
중세 역사: 왕, 전설, 그리고 더 많은 것! 하버드 강사와 함께. 홈스쿨링

이 수업에서는 중세 역사와 문화의 모든 측면에 대해 배울 것입니다. 왕, 여왕, 기타 중요한 역사적 인물, 이야기와 문학, 성, 전투에 대해 알게 될 것입니다. 홈스쿨에 완벽합니다.
Sondra Rapoport
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영어 수준 - 알 수 없음
미국 5 - 8 학년
Medieval culture, history, legends, and literature is a fascinating subject. At this time, the western world is still transitioning from the epic decline of the Western Roman empire and is beginning to reform into a new Europe. Join us as we learn about the kings, queans, heroes, culture, literature and legends, and daily life of the Medieval period. 

Medieval history is fun! I am looking forward to seeing you in class.


PLEASE NOTE: This hit class has been running for more than 2 years. Some favorite prior topics are listed below for reference. 

Upcoming topics (updated monthly; please note: class topics may be added pursuant to student requests and interests):

Week of August 19, 2024: Robert the Bruce vs. The Kings of England. Scotland during a moment of awesomeness!

Week of August 26, 2024: Medieval legends. The truth behind your favorite fairytales. Beware!

Week of September 2, 2024: Samurai. The Middle Ages didn't just happen in Europe! Life, rules, and the incredible swords of some of the greatest warriors ever.

Week of September 9, 2024: How to conquer France (using only Medieval technology).

Students will meet once a week for a live lesson.

1.  Jousting and tournaments. What were the events? What were the rules? Let's examine the required skills, armor, horses, and men you need in order to join the tournaments! But don't forget, even kings get injured and killed in tournaments. Fun and dangerous- sounds medieval to me.

2. William the Conqueror. It's 1066 and William really wants Hastings. Why do the Normans feel they have claim to England? How does he win the battle? What kind of king does he become and how has his legacy lasted? 

3. So you want to live in a medieval village? Well, if you insist... We will learn about the life of the everyday peasant in Medieval Europe and some of the extremely unpleasant tasks that made up their everyday lives. Let's look inside the houses, the kitchens, food, and the different types of jobs available to a villager in Medieval Europe.

4. Edward I. Hammer of the Scots. Let's meet this strong and ambitious warrior king and follow him on his quest of Edward on his quest to conquer Scotland. How did he get such an impressive nickname? What was it like to serve in his army? What was his desired legacy and did he conquer Scotland?

5. Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt. This significant battle was won via creative strategy and it firmly established Henry V as a victorious warrior king. We will look at the arms and armor, the battlefield, and discuss Henry V's successful strategy. After having won this battle, the English King, Henry V was now next in line for the French throne as well. What were the lasting outcomes of this battle and how did it effect the future of both France and England?

6. Medieval Weapons and armor. So you want to invade France? Well you are going to need a lot of fun medieval weaponry. Let's examine the castles, armor, warriors, weapons, and tactics available during this time period.

7. King Arthur and the medieval hero tales. Let's learn the legend of King Arthur, His heroic journey and adventures and this story's role in Medieval literature and lore. 

8. Notre Dame and Westminster Abbey and the rise of the cathedral: Let's watch the considerable effort it takes to erect such impressive structures. We will learn about the construction of the cathedral from the stone cutter to the architect. How was it possible to built such beautiful building during a time period of economic and cultural recovery? Finally, we will get an inside look into the current reconstruction of Notre Dame.

9. Joan of Arc: She was one of the more intriguing and controversial figures within the Hundred Years War between England and France. What is her story? How did she go from simple peasant girl to leader of armies? Let's examine the significant events of Joan's life and how she was inspired to take up arms, fight for France, and rally armies to follow her. This is especially impressive feat for a medieval woman, who had more traditional homebound roles. How did she break the mold? Finally, we will look at the end of her story and her legacy as a heroine to this day. 

10. Dragons!

11. Feasting: Let's get ready for Thanksgiving by learning about how one would feast in the Medieval world. What would be served? How would it be cooked? What is the significance of feasting, aside from celebration and eating huge amounts? We will look at the interesting medieval etiquette rules and learn some very strange and spectacular medieval dishes. Let's join the table of Henry the VIII and celebrate the harvest!

12.  Medieval Medicine. We will look at the beliefs, treatments, diseases, and tools.  

13. Medieval art and its role in society. We will examine paintings, sculpture, and stained glass. Will be beautiful and fun!

14. Medieval legends

15. Medieval weaponry

16. Medieval Holidays! How is Christmas celebrated in the medieval period? From kings to peasants- let's learn the medieval story to this holiday.

17. Medieval Japan. The medieval world is not just limited to Europe- let's learn about the armor, culture, and history of medieval Japan.

18. Here comes the cavalry!! We will be looking at horses in the Middle Ages. War horses, strategy, horse armor, jousting horses and legendary horses. Let's become knights and have fun with this topic!

19. Knightology. Northern Teutonic Knights

20. Hundred Years War. England vs France

21. Shakespeare. Was he just a playwright or did he also write to please the politics of Elizabeth I and James I? We will also discuss the story of The Tempest and the theater in which it was performed- the Globe. 

22. The Vikings are coming!

23. Dante and The Infermo

24. Medieval Courtly love, politics, and Valentine's day

25. Tales of Legendary Knights.

26. Medieval espionage.  Spies and Spy catchers!

27. Medieval diseases, history, beliefs, and their treatments. Part 2

28. Long pointy shoes, tights, furs, jewels, make up.... and that's just men's fashion in the Middle Ages! Why did they wear such interesting or ridiculous looking styles? What is the most outlandish style we can find?

29. Witchcraft in the Medieval world. What is the history? Who was accused and why? And why did King James I write a book about this subject?

30. Medieval Pirates! Trade routes, beware! ARRR!

31. The Legend of Robin Hood! Is he real?

32. The Tower of London. Mysterious, terrifying, and filled with history. Let's learn about this iconic building that has played such a large role in history

33. Rocamadour. One of the most strange medieval town I have ever visited. Let me tell you why!

34. Medieval greats revisited

35. Catherine de' Medici 

36. May day! Spring celebrations, maypoles, and traditional beliefs. 

37. Let's finish the Medici story

38. Medieval Fight Night! Knights and the their tales of great conquests!

39. Medieval craft of memory. How do they do it?

40. Ferdinand and Isabella

41. Medieval legends of wizards and their deeds.

42. Monks and Monasteries

43. Eleanor of Aquitaine. If it's awesome. She did it.

44. More tales from King Arthur- Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay, and the mystical island of Avalon

45.  Silly Shakespeare. Sometimes the Bard gets funny

46.  Beowulf- the myth of this great hero. Do you think Beowulf is similar to Ancient Greek mythological heroes?

47.  Norse Mythology and its influence on Medieval folklore

48. Chaucer- so funny!!!

48. Medieval Venice and the Adventures of Marco Polo

49. Charlemagne

50.  Cervantes - Don Quixote

51.  Manuscripts, their art, and how they are made

52. Why is Constantinople called Istanbul? 

Watch out for more new topics to be added! Please send any suggestions you may have. Your suggestion could become the next class. :)   

This is an ONGOING class and more topics will be added every 2 weeks. New topics will be chosen by the students and by the flow of our discussion in this fascinating subject.  I am greatly looking forward to the conversation. Please feel free to send me any requests for topics and I will add them.

학습 목표
Introduction to European History 800-1500s AD
Medieval mythology, literature, and entertainment (Chaucer, Cervantes, Shakespeare, Beowulf)
학습 목표

그 외 세부 사항

수업 자료
Occasionally a very short text will be sent a few days before class for students to review for discussion in class.
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이 수업에서는 아웃스쿨 교실 외에도 다음의 툴을 사용합니다:
    가입일: February, 2021
    634수강 후기
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    교사 전문성 및 자격증
    Hello! I’m Sondra Rapoport, your friendly neighborhood Roman Historian. I taught with Harvard University's Dept. of Classics for 6 years as a Head Teaching Fellow. I taught classes on The Rome of Augustus, Roman Games, and Middle Ages and won awards for distinction in teaching each semester I taught with Harvard. Now, I homeschool my son and I greatly enjoy adapting my knowledge and classes designed for university level to each of his grade levels. 


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