weeklyor $330 for 11 classes
11 ライブミーティング
13 時間 45 分 授業時間宿題:
週あたり 2-4 時間. Students will be expected to watch movies as assigned and complete the accompanying movie worksheet (typically one movie each week). During non-film weeks, students will be expected to complete a weekly reading assignment instead. Reading in this class is minimal, and will be either in the form of a graphic novel or short stories. Students may begin reading or watch films in advance if they wish. In addition, once our poetry unit is complete, students will be tasked with watching 1-3 spoken word poems each week or reading 1-3 poems, and completing the poetry response worksheet. All projects must also be completed at home. Students are encouraged to join a weekly study hall session so that they may work together on homework assignments and get extra assistance from me when needed.評価
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
Early enrollment discount! Save $100 on the full-year course when you enroll by July 4. Use coupon code JJEREFALL40 on the first course and save $40. Then, when the class begins, you will receive two $30 coupons for use on trimesters 2 and 3. *This is a full-year curriculum for grades 10-12, divided into three trimesters. Separate enrollment is required for each trimester. Trimesters may be taken independently or consecutively; however, be advised that units will build on each other to some degree. Trimesters are subject to vary in length in an effort to schedule the course in accordance with traditional, American holiday breaks; however, each trimester shall be priced equally. The full length of the course shall be 38 weeks, meeting once a week, with an optional weekly ongoing study-hall session available for an additional charge ($5). As a trimester course, in order to ensure enrollments, the first semester must be paid upfront, with trimesters 2 and 3 allowing the option for weekly payments. As a full year course, it will also include available office hours and occasional 1:1 meetings. This listing is for trimester 3 only. Please see the bottom of class experience for the full year curriculum map and pacing guide. **This course is designed as an alternative to traditional high school English courses for reluctant and creative learners, aligned with core standards for grades 9-12, and is taught by an experienced and credentialed teacher. Letter grades are available for each trimester upon request. As an alternative English, we will replace the heavy reading with films and graphic novels, analyzing them and discussing them through a literary lens, the same as if we were reading the books. Sure, reading would be better, but core standards and analysis can be taught through film as well. As we work our way through films, we will also incorporate weekly poetry and comic book superheroes as we examine comic books as modern folklore through a series of mini units laced through all three trimesters. Our writing focus will also shift, working more with fun and creative writing exercises that are low stakes and only require students to give their best. In lieu of stressful exams and formal essays, students will instead be tasked with creative projects that will allow them freedom while at the same time still conveying an argument. Combining project-based instruction with class discussion, my classes are anything but ordinary. My often unorthodox and creative approaches to teaching require students to think in ways they never imagined, inspiring both critical and creative thinking. My fun writing exercises empower students’ voice and encourage them to develop as writers, both formally and creatively, without the burdens and limitations that often come with old school teaching techniques. But above all, it is the relationships that I build with the students that really drives the classroom experience. This course in designed to teach higher level critical and creative thinking skills through in-depth literary analysis of prose, poetry, and film, and project-based learning. Students will also work to develop and hone their writing skills through a variety of creative and formal writing exercises. In order to better facilitate student learning, this coursed has been designed more thematically rather than in a linear fashion. Films have been selected because they meet on of the following criteria: A) are based on a classical work of literature traditionally taught in high school, B) are considered to be an “all-time great film,” or C) provide a perfect example for literary analysis as it pertains to theme, symbolism, characterization, or other key significant literary elements. In this course students will… -determine theme; -analyze plot and its various phases; -examine how literary elements affect plot progression, assist in character development, and convey meaning, including: motif, symbol, foreshadowing, echoing, flashback, opposition, metaphor, irony, foil, choice of language; -understand the mono-myth (Hero’s Journey), The Heroine’s Journey, The Villain’s Journey, and character archetypes; -develop an understanding of modern pop-culture. This course provides opportunities to for students to develop the following skills: 1.Explain the function of character. 2.Explain the function of setting. 3.Explain the function of plot and structure. 4.Explain the function of the narrator or speaker. 5.Explain the function of word choice, imagery, and symbolism. 6.Explain the function of comparison. 7.Develop textually substantiated arguments about interpretations of a portion or whole text. Please note that I acknowledge that this course contains a lot of content; however, it is my goal to work at the best pace of the students. With that in mind, our general calendar is subject to change when extra time is needed for individual units or topics. This may also result in some material being omitted if necessary to fit within our schedule. While we will primarily be focusing on the film version of major literary works, students may choose to read the novels instead. In addition, excerpts from the novels will often be used in class. Daily class structure While this may vary from time to time, our daily class structure will usually follow the same format. -First five activity (5-10 minutes): Class will begin with a short writing prompt as a warm up. Students will be admitted early and the prompt will be on the screen. This is a short, informal written response, designed to promote student discussion. -Class discussion with mini lectures and lessons as needed (40-60 minutes). Using the film write-ups as a guide, we will discuss and take notes on literary elements as they relate to theme. We will also use the films and texts to discuss significance in contemporary society and individual lives Closing writing (10-40 minutes). Odd days will have scheduled fun creative writing exercises, while even days will focus more on student reflection based on class discussion. The final five minutes or so provide time for students to share what they wrote. Projects Students will complete two projects during each trimester. Projects will have some simple guidelines and a general concept/suggested approach; however, students may also present alternative ideas. The first project of the semester will be the smaller of the two, and the final project will be much more elaborate. Trimester 3 1.Memory Box 2.The Genius and Madness project Homework Students will be expected to watch movies as assigned and complete the accompanying movie worksheet (typically one movie each week). During non-film weeks, students will be expected to complete a weekly reading assignment instead. Reading in this class is minimal, and will be either in the form of a graphic novel or short stories. Students may begin reading or watch films in advance if they wish. In addition, once our poetry unit is complete, students will be tasked with watching 1-3 spoken word poems each week or reading 1-3 poems, and completing the poetry response worksheet. All projects must also be completed at home. Students are encouraged to join a weekly study hall session so that they may work together on homework assignments and get extra assistance from me when needed. Major Works *This listing is for trimester 3 only. Separate enrollment required for each trimester. Please see end of course description fora full year curriculum map. Trimester 3 Book “Soulless,” Gail Carriger (graphic novel or standard novel) Poetry and additional short stories and excerpts to be provided Films “The Hunger Games” “V for Vendetta” [R] “12 Angry Men” (1957) “Casablanca” “The Taming of the Shrew” “10 Things I Hate About You” “To Kill a Mockingbird” “Wonder Woman” An X-Men movie, student choice “Life is Beautiful” Grading Students shall be evaluated overall by a combination of engagement, progression, and learning. Rather than waste time on trivial grading, much of the work in this course is designed as exercises in order to promote student development. Students that are actively engaged and put forth the effort will excel with the assessments. That being said, it is the finish product that is more important when it comes to student assessment. Students shall maintain all work as assigned in a digital folder or physical notebook. As most assignments are designed as practice exercises, these will typically be scored as credit/no credit based on effort and completion. Daily assignments and regular homework will be kept in this file and submitted for scoring at the end of the trimester. Students keeping a physical copy rather than a digital copy must submit their work in photograph form as a slideshow. In lieu of formal exams, this course will use essays and projects as the primary form of student assessment. Projects must be submitted on the date due. Work submitted after the deadline may not be evaluated or scored. All assignments will be graded based on the 5-point scale, then weighted appropriately. The 5-point scale: A=5 (4.5-5): Far surpasses all standards and expectations B=4 (3.5-4.4): above average, exceeds standard C=3 (2.5-3.4): Meets standard expectations and requirements D=2 (1.5-2.4): Needs improvement/meets some expectations but falls below standard F= 1 (0-1.4): Does not meet standard expectations 0=0: did not turn in or did not complete Weighting (per trimester) 30% Engagement and effort 20% Homework/daily assignments (Trimester folder) 20% Mini project 30% Final Project (A note on grading: My classes are designed to be easy to pass provided students put forth the effort; however, I do not grade easily. I expect my students to always give me their best effort, but quality of a finished product and assessment of learning, knowledge, and understanding require more than just effort. In other words, I am an easy C, but a hard A.) ************Full year Curriculum Map and Pacing Guide********** *****Separate enrollment required for each trimester***** Projects Trimester 1 1.Poetry project 2.Bust/self model with Vision Board Trimeseter 2 3.Photo Story 4.Literary restaurant, sports franchise, or business other business concept Trimester 3 5.Memory Box 6.The Genius and Madness project Week: Topic/theme followed by works discussed Trimester 1 1.Class introduction, expectations, and brief introduction to poetry (*project 1 assigned) 2.Poetry and figurative language: “Dead Poet’s Society” 3.Poetry Continued 4.Telling Stories: “The Princess Bride” 5.The Hero’s Journey and character archetypes: “Star Wars: A New Hope” 6.The Hero’s Journey and character archetypes: “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” and “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi” (*tentative due date project 1) 7.Common themes in The Hero’s Journey-Redemption, freedom, friendship, oppression, time, patience, loyalty, justice—and yes, hope.“The Shawshank Redemption” [R] (project 2 assigned) 8.Identity-who am I and why am I here? “Superman: Birthright,” by Mark Waid (Graphic Novel) 9.Comics as Folklore part 1(Superman)-representing America: “Superman” (1978) 10.Symbolism and the American Dream “The Great Gatsby” (2013) 11.Symbolism and the American Dream continued “The Great Gatsby” 12.Symbolism and the American Dream“A Raisin in the Sun” 13.Comics as folklore part 2-Bullying and underdogs (Spiderman): A Spiderman movie, student choice 14.Underdogs and believing in yourself: “Rudy” 15.Final Projects Due: project presentations and discussion, final wrap up. WINTER BREAK ASSIGNMENT Read: “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde” Robert Lewis Stevenson (novella) AND, read or watch, “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” (movie or graphic novel) Trimester 2 1.Victorian literature and internal struggle with good and evil (project 3 and 4 assigned) “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde” Robert Lewis Stevenson (novella) “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” (movie or graphic novel) 2.Comics as Folklore part 3-man’s eternal struggle (Incredible Hulk):An Incredible Hulk movie, student choice 3.The individual vs society (internal struggle continue): “Fight Club” [R] 4.Evil and concepts of the underworld in mythology and religion“Inferno” by Dante Alighieri (reading not required, selected passages only, accompanied with description & summary) 5.Comics as Folklore part 4-Why Villains are Important: “The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters” and “Necessary Evil: Super-Villains of DC Comics” 6.The seven deadly sins as they pertain to modern society (NOT taught from a religious perspective)“Seven” (tentative due date project 3) 7.The Villain’s Journey-justice and family: “The Godfather”[R] 8.Perspective, enemies, and vengeance “The Godfather, Part 2” [R] 9.Comics as folklore part 5-antiheroes, vigilantes, codes, and breaking point (Batman):A Batman movie or graphic novel, student choice from list provided and “The Killing Joke,” Alan Moore (motion comic available) 10.Obsession and madness: “Lolita” (1997) [R] 11.Conscience and questions: “The Tell-Tale Heart” Edgar Allen Poe and “The Question” Stanley Ellin (short stories provided) 12.Final Projects due: presentations and discussion. Spring Assignment Read or watch, “The Hunger Games” Trimester 3 1.Power and money: “The Hunger Games” (project 5 and 6 assigned) 2.Revolution: “V for Vendetta” 3.Justice, class, and judgement: “12 Angry Men” (1957) 4.Loyalty, neutrality, and sacrifice: “Casablanca” 5.Shakespeare “The Taming of the Shrew” 6.Shakespeare’s relevance today “10 Things I Hate About You” 7.Racism: “To Kill a Mockingbird” 8.Comics as folklore part 6-human rights (Wonder Woman, the X-men, and more): “Wonder Woman” and An X-Men movie, student choice (Tentative due date project 5) 9.The Heroine’s Journey: “Soulless,” Gail Carriger (graphic novel or standard novel) 10.Gratitute and Happiness: “It’s a Wonderful Life” and “Life is Beautiful” 11.Final Project Presentations and discussion.
In this course students will…
-determine theme;
-analyze plot and its various phases;
-examine how literary elements affect plot progression, assist in character development, and convey meaning, including: motif, symbol, foreshadowing, echoing, flashback, opposition, metaphor, irony, foil, choice of language;
-understand the mono-myth (Hero’s Journey), The Heroine’s Journey, The Villain’s Journey, and character archetypes;
-develop an understanding of modern pop-culture.
This course provides opportunities to for students to develop the following skills:
1.Explain the function of character.
2.Explain the function of setting.
3.Explain the function of plot and structure.
4.Explain the function of the narrator or speaker.
5.Explain the function of word choice, imagery, and symbolism.
6.Explain the function of comparison.
7.Develop textually substantiated arguments about interpretations of a portion or whole text.
This course is designed for mature students and some of the films do have an "R" rating. In most cases this is due to mature themes, strong language, and/or violence. Sexual content is minimal or nonexistent in most films, and usually in form of language or off-screen, rather than graphic imagery. Parents should preview films prior to student viewing. we will be approaching these films as works of literature, paying close attention to theme, plot, character development, and symbolism, so in most cases the "R" elements will not be discussed heavily, but at times it will be necessary. If parents object to any of the "R" rated films, students are then encouraged, under the guidance of parents, to research and read film summaries online so that they are at least somewhat familiar with the film's story structure and characters to help facilitate class discussion and analysis. "R" rated films are noted in the course description for the entire year, then noted again in the parental guidance section for each trimester. Films not noted as "R" hold a PG or PG-13 rating. Parents should review all course material prior to enrolling and are encouraged to ask any questions that they may have about the source material, as individual sensitivities are always liable to vary.
"R" Rated film in Trimester 3
“V for Vendetta” [R]
Students must acquire their own access or copies of the following: Book “Soulless,” Gail Carriger (graphic novel or standard novel) Poetry and additional short stories and excerpts to be provided “The Hunger Games” “V for Vendetta” [R] “12 Angry Men” (1957) “Casablanca” “The Taming of the Shrew” “10 Things I Hate About You” “To Kill a Mockingbird” “Wonder Woman” An X-Men movie, student choice “Life is Beautiful”
Trimester 3
“Soulless,” Gail Carriger (graphic novel or standard novel)
Poetry and additional short stories and excerpts to be provided
“The Hunger Games”
“V for Vendetta” [R]
“12 Angry Men” (1957)
“The Taming of the Shrew”
“10 Things I Hate About You”
“To Kill a Mockingbird”
“Wonder Woman”
An X-Men movie, student choice
“Life is Beautiful”
カリフォルニア 教員免許 英語/国語で
学士号 University of California Santa Barbaraから 英語 へ
Credentialed teacher with almost 20 years of experience in education. Certified AP English teacher, forensics coach(speech and debate), with an extensive background in drama. I have taught in multiple states in the U.S. and spent three years teaching in China. I am traveler, chef, poet, and storyteller, specializing in writing instruction, literary analysis, creative projects, and above all, building student teacher relationships.
他のクラス by "Mr. J." (Jeremy Ballard)
他のクラス by "Mr. J." (Jeremy Ballard)
7年生文学 - 映画と文学のフルコース:物語はこう進む
Lemons-Aid Learning
$21 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Thu 8/21 の4 PM です
1/週、 55 分
11 歳-14 歳
Courtney Runchey
$30 セッションごと
14 歳-18 歳
Wild and Unstructured Learning
$21 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Fri 3/14 の3 PM です
10 週間、 1/週、 55 分
12 歳-16 歳
Wild and Unstructured Learning
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 4/1 の10 PM です
10 週間、 1/週、 50 分
8 歳-12 歳
Mr. Hodge
$30 セッションごと
13 歳-18 歳
文学クラス - フルコース
Savannah Gilmore
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Fri 8/15 の4 PM です
18 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
11 歳-16 歳
赤いシダが育つ場所: 文学研究の執筆
Wild and Unstructured Learning
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 4/1 の10 PM です
5 週間、 2/週、 50 分
10 歳-14 歳
Wild and Unstructured Learning
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sat 3/15 の7 PM です
10 週間、 1/週、 50 分
9 歳-12 歳
Wild and Unstructured Learning
$21 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wed 4/2 の11 PM です
7 週間、 1/週、 55 分
10 歳-15 歳
1:1 個別指導(英語文学と言語)
Ailya Zaman, MA
$55 セッションごと
8 歳-18 歳
Striving Students Towards Success, LLC.
$11 クラスごと
18 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
14 歳-18 歳
RJ パラシオ著『ワンダー』文学研究
Wild and Unstructured Learning
$22 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 4/1 の10 PM です
10 週間、 1/週、 1 時間
8 歳-12 歳
妖精、金、魔女 - 小学生のための古典文学と読書クラブ
Ms. Shannon
$12 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の3:30 PM です
1/週、 40 分
8 歳-12 歳
Wild and Unstructured Learning
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Sat 4/5 の10 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
Kathy Wilder
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Wednesday の7 PM です
1/週、 50 分
14 歳-18 歳
Kendra Fletcher
$15 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 4/8 の4 PM です
7 週間、 1/週、 30 分
11 歳-14 歳