20 ライブミーティング
16 時間 40 分 授業時間プロジェクト
週1時間. Students will complete a modeling project in which they create a mathematical model to understand and propose a solution to a real world problem.テスト
We will end the unit with a mastery assessment.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 9 - 11
Intermediate - Advanced レベル向け
This is the sixth course in a year-long sequence which covers standards and ideas in Geometry. These courses are taught in small-groups to provide individual instruction and social-learning opportunities aligned with a social constructionist or situated cognition view of learning. The curriculum is problem-based this means instead of lectures or videos students work together as a small group to solve problems to discover principles and strategies with teacher guidance, as necessary. Therefore, we will spend approximately 90% of each class period working on problems and discussing them as a group. The use of discussion and problem-solving leads to generalized mathematics or proofs and students will construct their own models or proofs of real-world scenarios in project based assignments. This process prepares students well who may seek advanced mathematics in high-school or beyond. In this unit, we will connect our work back to the coordinate plane. For more detail of what will be covered in this course, please view the detailed syllabus for a day by day breakdown.
G-CO.2: Represent transformations in the plane and use them to solve problems.
G-CO.4: Develop definitions of rotations, reflections, and translations.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠20 レッスン
4 週間以上レッスン 1:
Unit Readiness
We will complete a quick readiness check to introduce unit topics and allow for increased individualization with catered support and enrichment activities throughout the unit.
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Rigid Transformations in the Plane
We will connect ideas from several previous units to our work in the coordinate plane beginning with reviewing skills regarding triangles.
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Transformations as Functions
We will use coordinate transformation notation and develop our understanding of transformations as functions.
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Types of Transformations
We willl work to describe transformations in the coordinate plane paying specific attention to whether the figures they produce are congruent, similar, both, or neither.
50 分のオンラインライブレッスン
This class is designed by an AUDHD/Dyspraxic Educator
- slides and fonts designed to support dyslexia and visual processing
- ability to type and use virtual drawing tools
- communication aids including chat
- ND Affirming classroom
Students will need to use Nearpod. They will need to click a link and enter their first name or initial. No other identifying information will be collected.
Learners should have completed Algebra 1 and have prior experience with early high school geometry concepts.
The scope and sequence of this course is based on the open source Illustrative Mathematics curriculum and has been adapted for 2e, neurodiverse, and home-based learners. Illustrated Mathematics is licensed under a creative commons attribution license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Pedagological Resources:
Gravemeijer, K. (2020). A socio-constructivist elaboration of realistic mathematics education. In National reflections on the Netherlands didactics of mathematics (pp. 217-233). Springer, Cham.
Vintere, A. (2018). A constructivist approach to the teaching of mathematics to boost competences needed for sustainable development. Rural Sustainability Research, 39(334), 1-7.
Briscoe, L., & Van Kesteren, J. (2018). THE ART OF MATH. Gazette-Ontario Association for Mathematics, 57(2), 21-24.
Professional Experience:
I have been a math tutor for over 12 years and have worked with students from ages 5-25 in small group and academic settings including serving as a primary teacher for home educated learners. I have received training and tutoring certification/awards from nationally recognized organizations. I was a group supplemental instruction leader for math at the collegiate level for four years at ETSU including working with dual enrolled and accelerated learners. I have taught and tutored math up to a graduate level in algebra, geometry, probability, and quantitative reasoning.
Academic Experience:
Constructivism and Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education
This graduate level online course for educators used practical examples and empirical research to connect the educational philosophy of constructivism to best practices in STEM education and demonstrated online teaching strategies for this endeavor. It highlighted the power of solving problems through building and applying understandings rather than rote processes which influences the problem-centered curriculum This class also addressed common misconceptions or alternative schemas students develop for math and science prior to instruction and provided ideas for experiments and explorations to adjust these conceptions.
Math 1410 Numbers, Concepts, and Algebra for Math Teachers
This in-person semester long coursed prepared students to teach common core mathematics to students in grades kindergarten through eight including early access to algebra. It included practical teaching experience, ensuring the personal math conceptual fluency of each educator, and demonstrating expertise on the Praxis math exam for educators.
Math 1420: Logic, Problems, and Geometry for Math Teachers
This in-person semester long course prepared teacher candidates to teach common core mathematics to students in grades kindergarten through eighth including advanced ideas of logic, problem solving, and geometry using a constructivist lens.
毎週週に5回、 4 週間
50 分
年齢: 12-16
クラス人数: 2 人-6 人