

了解太陽系中的外行星 - 形成、位置、發現、名稱、大小、距離、宜居性、溫度、大氣、重力、自轉、公轉、天氣、成分、密度、獨特特徵、衛星和探索。
J Mehta M.S. B.Ed.- Astronomy-Sc-Human Body-Coding


4 現場會議
3 小時 20 分鐘 上課時間


This 4 week class discusses all about the basic facts about the Outer planets in our solar system.

Students will learn everything  about Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune planets: 
its position in the solar system, its distance from the sun, its size and composition, whether life can exist on this planet or not and why, the temperature, the time for rotation on its axis and revolution around the sun-how long is each day and year on the planet, its satellites and all the explorations that have happened on the planet by NASA and their findings.

Students will learn that the solar system is our home in the galaxy. It started out around four and a half billion years ago. Back then, our solar system was just a cloud of gas and dust, probably left over from the explosion of a star.

First 2 minutes will be an introduction of the teacher and students and a discussion on the topic for the day.
Next 43 minutes will be teacher sharing a Google Slide presentation, reinforcing the concepts learned in the class with examples and watching short video clips on the topic for the class, from a credible educational sources, with graphics and animations. Students will note down some points as we are watching and discussing it. 
They may use graphics/flowcharts/concept maps for these concepts as well.
Last 5 minutes student will share his/her learning with the class and may ask relevant and essential questions. Student may also share a graphic/poster/drawing of the planet discussed in class and can add their own flair of creativity.  
(If there is time: We will be taking a quiz/online activity)

Guiding Questions:
1. Are all the other planets similar to Earth, or are they very different?
2. Do other planets have moons like Earth’s Moon?
3. How do astronomers know what the other planets are made of?
4. Are all the planets made of basically the same material?
5. Do the gas giants have any true surface?
6. What determines whether a planet or satellite can retain a certain gas in its atmosphere?
7. What makes astronomers think about a possibility of life on a planet?
8. How does the distance of a planet from sun affect its temperature, weather etc?
9. How doe the tilt of axis of a planet affect the seasons?
10. How does the rotation of a planet on its axis and revolution around the sun affect the length of solar day?

The Solar System
1.How were all the planets formed? Why are the inner planets made of rocky material and the outer planets are gas giants?
2.How was the gas giant planet like Jupiter formed?
3.Why can't life exist on the four outer planets?
4. How many moons does Jupiter have? What are the four massive moons of Jupiter called?
5.What are the set of rings of Saturn made up of?
6.How many moons does Saturn have? Which is the largest moon of Saturn?
7.What made Uranus so tilted and to lay on its side?
8.Why Uranus and Neptune are called the ice giants?
9.From where does Neptune get its name?
10.What's your favorite thing in the solar system?

 The Sun
1. Why is the sun so hot?
2. How far is the sun from the earth?
3.What are the temperatures on the surface and inside the sun?
4.What gases make up the sun?
5.Where does the sun's energy come from?
6.How is the sun's energy used on the earth?
7.What causes day and night on the earth?
8.What causes seasons on the earth?
9. What would happen if the sun came closer or went farther away from earth?
10.What percent of the mass of the solar system does the sun have?
11. How long has the sun existed and how long will it exist and why?
12. What are sunspots?
This discusses all about different planets in the solar system, how they were named, their symbol, their position, what it is made of, the atmosphere, the day and night temperatures, the time for rotation on its axis and revolution around the sun, whether life can exist there,  its satellites and all the explorations that have taken place to know more about these planets.
Students will understand what a solar system is, how it was formed, the different planets in the solar system, their composition and what makes each planet unique from the other.


Students will be encouraged to take notes on a sheet of paper. They may use graphics/charts as well to note down important points as we discuss and watch video and presentation in class.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
非美國 教學證書 在 科學
I am an enthusiastic, goal driven and an organized teacher with an extensive background in education. I structure my class so that a student enjoys the learning and the interaction in the class. This helps a student to remember what they learned, remain motivated and will continue to build on this learning. 




用於 4 課程
每週1次,共 4 週
50 分鐘

有2 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 8-13
3-8 每班學員人數

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