

Babbling Brook Language School by Miss Jocelyn
Star Educator
この楽しいコースでは、生徒は週に 1 回集まり、スペイン語の語彙と基本的な文法を学びます。授業の教材は、インタラクティブなゲーム、描画、演劇を通じて提示および復習されるため、若い学習者に最適です。#自信


このクラスは スペイン語で教えられます。
In addition to the numbers, 1-20 and the alphabet students will learn a variety of vocabulary in accordance with each month's theme. 

🌟 April Theme: Fun places to visit in the Spring! Where Can we go? Ice Cream Shop & Park!
Vocabulary- La Heladería (ice cream shop)/ Helado (Ice Cream) - Bolas (scoops) / Sabores- Chocolate, Vainilla, Menta, Fresa (flavors- chocolate, vanilla, mint, strawberry), El Parque- The Park,  Flores- Flowers, árboles- trees, Pajaros-Birds, Patos- Ducks
Verb- Ver- to see
Question Frame- Qué ves?
Sentence Frame- Yo veo...I see...

🌟 May Theme: Colors- I can identify different colors in Spanish! 
Vocabulary: Rojo- Red, Azul- Blue, Amarillo- Yellow, Verde- Green, Marrón- Brown, Rosado-Pink, Anaranjado- Orange
Question Frame- De qué color es?- What color is it?
Sentence Frame- Es....- It is "insert color"

🌟June Theme: Fun places to visit in the Summer! Where can we go? The beach and the pool!
Vocabulary: La Playa (The Beach)/ Las Conchas (Shells)/ El Protector Solar (Sunscreen)/ El Castillo de Arena (Sand Castle)/ La Pelota (The Ball)/ Las Gafas del Sol (Sun Glasses) /La Piscina (pool)/ La Toalla (towel)/ El agua (water), El Traje de Baño (bathing suit)
Verbs: Nadar (to swim)/ Yo nado...lento/rápido (I swim...slow/fast)

🌟July Theme:  Fun places to visit in the Summer! Where can we go? The aquarium and the playground!
Vocabulary: El Acuario (The Aquarium)/ La Ballena (The whale)/ El Pingüino (the penguin)/ El Delfín (the dolphin)/ El Pez (the fish)
Verbs: Nadar (to swim)
Sentence Frame= La Ballena/Pingüino/Delfín/Pez Nada…. ____no nada (It swims/It does not swim)

🌟August Theme: Fun places to visit in the Summer! Where can we go? The farm and the garden!
Vocabulary: La granja (the farm)/ Las vacas (the cows)/ Las gallinas (the chickens)/ Los gallos (the roosters)/ Los Caballos (the horses)/ Las ovejas (the sheep)/El jardín (the garden)/ Flores (Flowers) / Plantas (Plants) / Insectos (insects) / Mariposas (Butterflies)
Verbs: Ver (to see)/ Yo veo (I see)/ No veo (I don't see)

🌟September Theme: Greetings/Introductions -I can have a simple conversation in Spanish and describe how I am feeling! 
Vocabulary/Greetings: Hola- Hello, Adios- Goodbye, Buenos Días- Good Morning/day, Buenas Tardes- Good Afternoon, Buenas Noches- Good Evening
Question Frame- Cómo estás? 
Sentence Frames- Estoy feliz- I am happy, Estoy bien- I am fine/ok, Estoy triste- I am sad, Estoy enojado- I am angry, Estoy cansado- I am tired, Estoy emocionado- I am excited. 

🌟October Theme: Colors- I can identify different colors in Spanish. 
Vocabulary: Rojo- Red, Azul- Blue, Amarillo- Yellow, Verde- Green, Marrón- Brown, Rosado-Pink, Anaranjado- Orange
Question Frame- De qué color es?- What color is it?
Sentence Frame- Es....- It is "insert color"

🌟November Theme: Actions- I can describe different actions I do.
Verbs- Saltar- to jump, Correr- to run, Caminar- to walk, Bailar- to dance, 
Question Frame- Qúe Haces?- What do you do?
Sentence Frame- Yo....- I "insert action"

🌟December Theme Theme: Animals- I can identify animals and share what I see.
Vocabulary- Mascotas- pets, perro- dog, gato-cat, pez- fish, pájaro- bird, Animales- Animals, Leon- Lion, Jirafa- Giraffe, Elefante- Elephant, Tigre- Tiger 
Verb- Ver- to see
Question Frame- Qué ves?
Sentence Frame- Yo veo...I see...
Grammar Concept- Students will gain an understanding of how to make a word plural when they see more than one animal.

🌟January Theme: The Weather
Vocabulary: Hace Frio- It is cold, Hace Calor- It is hot, Hace Buen/Mal tiempo- It is good/bad weather, Esta SoleadoLloviendo/Nublado- It is sunny/raining/cloudy
Question Frame- Cómo es el clima? - How is the weather
Sentence Frame- Hace....- It is "insert weather" OR Esta....It is "insert weather"

🌟February Theme: Food- I can identify different foods and say what I eat.
Vocabulary: Pizza, Carne- meat, Queso-cheese, Verduras- vegetable, Ensalada- Salad, Lechuga- Lettuce, Brócoli- Brocoli, Zanahoria- carrot
Verb: Comer- to eat
Sentence Frame: Yo como....I eat "insert food"
Prepositions: Con/Sin- With/without - For example, I eat pizza with meat/ cheese or I eat pizza without meat.

🌟March Theme: Family- I can tell others who is in my family
Vocabulary- Madre(s)- Mom(s), Padre(s)- Parents/Dads, Hermanos(as)- Siblings/Brothers/Sisters, Abuelos(as)- Grandparents
Sentence Frame- Yo tengo...I have "insert family members"

1) Language or Education Background (Bachelors Degree and/or Teaching Certificate)
2) Native or Fluent Speaker
3) 5+ Years of Experience Working With Youth
4) Have Travelled or Lived in a Country or Territory Where Language is Spoken.
5) Believe in Creating an Inclusive and Welcoming Environment For All Students to Learn
There will be minimal work to do outside of class, however, it is highly suggested that families encourage their children to practice the new vocabulary and concepts outside of the classroom. Practicing outside of class will give students the opportunity to relate the class material to their own life and environment which will help cement the new language in their brains. Occasionally additional activities for children to do outside of class will be posted in the classroom dashboard. These are optional but highly encouraged!
In this course, students will need minimal supplies. Any worksheets will be posted in the classroom portal before class starts. Information for this class will be presented via canva slide presentations and nearpod presentations which will be screen-shared with students. Students should come to class prepared to speak Spanish, interact with their classmates, and have fun! If there are any additional supplies they will be listed in the classroom section before the class begins. 
Star Educator
Hello! We are the Babbling Brook Language School; THE place for young learners to get introduced to a new language. We are a passionate group of teachers who have created an online classroom environment where students feel empowered to learn, grow... 


30 分

38 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 3-5
クラス人数: 3 人-5 人

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