
物理学ブートキャンプ パート 3/3: 衝突、仕事、エネルギー

これは、高校の物理学コースをより簡単にするために設計された、楽しくてテンポの速いクラスです。すべてのクラスには、仮想ラボ、インタラクティブな学習、および個人の成功を測定するための Physics Classroom Task Tracker© サブスクリプションが含まれています。
Gina Riegert, M.Ed.


4 ライブミーティング
4 授業時間
週あたり 4+ 時間. Homework is asynchronous and students complete as many of the assignments as desired. The more work attempted the more success one will find in their upcoming physics course. All participants receive a subscription to the Minds on Physics program from The Physics Classroom.
The Physics Classroom assignments are self-paced formative assessments providing students with instant feedback and the free subscription provides reports on progress.


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner レベル向け
This is a five session class designed to prepare students to excel in a future high school physics course.  The class consist of five 90-minute face-to-face sessions and assigned Minds on Physics© game modules played outside of class. Minds on Physics© functions as homework for practice and assessments for feedback. Students and parents will receive weekly progress updates. Access to a one-year subscription for Minds on Physics© is provided for all students.

Face-to-face, synchronous learning, will be an inquiry-based discovery of physics concepts through the creation and analysis of visual, graphical, and mathematical models. Experiments will be designed and data will be collected through virtual web-based interactives. Google Sheets will be used to create graphical models of data collected. Students will present the models to each other for peer review, then test the models for their predictive abilities. [This process meets the curricular competencies of: questioning and predicting; planning and conducting; processing and analyzing data and information; evaluating; applying and innovating; and communicating.] Students will be supplied with resources to explain and support the physics concepts developed and tested during the inquiry portion of class time.

Homework and Assessments of Understanding will be done asynchronously through the Sudden Death (for credit) mode of the Minds on Physics©  application (MOPs).  Test it out by clicking on this link:  https://www.physicsclassroom.com/mop/Kinematic-Concepts/Scalars-and-Vectors/Mission-KC1

The Class Syllabus is as follows:

First Class - 
       Mass in motion
       When masses collide or explode
       Concept review:
       The impulse momentum change theorem
       Elastic and inelastic collisions
       Mission MC1: Momentum
       Mission MC2: Impulse and Momentum Change
       Mission MC4: Force, Impulse, and Momentum Change
       Mission MC5: Momentum Conservation
       Mission MC7: Momentum Conservation Analysis

Second Class - 
       Defining and calculating work
       Calculating power
    Concept review: 
     Problem Sets:
       Problem Set WE3:  Work and Power 1
       Problem Set WE4:  Work and Power 2
       Problem Set WE5:  Work and Power 3
     Concept Builder:
       Mission WE1: Work
       Mission WE2: Power
Third Class - 
       Energy forms and transfer
       The conservation of energy
    Concept review: 
       Potential energy
       Kinetic Energy (motion)
       Mechanical energy
       Energy Skate Park

     Problem Sets:
       Problem Set WE6:  Kinetic Energy
       Problem Set WE7:  Potential Energy
       Problem Set WE8:  Total Mechanical Energy
     Concept Builder:
       Name That Energy
       What's Up (and Down) with KE and PE?
       Energy Ranking Tasks
       Mission WE3: Kinetic and Potential Energy
       Mission WE4: Mechanical Energy
       Mission WE8: Energy Analysis

Fourth Class - 
       Conservative and non-conservative forces
       Energy bar charts to model changes in total mechanical energy
    Concept review: 
       Conservation of energy
     Concept Builder:
       Words and Charts
       Match That Bar Chart
       LOL Charts (a.k.a., Energy Bar Charts)
       Stepping Up to PE and KE
       Up and Down with Energy
       Mission WE5: Conservative and Non-Conservative Forces
       Mission WE6: Energy Bar Charts
       Mission WE7: Mechanical Energy Conservation
Part 3: Collisions, Work, and Energy
  Big Idea: Energy is found in different forms, is conserved, and has the ability to do work.
Inquiry Questions:
   • What is meant by “different forms” of energy?
   • What is the relationship between work, energy, and power in a system?
   • How are momentum and energy conserved within a system?
   • Energy is found in different forms and can be transferred between forms.
   • The conservation of energy in closed systems
   • The connection between work, energy, and power
   • The conservation of momentum in collisions and explosions
   • The impulse-momentum change theorem


I work with ALL students interested in learning physics.
All students will receive access to The Physics Classroom's© Minds on Physics© web-based game application at no additional charge. Minds on Physics consists of more than 1300 carefully-crafted questions designed to improve student conceptions of common physics topics. Minds On Physics is 151 challenging assignments, each of which addresses one or two student learning outcomes. Minds On Physics is a collection of 15 modules that are designed to provide students with a learning opportunity, an exercise in thinking, and a chance to reflect and review. Learn more at: https://www.physicsclassroom.com/mop/About-MOPs Other websites used for learning: PhET Interactive Simulations from the University of Colorado https://phet.colorado.edu/ The Physics Aviary offers virtual inquiry based interactive learning experiences. https://thephysicsaviary.com/
This is an algebra based physics course. To be successful students need to have a good understanding of first year algebra.
参加しました January, 2023
ミズーリ州 教員免許 科学で
修士号 Loyola University of Chicagoから 教育 へ
学士号 Northern Arizona Universityから 科学 へ
  High School Science Teacher, Lee’s Summit West High School, LSR7, Lee’s Summit, MO	2017 - 2022
  High School Science Teacher, Olathe Northwest High School, OPS-USD233, Olathe, KS	2012 - 2017
  High School Science Teacher, South Mountain High School, PUHSD, Phoenix, AZ	2008 - 2012
  Middle School Science Teacher, Northwood Junior High School, NSSD 112, Highland Park, IL	1997 - 2008

  Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL	Masters of Education in Administration and Supervision  May 2003
  Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL Masters of Arts in Teacher Leadership	 January 2001
  Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, IL Teacher certification program; secondary (6-12) science teaching certificate May 1997
  Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ Bachelor’s of Science in Environmental Microbiology, minor in Chemistry; April 1993

Certifications and Endorsements
  Illinois: 6-12 secondary general science and biology, middle school endorsement, co-teach sped science	
  Arizona: 6-12 biology and chemistry, ESL endorsement
  Kansas: 6-12 biology and chemistry
  Missouri: 6-12 physics, chemistry, and biology




4 クラス分
週に4回、 1 週間
60 分

年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 4 人-10 人

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