
第二次世界大戦の歴史: 知られざる事実 # 2: 第二次世界大戦に関するさらに知られざる主題と興味深い事実 - 第二次世界大戦 - WW2

Michael DiMinno, M.A.T.
Star Educator
オリジナルの人気に応えて、この社会科の授業を作りました。この 1 回限りの授業で、生徒たちは第二次世界大戦に関するあまり知られていないけれども非常に興味深い事実をいくつか探究します。


米国の学年 4 - 7
I have been teaching military history to elementary students since 2001 and parents have appreciated the approach I use given the age of the students. I try to keep our study away from the more age inappropriate topics, such as The Holocaust, harsh treatment of POW's, etc. It is not that these topics aren't important, it's just that the age range for these lessons (8-14) is a bit on the younger side, so I feel that they are better left to teachers of older grades. When I do get questions about the more disturbing aspects of the war, I might answer along the lines of, "these soldiers went into this country and did not treat the people there well," instead of giving specifics. Having said this, please be aware that these classes are about warfare and military history. One aspect of this is to talk about weapons from the corresponding era, and to discuss advancements in military technology. I don't handle any firearms personally, but we do discuss weapons and technology and I show pictures and videos when appropriate.

If your learner is sensitive to this kind of subject, and may get frightened or upset upon seeing a picture of a rifle, cannon, tank or bullet, then this may not be the class for them. This is a class about military history, and there is no way to avoid this, so please take this into account before signing up.
This particular area of study is varied, i.e. we are not focusing on one particular aspect of WWII. But one book that covers a few of these obscure subjects is entitled, "The Secret War with Germany," by William B. Breuer. As an example, it covers the St. Nazaire Raid and Operation Himmler. I also used,"Code Talker," by William Bruchac to reference the Navajo Code Talkers. Finally, I used "PT-109 - JFK in WWII," by Robert Donovan.
Star Educator
Hello, my name is Michael DiMinno and I have been teaching for over 20 years. I hold a Master's degree in Elementary Education and spent most of my tenure as a classroom teacher. Over the past 3 years I have shifted to remote small group... 


60 分

80 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 9-14
クラス人数: 3 人-10 人

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