher has a Graduate degree
Master's Degree in Education from University of Buckingham
1 teacher has a Bachelor's degree
Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Language from Nazareth College of Rochester NY
1) Language or Education Background (Bachelors Degree and/or Teaching Certificate)
2) Native or Fluent Speaker
3) 5+ Years of Experience Working With Youth
4) Have Travelled or Lived in a Country or Territory Where Language is Spoken.
5) Believe in Creating an Inclusive and Welcoming Environment For All Students to Learn
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