
ハンガー・ゲーム: モッキンジェイ - 小説研究と映画化

Paul Kopulos, M.F.A.
この 7 週間のコースでは、カットニスと反乱軍と共に戦い、首都を陥落させ、ピータを救い、パネムの進路を変えます。その後、映画で何が変更されたか (または変更されなかったか) を確認します。


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 7
Teacher-Created カリキュラムに準拠
7 lessons//7 Weeks
 Week 1
Lesson 1
Chapters 1-4
Before class, read chapters 1-4 of "Mockingjay" and complete the vocabulary words. In class, we will review "The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire" to refresh our memory. We'll then focus on the setting, point of view (POV), and symbolism in "Mockingjay," discussing how these elements are used in the book, answer discussion questions, and start mapping the Hero's Journey. Lastly, we'll begin filling in our Character Web worksheets to track character development throughout the course.
 Week 2
Lesson 2
Chapters 5-9
Before class, read chapters 5-9 of "Mockingjay" and complete the vocabulary words. In class, we will recap and discuss these chapters, addressing key questions and themes. We will also research the symbolism of the song "The Hanging Tree" and how it relates to the story. Finally, we will continue mapping the Hero's Journey, building on our work from the previous week.
 Week 3
Lesson 3
Chapters 10-14
Before class, read chapters 10-14 of "Mockingjay" and complete the vocabulary words. In class, we will discuss these chapters, focusing on key events and themes. We will research and analyze the symbolism throughout Part II of the book. Additionally, we will continue mapping the Hero's Journey, expanding on our previous discussions and observations.
 Week 4
Lesson 4
Chapters 15-18
Before class, read chapters 15-18 of "Mockingjay" and complete the vocabulary words. In class, we will discuss these chapters, focusing on key events and themes. We will continue to research and analyze the symbolism throughout Part II of the book. Additionally, we will further develop our mapping of the Hero's Journey, building on our previous discussions and insights.
 Week 5
Lesson 5
Chapters 19-23
Before class, read chapters 19-23 and complete the vocabulary words. In class, we will discuss these chapters, focusing on key events and themes. We will research and analyze the symbolism throughout Part III of the book. Finally, we will conclude our mapping of the Hero's Journey, bringing together all the elements we've explored throughout the course.
 Week 6
Lesson 6
Chapters 24-27 and the Epilogue
Before class, read chapters 24-27 and the Epilogue of "Mockingjay" and complete the vocabulary words. Finish your final Character Webs. In class, we will discuss chapters 24-27 and the Epilogue, research symbolism in Part III, and conclude the Hero's Journey. We will also compare "Mockingjay" to other movies and books.
 Week 7
Lesson 7
Book vs. Movie
Students should watch both "Mockingjay Part I" and "Mockingjay Part II" before class (we will not watch in class). The movies will not be shown in class. In class, we will discuss what the movies changed, left out, or added and whether these changes made the movies better, worse, or no different. We will also explore why the final book was split into two movies. Students will share their opinions on what they liked and disliked about the changes.
  • Students will better understand why screenwriters, directors, and actors make changes from books to movies.
  • Comprehension and Analysis: Develop a deep understanding of the plot, characters, and themes in "Mockingjay." Analyze the use of literary devices such as symbolism, point of view, and setting.
  • Students will improve their understanding of various parts of a novel, such as Point of View (POV), Setting, Plot, Cause and Effect, Symbolism, Theme, Plot, Tone, and Mode.
  • Discussion and Collaboration: Participate actively in class discussions, sharing insights and perspectives on the reading material. Collaborate with peers to explore different viewpoints and deepen understanding of the text.
  • Vocabulary and Language Skills: Expand vocabulary related to "Mockingjay" through weekly word lists and contextual understanding. Improve language and comprehension skills through reading assignments and class discussions.
  • Understanding Adaptations: Gain insight into the process of adapting books into movies, including the decisions behind changes and omissions. Explore the rationale for splitting the final book into two movies and its impact on storytelling.
授業以外に週あたり 1 - 2 時間の学習が期待されます
頻度: 含まれる
フィードバック: 含まれる
詳細: Although homework is optional, I will include vocabulary to help the understanding of the novel. For those interested, I will put some assignments in the classroom covering what we went over that week. If you or your student would like more, please let me know and I can provide some.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
Students will need to have a physical, digital, or audio copy of the book The Hunger Games - Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins. As for the movies, Hulu is streaming them, or you can purchase/rent a copy of both from Apple TV or Amazon Prime (not required for class). These movies are rated PG-13.
The Hunger Games - Mockingjay is a book with many meanings and messages. Although this is a dystopian novel, the problems it reflects can be seen in our current society (i.e., rebellion, desensitization to violence on tv, reality tv shows that blur the lines between real human suffering and being removed from the game, war, famine, haves vs. have-nots). The book has violent war scenes, but the scenes are not there to glamorize the violence. The violence is there to demonstrate the terrible world these kids inhabit and the government they must fight against. We may touch on the violence, but we are going to be looking past the violence and focus more on the personal morals and issues of the characters and the society where they live. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me.
参加しました April, 2020
修士号 Simmons Universityから 英語 へ
Reflecting on my early years of learning, what stands out most in my memories are the subjects I found joy in, the teachers who made learning a delightful experience, and the freedom to explore topics that fascinated me. These are the very aspects... 




毎週または¥115 7 クラス分
週に1回、 7 週間
45 分

4 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 10-13
クラス人数: 3 人-8 人

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