
西班牙語對白!互動有趣的初學者,適合 9--13 歲,每週 3 次

Paola Ramirez
在這個正在進行的課程中,學生每週 3 次,每次 40 分鐘,在第一堂課中自然而自信地發言。本課程遵循完整的課程,提供最常用的單字、詞彙、結構和常見表達方式。 - #學術的


美國等級 5 - 8
Beginner 等級
Improve vocabulary, overall fluency, confidence understanding spoken Spanish that is used on an everyday basis.

According to the global scale, there are three levels:
A (beginner-basic)
B (intermediate-independent) 
C (advanced-proficient). 

The curriculum that we will cover in this course corresponds to Level A2.1 of the global scale.

Global Scale
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognize implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment, and matters in areas of immediate need.
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows, and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
Attorney at law 
Master's degree in education with a cognitive specialization
Optional homework. Post videos to practice oral skills.
0 - 1 每週課外時間
Oral assignments - Feedback provided Vocabulary assignment (Game Quizz) At the end of each class, there's a game suitable for their age using one of the platforms authorized by Outschool. Students simply click on a provided link in the chat to join, without the need to create an account, ensuring a safe experience. Additionally, after each class, I post instructions for assignments to be completed at home. These assignments include two activities: a game quiz consisting of 10 to 12 questions to practice the vocabulary from the class and posting an audio or video in the classroom or privately to practice their oral skills. While these assignments are optional, they are highly recommended to accelerate the Spanish learning process and build confidence in speaking the new language. I provide feedback on these assignments.
Notebook and pencil.
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
8 weeks total
24 classes total

Weekly topics to include:

Week 1. 
Unidad 1: ¡Yo soy yo!
a. ¡Hola! (Hi!)
b. ¡En la parada de autobús! (At the bus stop)
c. ¡Conozco bien a tu familia! (I know your family well!)
d. ¿En qué trabaja usted? (What do you do for a living?)
e. El tiempo libre (Free time)
f. ¡Yo no! (Not me!)
g. ¿Y tú, cómo estás hoy? (And how is it going today?)

Goals: Introduce yourself, to express the month of your birthday. Greet and say goodbye formally and informally. To talk about your family. Ask about occupations and workplaces. Discuss daily activities. Talking about how you feel.

Week 2. 
Unidad 2: ¡La escuela es fantástica! 
a. En mi mochila (In my backpack)
b. ¿Por favor? (Please?)
c. En la cafetería (At the cafeteria)
d. ¿Dónde está el número…? (Where is the number?)
e. ¡La clase de matemáticas! (Math class)
f. Mi horario (My schedule)
g. El día escolar (The school day)

Goals: Describe what you have in your backpack and recognize school vocabulary. Ask permission politely in a classroom setting to do different activities. Ask someone to share food with you. Explain which foods you like and don´t like. Agreement and disagreement with numbers from 1 to 100. Calculate simple math problems. Identify school subjects. Express and understand time. Talk about the class schedule.

Week 3. 
Unidad 3: ¡Estamos muy ocupados!
a. ¿Qué haces? (What do you do?)
b. Una encuesta (Survey)
c. Mi amigo, Juan Marcos (Juan Marcos, my friend)
d. ¡Mi hermana no hace nada! (My sister doesn't do anything!)
e. En la casa de Marcos (At Mark´s house)
f. Después de las classes (After school)
g. ¡El Sr. Barbas está muy ocupado! (Mr. Barbas is very busy!)
h. ¿Qué hacen los niños? (What are the children doing?)

Goals: Recognize useful phases. Know the subject pronouns. Understand verb conjugation. Express what do you do at different places. Ask questions using -AR verbs. Express what do you do at different times.

Week 4. 
Unidad 4: Los amigos
a. ¡Qué bonito es tu cuarto! (Your room is so pretty!)
b. Una familia grande (A big family)
c. ¿Puedes venir a mi casa? (Can you come to my house?)
d. Por teléfono (By phone)
e. ¿Dónde podemos jugar? (Where can we play?)
f. Los proyectos para el fin de semana (Weekend projects)

Goals: Describe your family and your pets. Give excuses. Call someone and ask them to do something with you. Describe your house. Describe what people are doing for the weekend. 

Week 5. 
Unidad 5: La gente
a. ¿Cómo es tu hermano? (What´s your brother like?)
b. Un nuevo vecino y una nueva vecina (A new neighbor)
c. Una carrera fabulosa (A fabulous career)
d. La sala de profesores (The teacher´s lounge)
e. El crimen (The crime)

Goals: Talk about what you want to be when you grow up and state your qualities. Describe people. Talking about nationalities. Common expressions.

Week 6. 
Unidad 6: Al centro
a. Los lugares (Places)
b. ¿Dónde está la biblioteca? (Where is the library?)
c. Los mandados (Errands)
d. ¡Hola Susana! (Hi, Susana!)
e. En la tienda de ropa (At the clothing store)
f. En la frutería (At the fruit store)

Goals: Discuss your favorite places. Discuss where you are going and why. Use clothing vocabulary and expressions. Order fruits and vegetables in a market situation. Recognize fruit and vegetable vocabulary. Discuss your preferences.

Week 7. 
Unidad 7: ¡Las cosas que hacer!
a. La rutina (Routine)
b. ¡Muchos quehaceres! (So much housework!)
c. ¡Salimos esta noche! (Let´s go out tonight!)
d. En el restaurante (At the restaurant)
e. En el parque (At the park)
f. En el zoológico (At the zoo)
g. ¡Practicamos deportes! (We practice sports!)
h. Mi agenda (My agenda)

Goal: Talk about daily routine. Recognize housework vocabulary. Talk about evening activities. Order in a restaurant. Describe a scene at the park. Recognize zoo animal vocabulary. Talk about sports. Talk about your daily plans, indicating days and times.

Week 8. 
Unidad 8: ¡Vivan las vacaciones!
a. ¡Usted ganó! (You won!)
b. ¿Todavía están de vacaciones? (Are they still on vacation?)
c. Una ciudad magnífica (A magnificent city)
d. Las vacaciones de verano (Summer vacation)
e. ¡Hay que hacer la maleta! (You have to pack your suitcase!)
f. En la estación de trenes (At the train station)

Goal: Recognize countries. Talk about where you would like to go and why. Talk about things in the present. Talk about things in the past. Talk about cities in Spain. Recognize beach vocabulary.
I was born and raised in Mexico, where I pursued my career as a lawyer, accumulating invaluable expertise over 17 years in that field. However, a transition to the United States shifted my career aspirations to education, a field in which I could... 


每週( US$17每班
3每週 x
40 分鐘

由 126 學習者完成
Ages: 9-13
3-10 每班學員人數

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