weeklyor $375 for 25 classes
25 ライブミーティング
20 時間 50 分 授業時間宿題:
Students may have up to ten minutes of work to wrap up after the end of each session depending on time management during the session. Otherwise, all work will be completed in the session.テスト
Students will receive a weekly written progress report. Two numerical assessment grades can be provided if requested.評価
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 5 - 8
This is the third course in a series of micro-classes for middle school math. These micro classes are a hybrid of individualized learning and traditional classes. Each section has no more than five learners which provides a foundation for strong relationships, social-emotional learning, and truly individualized instruction. This series is based on an accelerated math curriculum which covers three years of content, aligned to Common Core Math Standards, over the course of two school years. It is perfect for students beginning middle school and students who need to catch-up. The curriculum is problem-based this means instead of lectures or videos students work together as a small group to solve problems to discover principles and strategies with teacher guidance, as necessary. Therefore, we will spend approximately 90% of each class period working on problems and discussing them as a group. The use of discussion and problem- solving lead to generalized mathematics or proofs. This process prepares students well who may seek advanced mathematics in high-school or beyond. Students will complete a math notebook In the style of a “Main Lesson” book found in Waldorf and Steiner education philosophies to help with recall and long-term retention. Course C is a five week long study of decimals, divisions, and fractions which reinforces rates, percentages, ratios, and area as previous topic and extends upon the skills previously taught. Students work out strategies for multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals through real-world problems using previously taught strategies. They will understand the link between fractions and decimals and be able to use them as tools to solve and think about problems. In week 1, learners review the vocabulary and meaning associated with division including “divisor”, “dividend”, and “quotient”. Then they will work on the connection between division and groups to begin work dividing fractions. In week 2, we will continue dividing fractions progressing from concrete methods using drawings and diagrams towards developing the algorithm from a holistic standpoint. We will practice using this algorithm to work with ratios and rates with fractions to spiral in knowledge from course two. In week 3, we will work with fractions in lengths, areas, and volume to continue solidifying our geometry knowledge. We will also practice solving word problems involving fractions from a variety of contexts. We will also take a mid-course check-in to see which skills need further support as we transition to our next topic. We will also introduce decimals through to shopping as it is a common real-life experience and use diagrams to practice adding and subtracting decimals in that context In week 4, we will begin multiplying decimals. We will discuss several methods based on strategies for multiplication students are likely familiar with including partial products and area models. We will focus on conceptual understanding before moving towards efficiency. We will also work on dividing decimals and how decimals can simplify the long division process. We will also discuss the importance of place value. In week five, we will work on using decimals to solve real-world problems including a hands-on STEAM activity on making a set of nesting boxes. This will emphasize the importance of decimals to many trades, activities, and careers students may be interested in. We will also take our end of unit assessment to demonstrate mastery and provide detailed feedback and recommendations for students next math experience.
This course aligns with the following “I Can” statements:
When dividing, I know how the size of a divisor affects the quotient.
I can create a diagram or write an equation that represents division and multiplication
I can decide whether a division question is asking “how many groups?” or “how many in each group?”.
I can explain two ways of interpreting a division expression such as 27 divided by 3.
I can use a tape diagram to represent equal-sized groups and find the number of groups.
I can tell when a question is asking for the number of groups and that number is less than 1.
I can use diagrams and multiplication and division equations to represent and answer “what fraction of a group?” questions
I can tell when a question is asking for the amount in one group.
I can use diagrams and multiplication and division equations to represent and answer “how much in each group?” questions
I can find the amount in one group in different real-world situations
I can describe and apply a rule to divide numbers by any fraction.
I can divide a number by a non-unit fraction by reasoning with the numerator and denominator, which are whole numbers
I can solve problems about ratios of fractions and decimals.
I can solve problems about ratios of fractions and decimals.
I can use division and multiplication to solve problems involving areas of rectangles with fractional side lengths.
I can use division and multiplication to solve problems involving areas of triangles with fractional bases and heights.
I can solve volume problems that involve fractions.
I know how to find the volume of a rectangular prism even when the edge lengths are not whole numbers.
I can use mathematical expressions to represent and solve word problems that involve fractions.
I can use decimals to make estimates and calculations about money.
I can use diagrams and vertical calculations to represent and reason about addition and subtraction of decimals.
I can use place value to explain addition and subtraction of decimals.
I know how to solve subtraction problems with decimals that require “unbundling” or “decomposing.”
I can solve problems that involve addition and subtraction of decimals.
I can use area diagrams to represent and reason about multiplication of decimals.
I can use place value and fractions to reason about multiplication of decimals.
I can use area diagrams and partial products to represent and find products of decimals.
I know how to use a product of whole numbers to find a product of decimals.
I can use long division to find a quotient of two whole numbers when the quotient is a whole number.
I can divide a decimal by a whole number.
I can use long division to find the quotient of two whole numbers when the quotient is not a whole number.
I can find the quotient of two decimals.
I know how multiplying both the dividend and the divisor by the same factor affects the quotient.
I can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on decimals to solve problems.
I can use multiplication and division of fractions to reason about real-world volume problems.
I can use the four operations on decimals to find surface areas and reason about real-world
Graph Paper Pencil Colored Pencils Notebook Scissors Whiteboard Index Cards Markers
This course uses strategies and resources from the Illustrative Mathematics Accelerated Course for grades six to eight which is licenses under an attribution creative commons license.
I have been completed three college-level courses on common-core math instruction. I have worked as a math instructor for middle school students in a private school setting. I have ten years of experience as a math tutor including working with students from ages 5 (kindergarten) to 25 (Graduate Readiness Exam).
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