for 2 classes含まれるもの
2 ライブミーティング
1 時間 40 分 授業時間宿題:
週1時間. This class comes with an assignment, which includes the participants thought regarding the question below: Your municipality declares a climate emergency. How we can reduce our waste emissions and slow climate change?テスト
Each student will be assessed based on the following criteria: 1. The degree of engagement and participation, whether assignment and activities expected were produced and submitted on time. 2. How well they demonstrate they have understood the materials; this can be done, for example, by referencing relevant ideas and concepts, introducing supporting ideas and examples from personal experience. 3. The “quality” of their engagement: the degree to which they enrich and move the activity forward, through astute analysis, thinking outside the literal confines of the topic.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 10 - 12
Intermediate レベル向け
This one-time course examines concepts and techniques widely applicable to personal life. It offers alternatives to standard models of decision-making and formal critical thinking by describing imaginative ways of approaching problems. Students learn techniques of problem identification, idea generation, idea selection, and idea implementation. The course follows a two-pronged approach; it examines reasons why some people are not creative and innovative (the barriers and myths of creativity and innovation), as well as the factors that make individuals creative and innovative. Creativity and innovation provide the personal satisfaction that comes from doing something special, as well as the efficiencies that come from applying innovative techniques to human production. Combined, creativity and innovation allow us to do more with less, and often also allow us to do things we previously could not do. Fostering these two acts is fundamental to our desire to work smarter and more effectively. Throughout the course, students will be challenged to engage in meaningful discussions that explore creativity and innovation from a variety of aspects. You will be asked to write about these topics from two perspectives: your own personal experiences and the experiences of a creative individual.
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
. Identify personal thoughts and processes that prevent creative and innovative solutions.
. Engage as effective problem solvers using creative thinking skills.
. Cast problems and questions into taxonomies that enable easier, quicker, and better solutions.
. Research and apply proven techniques to increase creativity.
. Guard against mistaking myths of creativity for evidence-based creativity.
1. Berry, I. (2016). Innovation: How to Boost your Creativity, Anticipate Trends, and Build a Successful Business.CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.
2. Hunt, M. (2015). Creativity: Innovation: Simple Proven Tips & Tricks to Improve Your Creative Writing.
3. Burkus, D. (2014). The myths of creativity: The truth about how innovative companies and people generate great ideas. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
2 学位
博士号 University of Waterlooから 科学 へ
修士号 University of Waterlooから 科学 へ
Hello dear students and parents, thank you for visiting my profile. I am a coach, an educator, and a biomedical science researcher. I enjoy teaching different areas of the scientific field, in particular biology, chemistry, physics, and how science connects the world around us in so many ways that are sometimes unimaginable. I always encourage learners to get excited about learning new concepts and to apply them in different settings. I have taught classes on entrepreneurship, biology, chemistry, physics, healthcare-related courses, biomedical sciences, anatomy & physiology (A&P), diseases, AP, SAT, MCAT, and psychology. I also enjoy hosting classes that my students request.
The world is vast, and I believe the young generation should be allowed to experience different aspects of this amazing world. Triggering interest, expanding their knowledge, and supporting & inspiring the learners are my main goals.
I have an extensive academic background, with MS. And Ph.D. degrees in biological sciences from Canada and PDF training in the USA in molecular and cancer biology. I have had bioinformatics and biomedical training, and postdoctoral and work experience at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center (CHMC), LSU Health Science Center (LSUHSC), and Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center. I have experience as a coach, tutor, and academic faculty and besides, previously worked in industrial and medical settings.
As part of my teaching philosophy, I have tried to encourage learners to be independent thinkers and to find connections in life and ideas. This will help them stay excited about learning and be a lifelong learner. Let me take your loved ones on this educational journey. My courses are designed to be relevant, highly informative, and aimed to inspire and gain the interests of the age groups they are made for. I am extremely excited to have this opportunity to teach your youngsters on this platform, which can unite people from all over the globe, with the same interests. I usually begin class by asking what they know about that particular topic, what they would like to know, and finally, what they have learned that they did not know before that class.
I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My passions are reading, research, activism, and education. My hobbies include painting, skiing, road biking, fishing, and traveling to exciting destinations.
. Graduate Scholarships, University of Waterloo, ON, Canada, (1992, 1994-1999)
. Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS), Ontario, Canada, 1996
. CNTC (Laurentian Chapter of SETAC) Award, 1996
. Society of Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Award, 1997
. Member of ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineering)
. Member (Research Scientist) of AACR (American Association of Cancer Research)
. Member of NSPIRES (NASA Solicitation & Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System)
. Member of Astrobiology Road Mapping Community, JPL NASA, USA
. Stakeholder at Kaohsiung Medical University, Taiwan, ROC
I wish my classes to have a maximum of 7 learners (minimum of 2). From my experience, these are good combinations to ensure the best learning experience for your learner. Nevertheless, I never cancel any class with just one learner or selected at a specific time (e.g. Europe, South Asia,...etc) based on a learner's availability.
. Be on time for your classes as classes are relatively short (50-60 min) and specifically there’s a lot of material to be covered for AP classes. Starting on time not only shows respect for your teacher and classmates but also allows more time to ask questions on more complicated subjects. Based on Outschool policy educator may leave after ten minutes if no learner shows up for the class. There would be no makeup class for missed sessions.
. Create a quiet and comfortable study space during your classes. Find a location that is free from any distractions, pets, background noises, or cell phones.
. Be prepared for your classes. You should come to class with the syllabi and writing material you’ll need to fully participate in the lesson. Assignments that were scheduled for each lesson should be completed and submitted before the next class.
. You should not eat during your classes. Occasional drinking is no problem. You shouldn’t engage in activities that don’t contribute to the lesson including eating.
. Be respectful toward your teacher and your classmates. Refrain from using virtual wallpaper or background that is not appropriate. Class environments consist of people from all walks of life. Learn from listening to your educator and others and try to understand them.
. Grades and certificates (need to be approved by Outschool) will be available based on your request. Be advised that a complete full name and address can not be put on the certificate based on the platform policy.
I look forward to meeting you in my class!
Best wishes,
What courses would you like me to create for you in 2024?
You can also use my coupon code for my courses or any other course to save $20 if you are a new learner in Outschool. My personalized coupon code is: DRMALL20
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他のクラス by Dr. Mallakin MSc, PhD
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ホラーキャンプ: 怖い映画と批判的思考
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$16 クラスごと
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Rachel Guritz (she/her)
$16 クラスごと
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1:1 ゲームベースの批判的思考指導: パズル、ミステリーなど!
Amy Massack
$29 セッションごと
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Rachel Guritz (she/her)
$12 クラスごと
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1 週間、 1/週、 30 分
6 歳-11 歳
考えてみましょう: 枠にとらわれない高度な批判的思考
Let's Go Learning
$12 クラスごと
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1/週、 35 分
15 歳-18 歳
考えてみましょう: 枠にとらわれない高度な批判的思考
Let's Go Learning
$12 クラスごと
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1/週、 35 分
12 歳-15 歳