



1 現場會議
30 分鐘 每週上課時間
1-2 整堂課
Finish the worksheet or activities.


英語程度 - A0
美國等級 Pre-Kindergarten - 2
Beginner 等級
In this class, we will read picture books related to emotions, self-awareness, and self-management skills.
Research on children's emotional education highlights the significant benefits of picture books in emotional development, offering a convenient and effective medium for emotional relief. These books often relate to real-life events and issues children encounter, helping them re-experience and process familiar situations. High-quality picture books with well-structured plots evoke emotional responses, allowing children to project and reflect their emotions, ultimately releasing negative feelings. Characters in these books typically possess high self-esteem and overcome personal problems, providing positive role models for children to imitate.

In this class, specific steps are taken to encourage children to express their feelings.
#Retelling: Have children verbally or through drawing retell a certain part of the story, the protagonist's emotional distress, their feelings, values, or behaviors.
#Identification: Ask children to point out similarities between the story and their own life experiences.
#Exploration: Let children explore events in their own lives and their outcomes.
#Inference: Allow children to infer related events in their lives.
#Evaluation: Ask children to evaluate whether there are other choices and solutions if similar events happen again.
Through the process of children narrating or drawing the story, we can observe the children's emotional projection; Children can also release negative emotions in this way. Through interactive discussions with teachers, children can learn problem-solving methods from the book's characters and think about how to cope with their own difficulties. 

Particular lessons include worksheets/activities that I have created uniquely for this course. I send these materials out in an announcement message via the online classroom each week if needed. I encourage families to print these resources if they have the means to do so. Having the materials printed and ready to go by the start of each class can greatly enhance your child's engagement and participation. If families are unable to print the materials, learners are always able to see and follow along with the activity/worksheet on my screen. Students are welcome to engage in activities on a blank sheet of paper if this works better for your family.

Class Layout:
Welcome (Introductions & Sharing)
Lesson on the Week’s Assigned Topic
Conversation/Activity Related to the Week’s Assigned Topic

There are 7 themes we would focus on. Each week, we will read a picture book related to one of themes.
Week of 7/1     菲菲生氣了─非常、非常的生氣  /Theme: Angry
Week of 7/22   短耳兔. 1, 我是短耳兔/Theme: Self-identity
Week of 8/12   短耳兔. 2, 小象莎莎在哪裡?/Theme: peer relationships
Week of 8/19   短耳兔. 3, 冬冬的考卷不見了/Theme: Honesty
Week of 8/26   短耳兔. 4, 麵包宅急便/Theme: Respect
Week of 9/2     貝蒂好想好想吃香蕉 /Theme: Angry
Week of 9/9     貝蒂不想不想去睡覺/Theme: Parent-child relationship
Week of 9/16   我要大蜥蜴/Theme: Parent-child relationship
Week of 9/23   小兔子的超能力/Theme: Self-identity
Week of 9/30   朱瑞福的游泳課/ Theme: Positive thinking
Week of 10/7    愛哭公主/ Theme: Positive thinking
Week of 10/14   生氣王子/ Theme: Angry
Week of 10/21   我是青花菜,我也想被愛/Theme: Self-identity
Week of 10/28   媽媽無所不在的嘮叨/Theme: Parent-child relationship
Week of 11/4      想要被擁抱的仙人掌/Theme: Friendship
Week of 11/11     這有什麼好怕的?/Theme: Scare
Week of 11/18    賽米希的煩惱/Theme: Worry
Week of 11/25    三個橘色的點/Theme: Self-identity
Week of 12/2     我變成一隻噴火龍了!/Theme: Angry
Week of 12/9     我們一起/Theme: Social-awareness
Week of 12/16    多練習幾次, 我也做得到!/ Theme: Positive thinking
Week of 12/23    勇敢小火車:卡爾的特別任務/Theme: Brave
Week of 12/30    這是誰的錯?/Theme: peer relationships

Get $5 off my classes with coupon code LIAO7Q2MH5 until Aug 30, 2024.
Know how to speak their feeling in Mandarin
Social Skills Development


Please have paper and writing/drawing tools accessible (pencils, markers, crayons). Specific required materials will be posted in the classroom before class
國語 中文 (等級: A0)
已加入 June, 2024
I am an afterschool Mandarin teacher and I have taught Mandarin for 6 years.




每週上課 x 1 次
30 分鐘

年齡: 5-9
2-6 每班學員人數

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