
or for 16 classes

数学の個別指導 - Roblox ゲームをプレイして Robux を獲得 - レベル 2

633 人が学習を完了しました
年齢 6 歳-11 歳
数学の個別指導。 1 年生と 2 年生、または上級の 3 ~ 7 歳児を対象とした、共通コア基準に準拠したフルカリキュラムの学期。 数学が苦手な生徒に最適です。Roblox ゲームを使用して、学習を魅力的で楽しいものにします。 いつでも参加できます。
(394 レビュー)
Star Educator

週に1回、 16 週間
3 人-13 人 1クラスあたりの学習者
50 分


16 ライブミーティング
13 時間 20 分 授業時間
週1時間. Students will be completing all work in class. They will have the option to work outside of class for extra practice. I usually send a weekly "challenge" that students can complete for Robux.
Students will be evaluated during the sessions. Recommendations will be made as needed.


英語レベル - A1
米国の学年 Pre-Kindergarten - 2
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
Tutoring for Math - Play Roblox Games, Earn ROBUX - Level 2

Transform Math into an Exciting Adventure for Your Child

🌟 Imagine a world where math isn't a chore but an exciting adventure waiting to be embarked upon. Welcome to Mz. Marianna's Tutoring Family, where numbers come alive, and learning feels like play. In our unique classes, your child becomes a hero, navigating the magical land of Roblox, mastering math concepts while completing quests and overcoming challenges. 🚀

Why Choose Mz. Marianna's Tutoring?
As parents, we've all seen our children struggle with traditional math homework, feeling their frustration and disinterest. We've wished for a way to make learning easier and more engaging. That’s why we've created a math class that doesn't feel like a class. In Roblox Math, learning is as thrilling as playing their favorite game.

Course Overview

This isn't just about improving math skills; it's about transforming the way your child views learning. Our classes build confidence, foster a sense of achievement, and ensure that learning is fun. Each level is tailored to fit every child's skill set, offering a personalized path to becoming a math master.

***Why is this class $30?***

Great question! YOUR CHILD will get personalized tutoring (regularly $60), a full year's worth of curriculum that matches common core expectations and timing (regularly $500+), free practice worksheets, social time to make new friends, a confidence boost that's better than therapy (priceless), and they'll EARN ROBUX!!!!

YOU will get progress reports, regular updates, the peace of mind knowing your child is working with a professional tutor and monitoring their video gaming time, and teaching them about educational content that's available on Roblox. Also, feel free to forward any previous assessments, teacher notes, or suggestions and feedback. We value your input!! 


Roblox-Social Skills, Gaming Club, Friendships and Conversation Skills, Appropriate and Respectful Online etiquette and behavior will be modeled and taught. 

Arithmetic, friendship and conversation skills, and social club through gaming and lesson review. 

*NEW MATERIAL beginning January 2025 Covering a FULL curriculum that follows common core standards!! 🌟 Younger advanced students are welcome to join as well as older reluctant learners. We make it fun!

Week 1: Addition and Subtraction
Math Competency: Mastering basic addition and subtraction
Roblox Game: "Math Obby Adventure" - Navigate through an obstacle course while solving addition and subtraction problems.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.A.1 - Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.
2.OA.B.2 - Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.

Week 2: Understanding Place Value
Math Competency: Understanding place value for ones, tens, and hundreds
Roblox Game: "Place Value Playground" - Interactive games focused on understanding and solving place value problems.
Common Core Standards:
1.NBT.B.2 - Understand that the two digits of a two-digit number represent amounts of tens and ones.
2.NBT.A.1 - Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.

Week 3: Comparing Numbers
Math Competency: Comparing two-digit numbers and three-digit numbers
Roblox Game: "Number Comparison Challenge" - Compare numbers to unlock new levels.
Common Core Standards:
1.NBT.B.3 - Compare two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits.
2.NBT.A.4 - Compare two three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits.

Week 4: Understanding Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Math Competency: Applying different addition and subtraction strategies
Roblox Game: "Addition & Subtraction Strategies" - Use different strategies to solve math problems in the game.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.C.5 - Relate counting to addition and subtraction.
2.OA.B.2 - Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.

Week 5: Measurement and Data
Math Competency: Measuring length, volume, and weight
Roblox Game: "Measurement Masters" - Engage in activities that involve measuring various objects and quantities.
Common Core Standards:
1.MD.A.1 - Order three objects by length.
2.MD.A.1 - Measure the length of an object by selecting and using appropriate tools.

Week 6: Time
Math Competency: Reading and understanding time on clocks
Roblox Game: "Time Travel Adventures" - Solve time-related puzzles and tasks to progress through different eras.
Common Core Standards:
1.MD.B.3 - Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
2.MD.C.7 - Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes.

Week 7: Money
Math Competency: Counting money and making change
Roblox Game: "Retail Tycoon" - Manage a store, handle transactions, and count money to make change.
Common Core Standards:
2.MD.C.8 - Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

Week 8: Geometry Basics
Math Competency: Identifying shapes and understanding their properties
Roblox Game: "Geometry World" - Identify and work with various shapes and solve geometry-based challenges.
Common Core Standards:
1.G.A.1 - Distinguish between defining attributes.
2.G.A.1 - Recognize and draw shapes having specified attributes.

Week 9: Fractions (Basic Introduction)
Math Competency: Understanding halves, thirds, and fourths
Roblox Game: "Fraction Frenzy" - Play mini-games that involve identifying and comparing simple fractions.
Common Core Standards:
1.G.A.3 - Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares.
2.G.A.3 - Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares.

Week 10: Data Interpretation
Math Competency: Reading and interpreting graphs and charts
Roblox Game: "Data Analysis Simulator" - Analyze data and answer questions based on graphs and charts within the game.
Common Core Standards:
1.MD.C.4 - Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories.
2.MD.D.10 - Draw a picture graph and a bar graph to represent a data set with up to four categories.

Week 11: Word Problems
Math Competency: Solving word problems using different operations
Roblox Game: "Word Problem Wizards" - Complete quests that involve solving various math word problems.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.A.1 - Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.
2.OA.A.1 - Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems.

Week 12: Patterns and Sequences
Math Competency: Recognizing and creating patterns and sequences
Roblox Game: "Pattern Play" - Identify and create patterns to unlock new levels and rewards.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.D.8 - Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation.
2.OA.C.4 - Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays.

Week 13: Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping
Math Competency: Understanding and practicing regrouping
Roblox Game: "Regrouping Rumble" - Solve problems involving addition and subtraction with regrouping.
Common Core Standards:
2.NBT.B.5 - Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies.

Week 14: Advanced Place Value
Math Competency: Exploring place value beyond hundreds
Roblox Game: "Place Value Village" - Interactive challenges that explore thousands and beyond.
Common Core Standards:
2.NBT.A.1 - Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.

Week 15: Introduction to Probability
Math Competency: Basic concepts of probability
Roblox Game: "Probability Playground" - Simple games and activities involving basic probability concepts.
Common Core Standards:
This topic is not part of the 1st and 2nd-grade standards and should be replaced.

Week 15 (Revised): More Advanced Addition and Subtraction
Math Competency: Further practice on addition and subtraction strategies
Roblox Game: "Math Adventure" - More complex addition and subtraction challenges.
Common Core Standards:
2.NBT.B.5 - Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies.

Week 16: Review and Fun Math Challenges
Math Competency: Comprehensive review of all topics
Roblox Game: "Math Challenge Island" - A variety of fun and challenging math games covering all topics learned.
Common Core Standards:
Review of all previously covered standards.

**Spring Semester (16 Weeks) WILL NEED TO RE-ENROLL

Week 1: Review of Addition and Subtraction
Math Competency: Reinforcing addition and subtraction skills
Roblox Game: "Math Operations Mastery" - Solve addition and subtraction problems in a dynamic game environment.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.C.5 - Relate counting to addition and subtraction.
2.OA.B.2 - Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies.

Week 2: Advanced Fractions
Math Competency: Adding and subtracting simple fractions
Roblox Game: "Fraction Factory" - Interactive problems involving adding and subtracting fractions.
Common Core Standards:
1.G.A.3 - Partition circles and rectangles into two and four equal shares.
2.G.A.3 - Partition circles and rectangles into two, three, or four equal shares.

Week 3: Geometry: Perimeter and Area
Math Competency: Understanding perimeter and area
Roblox Game: "Geometry Builders" - Solve puzzles related to perimeter and area in a virtual building game.
Common Core Standards:
2.G.A.2 - Partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same-size squares and count to find the total number of them.

Week 4: Time and Elapsed Time
Math Competency: Understanding and calculating elapsed time
Roblox Game: "Time Trials" - Solve problems involving reading clocks and calculating elapsed time.
Common Core Standards:
1.MD.B.3 - Tell and write time in hours and half-hours using analog and digital clocks.
2.MD.C.7 - Tell and write time from analog and digital clocks to the nearest five minutes.

Week 5: Money: Advanced Concepts
Math Competency: Making change and solving word problems involving money
Roblox Game: "Money Madness" - Manage a virtual store and solve advanced money problems.
Common Core Standards:
2.MD.C.8 - Solve word problems involving dollar bills, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

Week 6: Data Analysis and Probability
Math Competency: Analyzing data sets and simple probability
Roblox Game: "Data and Chance" - Interactive activities involving data analysis and simple probability games.
Common Core Standards:
1.MD.C.4 - Organize, represent, and interpret data with up to three categories.
2.MD.D.10 - Draw a picture graph and a bar graph to represent a data set with up to four categories.

Week 7: Algebraic Thinking
Math Competency: Understanding and solving simple algebraic expressions
Roblox Game: "Algebra Adventure" - Solve algebraic problems to progress through different levels.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.A.1 - Use addition and subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.

Week 8: Measurement: Units and Conversions
Math Competency: Understanding and converting measurement units
Roblox Game: "Measurement Mayhem" - Convert between different units of measurement to solve puzzles.
Common Core Standards:
2.MD.A.2 - Measure the length of an object twice, using length units of different lengths for the two measurements.

Week 9: Advanced Patterns and Sequences
Math Competency: Creating and analyzing complex patterns and sequences
Roblox Game: "Pattern Quest" - Solve complex patterns to unlock new levels and rewards.
Common Core Standards:
1.OA.D.8 - Determine the unknown whole number in an addition or subtraction equation.
2.OA.C.4 - Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays.

Week 10: Geometry: Volume and Surface Area
Math Competency: Understanding volume and surface area
Roblox Game: "3D Geometry Builders" - Solve problems involving volume and surface area in a 3D environment.
Common Core Standards:
This topic is not part of the 1st and 2nd-grade standards and should be replaced.

Week 10 (Revised): Advanced Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping
Math Competency: Further practice with regrouping in addition and subtraction
Roblox Game: "Regrouping Rumble" - Solve problems involving addition and subtraction with regrouping.
Common Core Standards:
2.NBT.B.5 - Fluently add and subtract within 100 using strategies.

Week 11: Advanced Word Problems
Math Competency: Solving complex word problems involving multiple steps
Roblox Game: "Word Problem Quest" - Complete challenging word problems to progress through the game.
Common Core Standards:
2.OA.A.1 - Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems.

Week 12: Graphs and Charts
Math Competency: Creating and interpreting various types of graphs and charts
Roblox Game: "Graphing Adventures" - Collect and analyze data to create graphs and charts.
Common Core Standards:
2.MD.D.10 - Draw a picture graph and a bar graph to represent a data set with up to four categories.

Week 13: Multiplication and Division Fluency
Math Competency: Achieving fluency in multiplication and division
Roblox Game: "Fluency Frenzy" - Fast-paced games to practice and achieve fluency in multiplication and division.
Common Core Standards:
2.OA.C.4 - Use addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays.

Week 14: Geometry: Angles
Math Competency: Identifying and measuring angles
Roblox Game: "Angle Adventures" - Interactive activities involving the identification and measurement of angles.
Common Core Standards:
This topic is not part of the 1st and 2nd-grade standards and should be replaced.

Week 14 (Revised): More Advanced Place Value
Math Competency: Understanding place value in larger numbers
Roblox Game: "Place Value Playground" - Interactive games focused on understanding and solving place value problems.
Common Core Standards:
2.NBT.A.1 - Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones.

Week 15: Mixed Operations
Math Competency: Solving problems involving mixed operations
Roblox Game: "Operations Obby" - Navigate through obstacles while solving problems with mixed operations.
Common Core Standards:
2.OA.A.1 - Use addition and subtraction within 100 to solve one- and two-step word problems.

Week 16: Final Review and Fun Challenges
Math Competency: Comprehensive review and fun math challenges
Roblox Game: "Math Mastery Island" - A variety of fun and challenging math games covering all topics learned throughout the year.
Common Core Standards:
Review of all previously covered standards.

This curriculum now aligns with the 1st and 2nd grade common core standards while incorporating interactive and engaging Roblox games.

Equip your child with a whiteboard or paper and a pencil, and watch as they tackle math problems with enthusiasm. Plus, they’ll earn ROBUX as they complete challenges, turning effort into excitement and challenges into rewards.

Level Overview
🔹 Level 1: For children learning to recognize numbers and understand basic addition. (Emergent learners)
🔹 Level 2: For children mastering addition, subtraction, and standard skills used in 1st-2nd grades.
🔹 Level 3: For children learning multiplication facts and division. (3rd-4th grades)
🔹 Level 4: For children ready for long division, fractions, decimals, and percentages. (5th-6th grades)

Level 2 Topics:

We cover Common Core standards through 2nd grade, including geometry, addition to 1000, subtraction to 1000, regrouping, number bonds, money math, time, measurement, number sense, word problems, and an introduction to multiplication concepts.

What to Expect:

Learn: We begin with a teacher-led lesson through a video or tutorial.
Play: Students practice math skills in educational Roblox games.
Reward: Participate fully to play a "fun" game at the end of class.
Join Us

💻 Teaching Style: Interactive and social, with open mics for questions and interaction. We also use videos to model strategies.

🎓 Enrollment: Open at any point during the ongoing class. Levels are based on skill, not age.

📅 See Syllabus: Check weekly topics and games on our syllabus.

Special Offers

Earn ROBUX by completing weekly challenges, including worksheets and mastering topics, to motivate reluctant learners.

Contact Us:

For questions or special requests, including private classes, birthday parties, ESL students, or microschool curriculum, please reach out. We accept various scholarships and grants for eligible students.

Join Mz. Marianna's Tutoring Family

Where math meets magic, and education is an adventure. 🌈

Enroll your child today and watch their math skills ignite! 🚀

Mz. Marianna's Tutoring Family

Many scholarships are accepted including Florida's Family Empowerment, Step up for Students with Unique Abilities, New Worlds, FES-UA, Arizona, Wisconsin, North Carolina, Virgina, and California Charter School Supplemental Learning Grants. Vendor for ClassWallet, Education Marketplace (EMA), and Education Savings (ESA) Microgrants. 

Elementary Math Tutor
Math Help for Kids
Online Math Tutor for Kids
Math Tutoring Services
Homework Help for Math
Math Tutor Near Me
K-6 Math Tutoring
Roblox Math Classes
Virtual Math Tutoring
Learning Differences Tutoring
ADHD Tutoring
Special Needs Education
Homeschool Math Resources
Fun Math Activities for Kids
Engaging Math Lessons
ESA Grant Microgrant Arizona Empowerment Scholarship
Elementary math tutor
Dyslexia tutor
Dysgraphia tutor
Homeschooling tutor
Multiplication tutor
Online math tutor for kids
Math help for kids
ADHD tutoring
Math tutor for struggling students
Personalized math tutoring
Outschool is a pre-approved vendor for over 50 charter schools in California, Alaska, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Canada

Enroll your child today and transform math learning into an adventure!


My learning goal is to become proficient in mathematics by consistently practicing and applying mathematical concepts.
I am determined to overcome any anxiety or challenges I may face in the process and achieve success.


Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠
16 レッスン
16 週間以上
レッスン 1:
Geometry : Roblox game: Draw It!
 Players use shapes, lines, and geometry concepts to draw pictures. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
1 割り当て
レッスン 2:
Number Sense: Roblox game: Bank Tycoon
 Understanding place value. Players perform basic arithmetic operations to earn points and unlock new levels, enhancing their number sense. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
1 割り当て
レッスン 3:
Addition fluency : Roblox Game: Pizza Tycoon
 Players solve addition problems to build and upgrade their tycoon, making the learning process engaging. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
1 割り当て
レッスン 4:
Subtraction: Roblox Game: Restaurant Tycoon
 Students will discuss how subtraction is used in a restaurant. 
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
1 割り当て


Children with unique abilities thrive in this environment. Created for children who struggle with traditional classroom settings. Neurodivergent-friendly for ADHD, Autism, PDA, ODD, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and specific Learning Differences.
During the session, students will receive a lesson followed by a series of questions to assess their understanding. In addition, we will be using the Roblox platform, which requires students to have their own username and password to participate. We will join a private server together with other students in the classroom. If you prefer that your child does not receive any friend requests, including those from other classmates, please inform me beforehand. Please note that some games may require parental guidance, for example, those that involve swords.
Students will need a Roblox account with their own log-in. They should send a follow request to MzMarianna. Feel free to send a message with any questions.
Send your Roblox username information to your teacher in a message. You will also receive weekly challenges in the form of worksheets. These are meant to get your child motivated and excited to do math homework! 

These can be turned in by sending a picture to the teacher in a message. 

Students earn 10 Robux per page, plus have other opportunities to earn robux.
Students will need their username and password on Roblox. They CAN use two different devices if that's easier. For example, they can join the lesson on a laptop and use a tablet to join the game. If two devices are unavailable, they can still participate from the browser. I will send a link and assist with the tech at the beginning of class. Education Savings Account (ESA), Step Up FL EMA scholarships, Arizona Empowerment Scholarshipsand micro-grant eligible Gardiner Scholarship and Step Up Scholarships accepted.


Star Educator
米国以外 教員免許 初等教育で
Jon Wilde
修士号 Capella Universityから 心理学 へ
Mz. Marianna, Math and Reading Tutor
修士号 Capella University から 心理学 へ
Mz. Marianna, Math and Reading Tutor
学士号 University of Worcesterから
Jon Wilde
学士号 Capella Universityから 心理学 へ
Mz. Marianna, Math and Reading Tutor
I have a Master of Science degree in Psychology specializing in child and adolescent development. My training includes Orton Gillingham and Barton tutoring for math and reading subjects. My area of expertise is ADHD and special needs tutoring, specifically for neurodivergent, autistic, and homeschooled students.

I offer math and reading tutoring to elementary-aged children through both Roblox Math classes and private one-on-one sessions. All sessions are live and include face-to-face interaction, as I believe this is the best way to teach younger children.


Mz. Marianna's K8 Tutors - Including Special Needs は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
家庭教師 - Robux を獲得し、数学のスキルを向上させ、Roblox をプレイ - レベル 3
Mz. Marianna's K8 Tutors - Including Special Needs
16 週間、 1/週、 50 分
7 歳-12 歳

Teacher Tawny-M.A. Teaching
次回のセッションは Wednesday の3:45 PM です
1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
4 歳-6 歳
"Senoria Little| K-12 Literacy Specialist"
次回のセッションは Mon 6/23 の1 PM です
8 週間、 2/週、 25 分
4 歳-8 歳
Leigh Fitzsimmons, (Science & STEM)
3 歳-6 歳
Ms. T (Tiffany Thornton)
4 歳-6 歳
Barbara (Ms Bobbi) Wells
3 歳-4 歳
Teacher Ivy - Cultivating Clarity and Focus
4 歳-9 歳
Dani Schreffler
4 歳-11 歳
幼児向け基礎講座 - 週 3 回、16 週間 - 素晴らしいホームスクール ヘルパー
Mrs. Amy O'Connor TESOL
次回のセッションは Tue 8/12 の3 PM です
16 週間、 3/週、 55 分
5 歳-6 歳
ストーリーと早期読書 - 1対1
Nicole Werbicki
4 歳-6 歳
Ms. Angie (B.A. in Early Childhood Education)
次回のセッションは Sun 4/6 の7 PM です
1/週、 25 分
3 歳-5 歳
幼児向け個人指導 スピーチ、読書、算数
3 歳-6 歳
Ms. Dena-B.A. Psychology, Early Childhood Educ.
次回のセッションは Tue 4/15 の9 PM です
5 週間、 1/週、 30 分
6 歳-7 歳
1:1 個別指導 ~ 幼児教育
Betty Nilssen
次回のセッションは Tuesday の8:30 PM です
3 歳-8 歳
幼稚園入園準備 | 幼児向けの楽しいサークルタイム
Carissa G
次回のセッションは Monday の1:30 PM です
2/週、 20 分
3 歳-4 歳
Betty Nilssen
次回のセッションは Fri 4/11 の5 PM です
3 歳-8 歳
Miss Kate - EdS in Early Childhood
4 歳-9 歳
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