per week含まれるもの
2 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 1宿題:
There will be minimal work to do outside of class, however, it is highly suggested that families encourage their children to practice the new vocabulary and concepts outside of the classroom. Practicing outside of class will give students the opportunity to relate the class material to their own life and environment which will help cement the new language in their brains. Occasionally additional activities for children to do outside of class will be posted in the classroom dashboard. These are optional but highly encouraged!この文章は自動翻訳されています
Vámonos! Are you ready for weekly Spanish adventures? In this ongoing summer camp, beginner Spanish students will have the opportunity to go on weekly virtual field trips to the zoo, park, beach, and many more places as they expand their Spanish vocabulary! The overall goal for this class is to give your child a fun and playful introduction to the Spanish language that will encourage them to further their studies as they advance in ability and years. Our organization firmly believes that learning should be fun and that when we are having fun we are able to retain new information and are motivated to study more. We will practice new vocabulary each week through interactive games, drawings, stories, and more! See below for more specifics regarding weekly topics. #confidence Weekly Themes for courses beginning the first week in June: 🌟 Weekly Themes: 6/6/2023: Let's Go to the Zoo -Yo veo...(I see) / Oso-Bear / Perezoso- Sloth / Canguro- Kangaroo / Elefante- Elephant 6/13/2023: A Walk through the Park-Yo veo...(I see) / Flores- Flowers / árboles- trees / Pajaros-Birds / Patos- Ducks 6/20/2023: Let's Visit the Garden Yo veo...(I see) / Flores- Flowers / Plantas- Plants / Insectos- insects / Mariposas- Butterflies 6/27/2023: Pool Time Fun-Yo nado...lento/rápido (I swim...slow/fast) /La Piscina (pool)/ La Toalla (towel)/ El agua (water), El Traje de Baño (bathing suit)/ La Pelota (The Ball) *NO CLASSES JULY 4th~ All learners with lessons that fall on 7/4/23 will receive a refund or can alternatively transfer to another class. 7/3/23: Let 's go to the Aquarium (El Acuario)- La Ballena, El Pingüino, El Delfín, El Pez. Nadar- to swim. Sentence Frame= La Ballena/Pingüino/Delfín/Pez Nada…. ____no nada (It swims/It does not swim) 7/10/23: Let's Play at the Beach-La Playa (The Beach)/ Las Conchas (Shells)/ El Protector Solar (Sunscreen)/ El Castillo de Arena (Sand Castle)/ La Pelota (The Ball)/ Las Gafas del Sol (Sun Glasses) 7/17/23: Let's Go to the Ice Cream Shop ~ La Heladería (ice cream shop)/ Helado (Ice Cream) - Bolas (scoops) / Sabores- Chocolate, Vainilla, Menta, Fresa (flavors- chocolate, vanilla, mint, strawberry) 7/24/23: Let’s Go to the Toy Store- La Tienda de Juguetes (Toy Store)- Las Pelotas (balls)/ Videojuegos (videogames)/ Los Juguetes (toys) / Peluches (stuffed animals) 7/31/23: Let's Go to the Playground- El Área de Juegos (playground)- Los Columpios (swings) / El Balancín o El Subibaja (see-saw) / El Tobogán (slide) / Las Barras (monkey bars) 8/7/23: Let’s Go to A National Park- El Parque Nacional- La Montaña (mountain)- La Selva (the jungle)- El Río (River)- El Volcán (Volcano). In this lesson, students will also get introduced to several national parks in South America 8/14/23: Let’s Go to the Museum (El Museo) ~ Museo de Art (art museum), Museo de Ciencia (Science Museum), Museo de Juegos (Toy/Game Museum), Los Cuadros (works of art), La Estatua (Statue). Yo voy….(I go) 8/21/23: Let’s Go to the City (La Ciudad)- Sentence Frame: Yo voy...I go… (Students will be introduced to the sentence structure subject + verb). El Apartamento (The Apartment). Aquarium (El Acuario). El Área de Juegos (playground). El Parque (The park). El Zoo (The zoo). El Museo (The Museum) 8/28/23: Let's Travel with Friends. Students will practice talking about themselves traveling with others (mi amigo y yo vamos....my friend and I go....mi familiar y yo vamos...my family and I go....). 9/5/23: **No classes on Labor Day (9/4)~ Let's Travel with Friends. Students will learn different modes of transportation and how we can travel including el avión- the plane, el bus- the bus, el tren-the train, el carro/coche- the car. **End of summer course! We hope to see you in some Fall courses :) #confidence The vocabulary in this course will be learned through exaggerated facial expressions, TPR (total physical response), pictures, games, and props to help your child make associations between the new words and their meaning. During class, our teachers try to limit their use of the English language. Of course, teachers will clarify in English if needed and use some English to explain grammar concepts when necessary. By limiting the use of English in the classroom your child will have a more natural understanding of the words and will not need to translate from English to Spanish but instead will have an innate understanding of the vocabulary and phrases. Teachers will speak slowly and clearly and model sentence frames and vocabulary for the student. After modeling the sentence frames the students and teacher will practice them in a call and response manner. Class sizes are small so that every child in attendance has plenty of opportunities to practice the new vocabulary and build their confidence in a small class environment. In addition to speaking/verbal activities, teachers may utilize Nearpod (https://nearpod.com/) in presentations so that students can demonstrate their understanding in a nonverbal manner by drawing on the presentation slides. This course is designed to give students repeat exposure to the target vocabulary and sentence frames so they have plenty of opportunities to practice and master the lesson objectives. It is not expected that they will retain everything after only one lesson, learning any new language takes time and practice and with repeat exposure, we know they will see success! Please also keep in mind that it is developmentally acceptable for your child to respond in a nonverbal manner (thumbs up or thumbs down), repeat, or sometimes remain silent and listen to the lesson as they become familiar with the new Spanish sounds and words! Our teachers are so excited to share their love of the Spanish language with your students through fun and interactive activities! Nos Vemos Pronto :) ****************** REFUNDS & TRANSFERS: Per Outschool's limited refund policy: "Full refund within 24 hours of purchase or up to a week in advance of the class."
The overall arching goal for this class is to give your child a fun and playful introduction to the Spanish language that will encourage them to further their studies of this language as they advance in ability and years. Each week we will go on a virtual field trip and learn associated vocabulary. Students will be exposed to a variety of verbs which will help them form simple sentences. They will gain an understanding that verb endings change with the subject of the sentence. Through repeat exposure of the verbs, your child will gain confidence in their communication abilities.
**New vocabulary will align with the theme of the week. It will include things that you can see at these places, activities you may participate in, and supplies you may need.
Themes for courses beginning in June:
1) Let's Go to the Zoo -Yo veo...(I see) / Oso-Bear / Perezoso- Sloth / Canguro- Kangaroo / Elefante- Elephant
2) A Walk through the Park-Yo veo...(I see) / Flores- Flowers / árboles- trees / Pajaros-Birds / Patos- Ducks
3) Let's Visit the Garden Yo veo...(I see) / Flores- Flowers / Plantas- Plants / Insectos- insects / Mariposas- Butterflies
4) Pool Time Fun-Yo nado...lento/rápido (I swim...slow/fast) /La Piscina (pool)/ La Toalla (towel)/ El agua (water), El Traje de Baño (bathing suit)/ La Pelota (The Ball)
5) Let 's go to the Aquarium (El Acuario)- La Ballena, El Pingüino, El Delfín, El Pez. Nadar- to swim. Sentence Frame= La Ballena/Pingüino/Delfín/Pez Nada…. ____no nada (It swims/It does not swim)
6) Let's Play at the Beach-La Playa (The Beach)/ Las Conchas (Shells)/ El Protector Solar (Sunscreen)/ El Castillo de Arena (Sand Castle)/ La Pelota (The Ball)/ Las Gafas del Sol (Sun Glasses)
7) Let's Go to the Ice Cream Shop ~ La Heladería (ice cream shop)/ Helado (Ice Cream) - Bolas (scoops) / Sabores- Chocolate, Vainilla, Menta, Fresa (flavors- chocolate, vanilla, mint, strawberry)
8) Let’s Go to the Toy Store- La Tienda de Juguetes (Toy Store)- Las Pelotas (balls)/ Videojuegos (videogames)/ Los Juguetes (toys) / Peluches (stuffed animals)
9) Let's Go to the Playground- El Área de Juegos (playground)- Los Columpios (swings) / El Balancín o El Subibaja (see-saw) / El Tobogán (slide) / Las Barras (monkey bars)
10) Let’s Go to A National Park- El Parque Nacional- La Montaña (mountain)- La Selva (the jungle)- El Río (River)- El Volcán (Volcano). In this lesson, students will also get introduced to several national parks in South America.
11) Let’s Go to the Museum (El Museo) ~ Museo de Art (art museum), Museo de Ciencia (Science Museum), Museo de Juegos (Toy/Game Museum), Los Cuadros (works of art), La Estatua (Statue). Yo voy….(I go)
12) Let’s Go to the City (La Ciudad)- Sentence Frame: Yo voy...I go… (Students will be introduced to the sentence structure subject + verb. El Apartamento (The Apartment). Aquarium (El Acuario). El Área de Juegos (playground). El Parque (The park). El Zoo (The zoo). El Museo (The Museum)
13) Let's Travel with Friends. Students will practice talking about themselves traveling with others (mi amigo y yo vamos....my friend and I go....mi familiar y yo vamos...my family and I go....).
14) Monday/Wednesday students will receive a partial refund. Let's Travel with Friends. Students will learn different modes of transportation and how we can travel including el avión- the plane, el bus- the bus, el tren-the train, el carro/coche- the car.
Verbs (Often in First-person singular form or 3rd person singular):
- To go- Ir
- To see- Ver
- To be- Estar/ Ser
- To swim- Nadar
- To want- Quiero
-To rise up/down - Subir/Bajar
-Grande/pequeño- Big/Small
-Lento/rápido- Slow/Fast
In this course, students will need minimal supplies. Any worksheets will be posted in the classroom portal before class starts. Please let the teacher know if you do not have access to a printer so they can make accommodations. Information for this class will be presented via google slide presentations and nearpod presentations (a link will be sent to participants via the classroom dashboard before class starts). Depending on how quickly the students go through the material there may be time to complete additional exercises to practice new vocabulary. Please have your student bring a piece of paper and something to draw with to each class. If time allows these materials will be used to continue practicing the new words. Students should come prepared to speak Spanish, interact with their classmates, and have fun! If there are any additional supplies they will be listed in the classroom section before the class begins.
クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
In this course, teachers may integrate interactive features in their presentations using nearpod (https://nearpod.com/). This will allow students to draw on the presentation slides and demonstrate their knowledge in a nonverbal manner in addition to speaking activities and exercises.
Before class, a link will be posted in the classroom portal that will allow students to access this interactive slideshow. On select slides, students will be able to draw and complete activities. They can submit their work to me so the teacher can gauge their progress and understanding of the class objectives.
1 先生は大学院の学位を持っています
修士号 University of Buckinghamから 教育 へ
1 先生は学士号を取得しています
学士号 Nazareth College of Rochester NYから 外国語 へ
1) Language or Education Background (Bachelors Degree and/or Teaching Certificate)
2) Native or Fluent Speaker
3) 5+ Years of Experience Working With Youth
4) Have Travelled or Lived in a Country or Territory Where Language is Spoken.
5) Believe in Creating an Inclusive and Welcoming Environment For All Students to Learn
Babbling Brook Language School by Miss Jocelyn は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
初心者向けスペイン語の楽しみ - 毎週のテーマ、新しい語彙など!
Babbling Brook Language School by Miss Jocelyn
$13 クラスごと
2/週、 30 分
4 歳-7 歳
他のクラス by Babbling Brook Language School by Miss Jocelyn
他のクラス by Babbling Brook Language School by Miss Jocelyn
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 9/9 の3 PM です
1/週、 25 分
5 歳-8 歳
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
$50 セッションごと
5 歳-18 歳
スペイン語クラス: スペイン語初級単語グループ
Teacher Jorge
$11 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の4:30 PM です
2/週、 25 分
4 歳-5 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$48 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/10 の5 PM です
8 歳-18 歳
Andrea Pranzatelli
$45 セッションごと
7 歳-18 歳
スペイン語マンツーマン個別指導 スペイン語 45分
Fabiola Woerner Bilingual Teacher
$75 セッションごと
9 歳-18 歳
Vivian V Knox
$27 セッションごと
5 歳-18 歳
スペイン語映画クラブ: 映画でスペイン語を学ぶ
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$25 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の10:30 PM です
1/週、 45 分
9 歳-14 歳
スペイン語をあなたに: スペイン語のプライベートレッスンまたは1:1の個別指導
World Scholars Prep
$40 セッションごと
11 歳-18 歳
スペイン語を1週間で話せるようになるスペイン語ブートキャンプ - 楽しくて魅力的なスペイン語のライブレッスン
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$8 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/10 の4 PM です
1 週間、 7/週、 30 分
4 歳-7 歳
初心者のためのスペイン語: 継続中のスペイン語語彙クラス
Paola Vazquez M.Ed
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは明日の 6 PM です
2/週、 25 分
8 歳-12 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$10 クラスごと
次のセッションは 15 分後です
2/週、 30 分
6 歳-10 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$24 セッションごと
次回のセッションは Mon 3/10 の1 PM です
3 歳-18 歳
Spanish the Fun Way Academy: ¡Viva el Español!
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 3/13 の3 PM です
1/週、 30 分
6 歳-10 歳
Teacher Lili Spanish & ESL Teacher B.A. Childhood
$40 セッションごと
6 歳-14 歳
楽しいスペイン語:ネイティブのスペイン語話者による 1 対 1 のスペイン語個別指導!
Maestra Jackie
$30 セッションごと
6 歳-16 歳