per week包含什麼
2 現場會議
每週上課 1 小時 20 分鐘 小時作業
每週 1 小時. Homework will be posted in the classroom. Teacher shares links with assignments with interactive activities that students complete on any device and internet connection. On the other hand, printable activities can be shared in the form of PDF and printed.評估
Oral assignments - Feedback provided Vocabulary assignment (Game Quizz) At the end of each class, there's a game suitable for their age using one of the platforms authorized by Outschool. Students simply click on a provided link in the chat to join, without the need to create an account, ensuring a safe experience. Additionally, after each class, I post instructions for assignments to be completed at home. These assignments include two activities: a game quiz consisting of 10 to 12 questions to practice the vocabulary from the class and posting an audio or video in the classroom or privately to practice their oral skills. While these assignments are optional, they are highly recommended to accelerate the Spanish learning process and build confidence in speaking the new language. I provide feedback on these assignments.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - 未知
Intermediate 等級
Use code: PaolaR20 Class structure: a). Presentation: Introduce new words and phrases. b). Reading: Read our book together by taking parts. c). Playing: Play games to practice our target words and phrases. Topics to include / Los temas a tratar: WEEK 1 / SEMANA 1. 1.1 .Yo prefero – I prefer 1.2. Pizzas raras - Rare pizzas 1.3. Recuerdos de la Infancia - Childhood Memories 1.4. Relajación - Relax 1.5. Primer día – My first day 1.6. La historia del burro - The donkey's story 1.7. Amor- love 1.8. Película vs. Libro - Movie vs. Book WEEK 2 / SEMANA 2. 2.1 Redes del futuro - Future networks 2.2 Ganarse la lotería - Winning the lottery 2.3 ¿Padre, hijo o caballo? - Father, son or horse? 2.4 Limpiar - Clean 2.5. Elegir quién ser - Choosing Who to Be 2.6. Propósitos de Año Nuevo - New year's resolutions 2.7. Pingüino - Penguin 2.8. Monstruo - Monster WEEK 3 / SEMANA 3. 3.1 La orden más usada - The most used command 3.2 Mi permiso favorito - My favorite permit 3.3 Dar consejos - Giving advice 3.4 Lo que me gusta de mí - What I like about me 3.5. Invitación favorita - Favorite invite 3.6. Instrucción desagradable - Unpleasant instruction 3.7. Platillo - Dish 3.8. La cultura española - Spanish Culture WEEK 4 / SEMANA 4. 4.1 Traje - Costume Suit 4.2 Despertar curiosidad - Arousing curiosity 4.3 Reaccionar - Reacting 4.4 Emociones - Emotions 4.5. Sorpresa - Surprise 4.6. Incredulidad - Disbelief 4.7. Maestros famosos - Famous teachers 4.8. Juegos - Gaming WEEK 5 / SEMANA 5. 5.1 Expresiones con "POR" - "POR" Expressions 5.2 Expresiones con "PARA" - "PARA" Expressions 5.3 Egoísta y Avaro - Greedy and Selfish 5.4 Toma de decisiones - Decision making 5.5. Bochornos Fílmicos - Filmic Embarrassments 5.6. Datos de interés - Did You Know Facts 5.7. Ser contratado - To be hired 5.8. La estrella - The star WEEK 6 / SEMANA 6. 6.1 Este mes - This month 6.2 Nunca - Never 6.3 Billetera - Wallet 6.4 Dinero - Money 6.5. Llegar tarde - Be late 6.6. Haber descubierto - Having discovered 6.7. Haciendo una obra - Putting on a play 6.8. Tipos de películas - Type of movies WEEK 7 / SEMANA 7. 7.1 La letra "H" - La letra “H” 7.2 Hidrógeno - Hydrogen 7.3 Animales poco comunes - Unusual animals 7.4 Habilidad especial - Special ability 7.5. Censurar - Censoring 7.6. Mundo de fantasía - Fantasy world 7.7. Animal en peligro - Animal in danger 7.8. Compartir - Share WEEK 8 / SEMANA 8. 8.1 Recomendaciones - Recommendations 8.2 Resolver una pelea - Solve a fight 8.3 El gran monje - The great monk 8.4 Ganarse la lotería - Winning the lottery 8.5. Dinero tirado - Money on the ground 8.6. Buen y mal consejo - Good and bad advice 8.7. Deberías - You should... 8.8. Casa del futuro - Future home WEEK 9 / SEMANA 9. 9.1 Dilema del préstamo - Borrowing Dilemma 9.2 Pedir Favores - Ask for favors 9.3 Pretextos - Excuses 9.4 Saludo - Greeting 9.5. Probabilidad - Probability 9.6. Fin de semana - Weekend 9.7. Timidez - Shyness 9.8. ¿Te importaría ...? - Would you mind...? WEEK 10 / SEMANA 10. 10.1 Comida - Food 10.2 Receta - Recipe 10.3 Traicionado - Betrayed 10.4 Inventos - Inventions 10.5. Salud - Health 10.6. Trasplantes de órganos - Organ transplants 10.7. Donado - Donated 10.8. Vacunación - Vaccination WEEK 11 / SEMANA 11. 11.1 Estar hospitalizado - Being hospitalized 11.2 Doctores especializados - Specialized doctors 11.3 Error - Mistake 11.4 Natalidad - Natality 11.5. Años de vida - Years of life 11.6. Haciendo trampa - Cheating 11.7. Comida extraña - Weird food 11.8. Carreras del futuro - Future careers WEEK 12 / SEMANA 12. 12.1 Prepararse para los exámenes - Preparing for exams 12.2 Impresionar a un amigo - Impress a friend 12.3 Mundo lleno de burros - World full of donkeys 12.4 Dichos - Sayings 12.5. Rituales - Rituals 12.6. Objetos Místicos - Mystical Objects 12.7. Regalo - Gift 12.8. Comer tacos - Eat tacos WEEK 13 / SEMANA 13. 13.1 Trabajar en equipo - Teamwork 13.2 Tener un dragón - To have a dragon 13.3 Cita con el dentista - Dentist appointment 13.4 Expresiones - Expressions 13.5. Cosas que te agradan - Things you like 13.6. Misión épica - Epic mission 13.7. Consejo - Advice 13.8. Personaje histórico - Historical figure WEEK 14 / SEMANA 14. 14.1 Vocales fuertes y débiles - Strong and weak vowels 14.2 Diptongo -Diphthong 14.3 Sueño - Dream 14.4 Tener miedo - Be afraid 14.5. Triptongo - Triphthong 14.6. Trabalenguas - Tongue twister 14.7. Habilidad - Ability 14.8. Comida Rara- Rare Food WEEK 15/ SEMANA 15. 15.1. Preferencias cobre chocolate - Chocolate preferences 15.2. Catástrofes naturales - Natural disasters 15.3. Audición - Audition 15.4. Poeta - Poet 15.5. Ladridos - Barks 15.6. Cruzar la calle - Cross the street 15.7. Prehistoria - Prehistory. 15.8. Geología - Geology WEEK 16/ SEMANA 16. 16.1. Vergonzoso - Embarrassing 16.2. Prohibiciones - Prohibitions 16.3. Amistad - Friendship 16.4. Superticioso - Superstitious 16.5. Fiesta de disfraces - Costume party 16.6. Más raro - Weirder 16.7. Aprender - Learn 16.8. Innovaciones- Innovations WEEK 17/ SEMANA 17. 17.1. Buen amigo - Good friend 17.2. Ejemplar - Issue 17.3. Futbolista - Soccer player 17.4. Picoso - Spicy 17.5. Útil - Useful 17.6. Orgulloso - Proud 17.7. Promover Valores - Promote Values 17.8. Tema - Topic WEEK 18/ SEMANA 18. 18.1. Consejos para jóvenes emprendedores - Advice for young entrepreneurs 18.2. Sumergirte - Immerse yourself 18.3. Envidia - Envy 18.4. Nervioso - Nervous 18.5. Ponerse rojo - Turning red 18.6. Embarazada- Pregnant 18.7. Calvo - Bald 18.8. Abogado - Lawyer WEEK 19/SEMANA 19. 19.1. Mundo de la música - Music world 19.2. Instrumentos musicales - Musical instruments 19.3. Aguafiestas- Party pooper 19.4. Estar a solas - To be alone 19.5. Música Hispana - Hispanic Music 19.6. Salsa - Sauce 19.7. Características del Gato - Cat characteristics 19.8. Música Preferida - Favorite music WEEK 20/SEMANA 20. 20.1. Érase una vez - Once upon a time 20.2. La mitología griega - Greek mythology 20.3. Poesía - Poetry 20.4. Elegir- Choose 20.5 Contaminación - Pollution 20.6. Marca de Coches- Car Brand 20.7. Me parece una locura que - It seems crazy to me that 20.8. Datos Curiosos - Fun facts WEEK 21/SEMANA 21. 21.1. Obvio - Obvious 21.2. ¡Qué buena vida! - Such a great life! 21.3. Compras en línea - Online shopping 21.4. Anuncio - Advertisement 21.5. Votar- Vote 21.6. Combustible- Fuel 21.7. Magia- Magic 21.8. Refresco - Soda WEEK 22/SEMANA 22. 22.1. Tatar mal - Treat poorly 22.2. Mi Propio Coche - My own car 22.3. Desarrollo Personal - Personal Development 22.4. Trabalenguas - Tongue twister 22.5. Copiar - Copy 22.6. Dichos - Sayings 22.7. Saludar - Greet 22.8. Bebidas - Drinks WEEK 23/SEMANA 23. 23.1. Regatear - Bargain 23.2. Situación embarazosa - Embarrassing situation 23.3. Inteligencia artificial - Artificial intelligence 23.4. Luna - Moon 23.5. Sabio - Wise 23.6. Recetas con fresas- Strawberry Recipes 23.7. Modismos mexicanos - Mexican idioms 23.8. Alebrijes WEEK 24/SEMANA 24. 24.1. Beneficios laborales - Employment benefits 24.2. Saber y Conocer - To know 24.3. Soy el mejor en ... I'm the best at ... 24.4. Tan... como - As ... as 24.5. Realidad Virtual - Virtual reality 24.6. Auriculares - Headsets 24.7. Oscuridad - Darkness 24.8. Opciones Fantasiosas - Fantasy options WEEK 25/SEMANA 25. 25.1. Conectores de secuencia - Sequence connectors 25.2. Oponer argumentos - Opposing arguments 25.3. Añadir argumentos - Adding arguments 25.4. Tacos extravagantes - Extravagant Tacos 25.5. Ejemplificar y explicar - Exemplify and explain 25.6. Fiestas formales - Formal parties 25.7. Respecto - Regarding 25.8. Comida casera - Homemade food WEEK 26/SEMANA 26. 26.1. Incluso - Even 26.2. Contraponer razones - Contrasting reasons 26.3. Consecuencia -Consequence 26.4. Conclusiones - Conclusions 26.5. Récord Extravagante - Extravagant Record 26.6. Sustantivo, adjetivo y gerundio - Noun, adjective and gerund 26.7. Pedido - Order 26.8. Probar - Try WEEK 27/SEMANA 27. 27.1. Miedo escénico - Stage fright 27.2. Tiempo de pantalla - Screen time 27.3. Contraseña - Password 27.4. Acuerdo o Desacuerdo - Agreement or disagreement 27.5. Siglas- Initials 27.6. Acrónimos - Acronyms 27.7. Abreviaciones - Abbreviations 27.8. Repartiendo chocolates - Sharing Chocolates WEEK 28/SEMANA 28. 28.1. Érase una vez... - Once upon a time... 28.2. El Tiempo y el Corazón - Time and the Heart 28.3. Escribiendo libros - Writing books 28.4. Vivir sin - To live without 28.5. Cultura Hispana- Hispanic Culture 28.6. Platillos - Dishes 28.7. Música tradicional - Traditional music 28.8. Atracciones turísticas - Tourist attractions WEEK 29/SEMANA 29. 29.1. Acordarse de nuestros sueños - Remembering our dreams 29.2. ¿Sueño o Realidad? - Dream or Reality? 29.3. Innovando la biblioteca - Innovating the library 29.4. Habilidad - Ability 29.5. Personaje - Character 29.6. Reconocimiento - Recognition 29.7. Mostrar afecto - Show affection 29.8. Dona- Donut WEEK 30/SEMANA 30. 30.1. Nubes - Clouds 30.2. Eslogan - Slogan 30.3. Árboles - Trees 30.4. Enjuagas la boca - Rinse your mouth 30.5. Aderezo - Dressing 30.6. Tipo de nado- Swimming style 30.7. Cama- Bed 30.8. Proyecto -Project WEEK 31/SEMANA 31. 31.1. Contaminación visual - Visual pollution 31.2. No soporto - I can't stand 31.3. Colección- Collection 31.4. Chisme- Rumor/Gossip 31.5. Creo - I believe 31.6. Árbitro - Referee 31.7. Dinero y felicidad - Money and happiness 31.8. ¿Viste ...? - Did you watch..? WEEK 32/SEMANA 32. 32.1. ¿Qué le pasa? What's wrong with him? 32.2. Invisible - Invisible 32.3. Me apeno - I feel embarrassed 32.4. Frenos - Braces 32.5. Accidente de tráfico - Traffic accident 32.6. Oración - Sentence 32.7. Hamburguesa - Burger 32.8. Sabemos/Pensamos - We know/We think WEEK 33./SEMANA 33. 33.1. Cartas formales - Formal Letters 33.2. Saludo Formal - Formal Greeting 33.3. Despedida formal - Formal Goodbye 33.4. Degustación a ciegas - Blind tasting 33.5. Celular- Cell phone 33.6. Problemas - Issues 33.7. Gente Molesta - People Annoying 33.8. Perder - Lose WEEK 34./SEMANA 34. 34.1. Correo electrónico - email 34.2. Signos - Symbols 34.3. Frutas - Fruits 34.4. Tiendo mi cama - I make my bed 34.5. Creo que - I believe 34.6. Supongo que - I suppose 34.7. Yo diría - I would say 34.8. Para mí - For me WEEK 35. SEMANA 35. 35.1. A lo mejor - Maybe 35.2. Dolor de estómago - Stomach ache 35.3. Nombres de grupos de animales - Names of groups of animals 35.4. Indicativo y Subjuntivo - Indicative and Subjunctive 35.6. Voy a ... - I am going to... 35.6. Debo... - I must... 35.7. Tienes que ... - You have to ... 35.8. Desagradable - Disgusting WEEK 36. SEMANA 36. 36. 1. Concurso - Contest 36. 2. Consejo - Advice 36.3. ¿Verdad o Mentira? - Truth or Lie? 36.4. Arroz o espagueti - Rice or Spaghetti 36.5. Propósitos - Resolutions 36.6. Volver a - Go back to 36.7. ¿Puedes hacerlo? - Can you do it? 36.8. Sushi WEEK 37. SEMANA 37. 37.1. Acabas de hacer - You just do 37.2. Parpadear o Reír - Blinking or Laughing 37.3. Aventura - Adventure 37.4. Sigo - I am still 37.5. Cambios - Changes 37.6. Me pondría- I would be 37.7. Animal del océano - Ocean animal 37.8. Picapiedra - Flintstone WEEK 38. SEMANA 38. 38.1. La diéresis - The umlaut 38.2. Aguar - to turn into water, to ruin 38.3. Amortiguar - To cushion 38.4. Alimentos tradicionales - Traditional foods 35.5. Las palabras homófonas - Homophone words 35.6. Dónde / A dónde /Adónde - Where 35.7. Por qué/Por que - Why/For 35.8 Cómo/Como - How/I eat WEEK 39. SEMANA 39. 39.1. Sino vs. Si no - But vs. If not 39.2. Asimismo vs. Así mismo - Likewise vs. In the same way 39.3. Accidentes en piragua - Canoeing accidents 39.4. Reto del giro de la botella - The bottle flip challenge 39.5. Tipos de cómics - Type of comics 39.6. Protagonista - Star 39.7. Energía renovable - Renewable energy 39.8. Sriracha o Wasabi WEEK 40. SEMANA 40. 40.1. Dormir - Sleep 40.2. Sueño - Dream 40.3. Despertador - Alarm clock 40.4. Ronquido - Snoring 40.5. Libertad - Freedom 40.6. Perder - Losing 40.7. Colibrí o Periquito - Hummingbird Budgerigar 40.8. Creaciones - Creations Spanish Immersion class. The class is taught in Spanish. It presents conversation topics to encourage students to express their points of view in Spanish and improve their oral skills in a relaxed and fun environment. The main slides are in Spanish and English for better understanding. However, students are expected to participate in Spanish. In this ongoing course, students meet 40 minutes twice a week. Clase impartida totalmente en español. Se presentan temas de fácil comprensión buscando que los alumnos expresen sus puntos de vista en español. La meta es mejorar sus habilidades orales en un ambiente relajado. La presentación contiene la información en español e inglés para asegurar la comprensión. La participación de los alumnos será en español. Class structure: a) Presentation of the conversation topic - Presentación del tema de conversación. b) Presentation of an example of a conversation. - Presentación de un ejemplo de una conversación. c) Student participation - Participación de los estudiantes. e) Interactive practice through games - Práctica interactiva mediante juegos. Required experience or knowledge learners need: a) Reading skills. b) Test Zoom: turn off / turn on the microphone and video
Improve students' Spanish oral skills in a relaxed and fun environment.
According to the global scale, there are three levels:
A (beginner-basic)
B (intermediate-independent)
C (advanced-proficient).
The Spanish Immersion Conversation Class curriculum corresponds to the level Intro to Spanish B1.2 on the global scale
Global Scale
Can understand with ease virtually everything heard or read. Can summarize information from different spoken and written sources, reconstructing arguments and accounts in a coherent presentation. Can express him/herself spontaneously, very fluently, and precisely, differentiating finer shades of meaning even in more complex situations.
Can understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts and recognize implicit meaning. Can express him/herself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic, and professional purposes. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors, and cohesive devices.
Can understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization. Can interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party. Can produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise whilst traveling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Can describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes & ambitions and briefly give reasons and explanations for opinions and plans.
Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance. For example, very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, and employment. Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment, and matters in areas of immediate need.
Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type. Can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows, and things he/she has. Can interact in a simple way, provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
碩士 在 教育 從 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
Attorney at law
Master's degree in education with a cognitive minor
Paola Ramirez 建議接下來的課程...
Paola Ramirez
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Paola Ramirez的其他課程
西班牙語手工製作和西班牙語對話時間(西班牙語授課) 西班牙語沉浸
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
US$12 每班
下次會議在 3 PM Tue 9/9
1/週, 25 分鐘
Teacher Jorge
US$11 每班
下一堂課今天 4:30 PM
2/週, 25 分鐘
中低級西班牙語沉浸課程-西班牙語 3
Eleana Yanez
US$17 每班
下次會議在 10 PM Tue 4/1
4 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
西班牙語 1 對 1 輔導 西班牙語 45 分鐘
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
US$75 每堂課
Andrea Pranzatelli
US$45 每堂課
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
US$48 每堂課
下次會議在 3 PM Monday
西班牙語初學者沉浸課程 - 西班牙語 2
Eleana Yanez
US$17 每班
下次會議在 11 PM Tuesday
4 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
US$24 每堂課
下次會議在 2 PM Monday
Paola Vazquez M.Ed
US$10 每班
下一堂課明天 6 PM
2/週, 25 分鐘
西班牙語初學者沉浸課程 - 西班牙語 1
Eleana Yanez
US$17 每班
下次會議在 10 PM Tuesday
4 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
Teacher Lili Spanish & ESL Teacher B.A. Childhood
US$40 每堂課
西班牙語一對一輔導 西班牙語
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
US$50 每堂課
一週說西班牙語 西班牙語訓練營 - 現場有趣且引人入勝的西班牙語課程
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
US$8 每班
下次會議在 5 PM Monday
1 週, 7/週, 30 分鐘
Señor Eliu
US$19 每堂課
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
US$12 每班
下次會議在 11 PM Tuesday
1/週, 30 分鐘
由西班牙語專業教師授課的持續西班牙語全套課程(每週 2 次)
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
US$10 每班
下一堂課今天 5:30 PM
2/週, 30 分鐘