for 27 classes
27 ライブミーティング
20 時間 15 分 授業時間宿題:
週あたり 2-4 時間. Students will be assigned weekly homework, unit projects, and periodical writing assignments. The majority of the homework in this course will be reading, as students will typically be expected to read approximately 60-80 pages a week.評価
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 7 - 8
Early enrollment discount! Save $100 on the full-year course when you enroll by July 4. Use coupon code JJEREFALL40 on the first course and save $40. Then, when the class begins, you will receive two $30 coupons for use on trimesters 2 and 3. *THIS LISTING IS FOR TRIMESTER 3 ONLY. **This is a full-year curriculum for grades 7-8, divided into three trimesters. Separate enrollment is required for each trimester. Trimesters may be taken independently or consecutively; however, be advised that units will build on each other to some degree. Trimesters are subject to vary in length in an effort to schedule the course in accordance with traditional, American holiday breaks; however, each trimester shall be priced equally. The full length of the course shall be 36 weeks, meeting three times a week, with an optional weekly ongoing study-hall session available for an additional charge. As a full year course, it will also include available office hours and occasional 1:1 meetings. ***This course is aligned with core standards for grades 7-8 and is taught by an experienced and credentialed teacher. Letter grades are available for each trimester upon request. Just because I spent most of my career in a traditional high school, doesn’t mean that my classes are traditional. I do align them with the standards and include some of the traditional texts, but my classes always have a unique twist. Combining project-based instruction with class discussion, my classes are anything but ordinary. My often unorthodox and creative approaches to teaching require students to think in ways they never imagined, inspiring both critical and creative thinking. My fun writing exercises empower students’ voice and encourage them to develop as writers, both formally and creatively, without the burdens and limitations that often come with old school teaching techniques. But above all, it is the relationships that I build with the students that really drives the classroom experience. This listing is for the THIRD trimester only. Please see bottom of class experience for a full course, year long description (all three trimesters), curriculum, and pacing guide. Trimester 3 Underdogs and Bodies Key topics: poetry, bullying, social acceptance and belonging, logic, murder mysteries Major Works “The Outsiders” S. E. Hinton “Jackaby" William Ritter “The Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” Holly Jackson Films “Wonder” “Rudy” “Forest Gump” “And Then There Were None”/”Ten Little Indians. This course in designed to teach higher level critical and creative thinking skills through in-depth literary analysis of prose, poetry, and film, rhetorical analysis of nonfiction texts and speeches, and project based learning. Students will also work to develop and hone their writing skills through a variety of creative and formal writing exercises and essays. In this course students will… -determine theme; -analyze plot and its various phases; -examine how literary elements affect plot progression, assist in character development, and convey meaning, including: motif, symbol, foreshadowing, echoing, flashback, opposition, metaphor, irony, foil, choice of language; -understand the mono-myth (Hero’s Journey), The Heroine’s Journey, The Villain’s Journey, and character archetypes; -develop an understanding of modern pop-culture. This course provides opportunities to for students to develop the following skills: 1.Explain the function of character. 2.Explain the function of setting. 3.Explain the function of plot and structure. 4.Explain the function of the narrator or speaker. 5.Explain the function of word choice, imagery, and symbolism. 6.Explain the function of comparison. 7.Develop textually substantiated arguments about interpretations of a portion or whole text. Each unit will feature literary analysis with special attention paid to theme, interpretation, symbolism, figurative language and other literary devices. In addition, each unit will also include a creative project and a specific writing focus. Writing focuses include 1. voice, style, writing fluency and storytelling, 2. Personal Narrative essay, 3. Literary analysis essay, and 3. Persuasive writing. Poetry and nonfiction prose will be used throughout the unit in accompaniment with novels. About the books and films in this course: Books and films have been chosen to cover a wide array of genres, styles, and time periods, with an effort to include a combination of traditional classics and contemporary works. Books also have a wide range of reading levels, and some may be familiar or have been previously read; however, it is the analytical approach that makes the difference. Books at the beginning of the course have been selected based on the ease of reading while providing opportunity for in-depth analysis and progressively get more complicated as the course moves on. The use of films further allows for deeper and more meaningful discussion and are directly linked with the themes and lessons within the corresponding unit. These films will not only be discussed, but also analyzed through a literary lens. Basic Class Structure In order to maximize student learning and allow for differentiated instruction, a thematic curriculum will be followed; however, specific daily lessons and timelines are liable to vary slightly. Our weekly class structure will, however, typically follow the same format. Each day will begin with a 5 minute warm-up writing activity (usually a journal entry or a would you rather question), followed by the daily class lesson, discussion, or activity. As a three day a week class, the typical weekly format will be as follows: Day 1, Reading discussion and analysis, Day 2 ELA lesson/activity (typically linked with our current reading), and Day 3, writing focus. Homework Students will be assigned weekly homework, unit projects, and periodical writing assignments. The majority of the homework in this course will be reading, as students will typically be expected to read approximately 60-80 pages a week. Additional activities may also be assigned. Grading Students shall be evaluated overall by a combination of engagement, progression, and learning. Rather than waste time on trivial grading, much of the work in this course is designed as exercises in order to promote student development. Students that are actively engaged and put forth the effort will excel with the assessments. That being said, it is the finish product that is more important when it comes to student assessment. Students shall maintain all work as assigned in a digital folder or physical notebook. As most assignments are designed as practice exercises, these will typically be scored as credit/no credit based on effort and completion. Daily assignments and regular homework will be kept in this file and submitted for scoring at the end of the trimester. Students keeping a physical copy rather than a digital copy must submit their work in photograph form as a slideshow. In lieu of formal exams, this course will use essays and projects as the primary form of student assessment. Essays and projects must be submitted on the date due. Work submitted after the deadline may not be evaluated or scored. Essays will be graded based on the 9-point AP rubric and then modified to the 5-point scale. All other assignment will be graded based on the 5-point scale, then weighted appropriately. The 5-point scale: A=5 (4.5-5): Far surpasses all standards and expectations B=4 (3.5-4.4): above average, exceeds standard C=3 (2.5-3.4): Meets standard expectations and requirements D=2 (1.5-2.4): Needs improvement/meets some expectations but falls below standard F= 1 (0-1.4): Does not meet standard expectations 0=0: did not turn in or did not complete Weighting 20% Engagement and effort 20% Homework/daily assignments (Trimester folder) 30% Essays 30% Projects (A note on grading: My classes are designed to be easy to pass provided students put forth the effort; however, I do not grade easily. I expect my students to always give me their best effort, but quality of a finished product and assessment of learning, knowledge, and understanding require more than just effort. In other words, I am an easy C, but a hard A.) *********SEPARATE ENROLLMENT REQUIRED FOR EACH TRIMESTER*********** Curriculum Map, texts, and pacing guide for the full year-long course Core Texts *separate enrollment required for each trimester Trimester 1 (14 weeks) Heroes, Heroines, and Villains Key Topics: Introduction to literary analysis, The Hero’s Journey, character archetypes, good vs. evil, Victorian literature, and steampunk. Major Works “Hoot”Carl Hiaasen “The Hobbit” J.R.R. Tolkien “The Picture of Dorian Gray,” Oscar Wilde “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” Robert Louis Stevenson “Etiquette and Espionage” Gail Carriger (*To be finished during winter break) Films “The Princess Bride” “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope” “Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back” “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” Projects and Essays Personal Narrative Essays Literary Themed Restaurant Concept, Design, and Menu Winter assignment: Finish reading “Etiquette and Espionage” Trimester 2 (11 weeks) The individual vs society Key topics: The Heroine’s Journey, individualism vs collectivism, identity, social acceptance, dystopian literature, introduction to poetry. Major works “The Hunger Games” Suzanne Collins “Divergent” Veronica Roth OR “Maze Runner” James Dashner (student vote) Films “The Wizard of Oz” “Wonderwoman” “Superman” Projects and Essays Persuasive essays Dystopian model Trimester 3 Underdogs and Bodies Key topics: poetry, bullying, social acceptance and belonging, logic, murder mysteries Major Works “The Outsiders” S. E. Hinton “Jackaby" William Ritter “The Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” Holly Jackson Films “Wonder” “Rudy” “Forest Gump” “And Then There Were None”/”Ten Little Indians. Estimated Pacing Guide Tri-1 Week Book Essay/Project Due 1.Intro to literary analysis 2.Hoot assessment essay 3.Hoot 4.Hoot 5.Hobbit 6.Hobbit Personal Narrative 7.Hobbit 8.Hobbit 9.Dorian Gray 10.Dorian Gray Personal Narrative 11.Dorian Gray 12.Jekyll and Hyde 13.Jekyll and Hyde 14.Et & Esp Restaurant Project Winter reading: finish reading “Etiquette and Espionage” Tri-2 Week Book Essay/Project Due 1.Heroine’s Journey (Et & Esp) 2.Hunger Games assessment essay 3.Hunger Games 4.Hunger Games 5.Hunger Games 6.Hunger Games Persuasive essay 7.Divergent/Maze 8.Divergent/Maze 9.Divergent/Maze Peruasive essay 10.Poetry 11.Poetry Dystopian Model Spring reading: student choice from list provided Tri-3 Week Book Essay/project due 1.Poetry 2.Bullying Poetry Analysis Essay 3.Outsiders 4.Outsiders 5.Outsiders Lit Analysis essay 6. Jackaby 7. Jackaby 8. Jackaby Lit Analysis essay 9.GGG Murder 10.GGG Murder 11.GGG Murder Identity Box and Poetry
In this course students will…
-determine theme;
-analyze plot and its various phases;
-examine how literary elements affect plot progression, assist in character development, and convey meaning, including: motif, symbol, foreshadowing, echoing, flashback, opposition, metaphor, irony, foil, choice of language;
-understand the mono-myth (Hero’s Journey), The Heroine’s Journey, The Villain’s Journey, and character archetypes;
-develop an understanding of modern pop-culture.
This course provides opportunities to for students to develop the following skills:
1.Explain the function of character.
2.Explain the function of setting.
3.Explain the function of plot and structure.
4.Explain the function of the narrator or speaker.
5.Explain the function of word choice, imagery, and symbolism.
6.Explain the function of comparison.
7.Develop textually substantiated arguments about interpretations of a portion or whole text.
All content in this course is deemed G, PG, or PG-13; however, individual opinions are always subject to vary. Parents are always recommended to review all books and films prior to enrollment.
Students are required to obtain their own copies of books in this course as well as their own access to the films. Major Works “The Outsiders” S. E. Hinton "Jackaby“ William Ritter "The Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” Holly Jackson Films “Wonder” “Rudy” “Forest Gump” “And Then There Were None”/”Ten Little Indians.
Major Works
“The Outsiders” S. E. Hinton
"Jackaby" William Ritter
“The Good Girl’s Guide to Murder” Holly Jackson
“Forest Gump”
“And Then There Were None”/”Ten Little Indians.
カリフォルニア 教員免許 英語/国語で
学士号 University of California Santa Barbaraから 英語 へ
Credentialed teacher with almost 20 years of experience in education. Certified AP English teacher, forensics coach(speech and debate), with an extensive background in drama. I have taught in multiple states in the U.S. and spent three years teaching in China. I am traveler, chef, poet, and storyteller, specializing in writing instruction, literary analysis, creative projects, and above all, building student teacher relationships.
他のクラス by "Mr. J." (Jeremy Ballard)
他のクラス by "Mr. J." (Jeremy Ballard)
5 歳-13 歳
明確なコミュニケーションを作り上げること: 英語の言語芸術をマスターする
11 歳-18 歳
Ms. Caldwell, B.A. Adv. English Literature, M.Mus.
次回のセッションは Mon 6/23 の7:45 PM です
3 週間、 5/週、 45 分
14 歳-18 歳
3年生英語カリキュラム: 読む、書く、文法
Wild Prairie Learning
次のセッションは明日の 1 PM です
2/週、 25 分
7 歳-8 歳
小学校 ELA コース 2: 2 年生英語言語芸術
Stone Bridges Academy
次回のセッションは Tue 8/26 の2 PM です
36 週間、 2/週、 45 分
6 歳-8 歳
3年生英語科 - 秋学期
Alison Stephens
次回のセッションは Mon 9/8 の5 PM です
12 週間、 2/週、 50 分
7 歳-9 歳
3年生/4年生の英語カリキュラム - 読み、書き、文法
Wild Prairie Learning
次回のセッションは Thursday の5 PM です
1/週、 50 分
8 歳-10 歳
テイラー・スウィフトと英語を学ぶ - 彼女のインスピレーションを探る
Ms. Chelsea M. Ed. | ELA, Paranormal, & True Crime
次のセッションは明日の 3 PM です
1/週、 45 分
14 歳-17 歳
小学校 ELA コース 3: 3 年生英語言語芸術 (週 2 回)
Stone Bridges Academy
次回のセッションは Tue 8/26 の1:15 PM です
39 週間、 2/週、 45 分
7 歳-10 歳
中学校 ELA: 7 年生と 8 年生の英語言語芸術
Beth Foster | Humanities Educator
次回のセッションは Tue 8/12 の7 PM です
32 週間、 2/週、 45 分
11 歳-15 歳
中学校英語科(第 2 学期 - サイエンス フィクション)
Tassie Bauman Smith
12 週間、 1/週、 55 分
11 歳-14 歳
1:1 の英語言語芸術個別指導: 読解、ライティング、文法のサポート
Wild Prairie Learning
5 歳-12 歳
絵を使ったクリエイティブ ライティング: 英語の言語芸術による楽しいストーリーテリング!
Wild Prairie Learning
次回のセッションは Friday の7 PM です
1/週、 25 分
8 歳-10 歳
Ms. Caldwell, B.A. Adv. English Literature, M.Mus.
次回のセッションは Mon 6/23 の7 PM です
3 週間、 5/週、 45 分
11 歳-14 歳
語彙力強化: 英語の言語芸術で言葉の達人になる
Wild Prairie Learning
次回のセッションは Thursday の7 PM です
1/週、 45 分
8 歳-10 歳
語彙力強化: 英語の言語能力を高める
Wild Prairie Learning
次回のセッションは Thursday の7:30 PM です
1/週、 45 分
10 歳-12 歳