

來透過心算練習來鍛鍊你的大腦。在這裡,我們將學習視覺化和操作數字以執行計算。 「技巧」將在這個俱樂部中被發現、解釋和實踐。


2 現場會議
1 每週上課時間
There will be ample opportunity for practice in class, but an assignment will be added to each lesson for additional optional practice.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 5 - 7
In this club, we will exercise our brains with mental math computations. Students who possess the skills to visualize and manipulate numbers will not only be more proficient at solving math problems, but they will have a greater ability to comprehend other math concepts.

Each time we meet, the student will be presented with a type of problem that will be our focus for the day. We will draw pictures of the problem and discover the "trick" to solving it together. The student will gradually be encouraged to exchange physical drawings for mental visualizations in order to solve. We will work to increase proficiency of the new skill as well as review past learned skills.

Examples of topics are listed below.

Topic 1: Adding strings of whole numbers
     Subtopic A: Rearranging for 10's
     Subtopic B: Tricks for ordered sequences of numbers
     Subtopic C: Adding larger sums without paper

Topic 2: Multiplying whole numbers 
     Subtopic A: Rearranging factors to multiply strings of numbers
     Subtopic B: Multiplying 2-digit numbers by 2
     Subtopic C: Multiplying 2-digit numbers by 5
     Subtopic D: Multiplying factors with a difference of 
     Subtopic E: Multiplying 2-digit numbers by 11

Topic 3: Fractions and Percents
     Subtopic A: Identifying common equivalent fractions and percents
     Subtopic B: Finding fractions/percents of whole numbers
     Subtopic C: Comparing/ordering fractions
     Subtopic D: Comparing/ordering fractions with percents

Topic 4: Visualizing fractions (solving without algorithms)
     Subtopic A: Finding fractions of fractions (multiplication)
     Subtopic B: Dividing fractions and whole numbers
     Subtopic C: Dividing fractions and fractions

Topic 5: Conversions
     Subtopic A: Converting length units (ft. to yd., in. to ft., etc.)
     Subtopic B: Converting square units (sq. ft. to sq. yd., etc.)
     Subtopic C: Converting cubic units (cu. ft. to cu. yd., etc.)
     Subtopic D: Converting kitchen units
The student will become more proficient in math computations.
The student will visualize basic math operations in order to perform mental computations.


Understanding of basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division Memorization of multiplication facts through 12's
Paper and pencil
已加入 August, 2024
德州 教學證書 在 小學教育
德州 教學證書 在 數學
My name is Mrs. B, and I primarily teach math and science. During my time teaching in public school, I taught elementary classes (all subjects), junior high math and science, and high school math. Outside of school, I have served in multiple leadership and teaching roles with young learners in various group settings, including book club, quilting club, 4-H club, food challenge (cooking), chorus, and other special interest classes. Being a mom of four children has greatly increased my compassion and understanding.

I believe every student is valuable and has an important purpose in life. As a teacher, it is my goal to help my students not only learn the necessary material, but to help them learn to think and to problem solve. I believe the most effective mode of learning is by making connections with the problem at hand, and allowing the student to discover WHY we solve problems the way that we do.

I am passionate about learning, and I see math and science everywhere!  I enjoy playing the piano. Music is so mathematical, from simpler ideas like tempo and rhythm, to the ratios and exponential relationships of soundwaves in pitches. I enjoy sewing, which requires addition and subtraction of fractions, and allows growth in visual-spatial reasoning. I enjoy baking. When baking, we use multiplication and division with fractions, but I also have learned much about the chemistry (and biology!) of ingredients. My family enjoys farming and foraging. It is amazing how much biology there is to learn with these practices! My most recent project has been cheesemaking. Through this, I have been able to learn so much about bacteria cultures. My family also enjoys exploring the outdoors. Clearly, we learn much science from observing nature. I hope to help my students also learn to connect math and science to the world around them.




每週( US$9每班
每週上課 x 2 次
30 分鐘

年齡: 10-13
3-7 每班學員人數

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