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權利法案夏令營 - 了解你的權利並創作漫畫書

Jared Mosley M.Ed
在這個為期 5 天的夏令營中,學生將了解《權利法案》,透過分享有關個人權利的想法來運用社交技能,並將了解為什麼這些權利在 200 多年後仍然與我們相關。


美國等級 5 - 8
Students will learn the first ten amendments to the constitution, and apply their knowledge by relating how each amendment is still relevant today. Students will also apply their knowledge by creating a comic book illustrating each one of the amendments.
Hello Outschool. I have been teaching social studies for 10 years to 7th and 8th graders in the state of Texas. I am certified to teach social studies for grades 4-8. 
The students will create a comic strip for each amendment to the Bill of Rights. They will add to their comic book each day based on the amendments covered that day of the course.
2 - 4 每週課外時間
The learners will be assessed in a variety of ways. Students will be assessed by use of discussion, written response, review games, and the final product they create as their comic book.
 6 註冊後即可取得文件
The students will be using the following materials: 1. Guided notes handout provided in the classroom section 2. Bill of Rights Comic Book Instructions in the classroom section 3. Bill of Rights Comic Book Project Handouts in the classroom section 4. A Pencil or Colored Pencils to illustrate their comics
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:
All content will be age appropriate. The most sensitive subjects could be the 2nd Amendment, or the Due Process Amendments (4-8). 
Sources that will be used in the class include the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We will also use Brain Pop, Youtube, and Ed Puzzle to support learning.

Hi Outschool. My name is Jared Mosley. I teach social studies and physical education for a brick and mortar campus as well as online. I also coach football, basketball, and track and field. I have been teaching now for 13 years. In addition to... 


用於 5 課程
5x 每週, 1 週
45 分鐘

Completed by 4 learner
年齡: 10-15
3-12 每班學員人數

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