per class含まれるもの
1 ライブミーティング
55 分 授業時間習熟度評価
An assessment quiz before class and afterward. List of resources, if wanted. Copy of specific slides, if wanted.修了証書
Students will receive a personalized Certificate of Completion.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 9 - 12
💥 For more scheduled classes, please scroll down to “Show Alternative Times.” What would YOU take to the afterworld? The ancient Egyptians (AE) believed in taking their favorite objects--jewelry, pottery, games, food (!) and whatever offered them protection and comfort in the land of the deceased. Class Highlights: Here's what we'll talk about: • The HUMAN SACRIFICES that accompanied the pharaoh and nobility to the afterlife. • When and how the AE prepared their grave goods. • The poor versus the wealthy: how status determined grave goods. • The MAGIC DOCUMENT the ancient Egyptians coveted to guide them to afterlife. • A video clip, detailing the surprising personal grave good that King Tut took with him to the afterlife. How I Teach: I’m happy to hear questions and comments during the presentation--not only after class. Other features of my teaching style and philosophy: √ Classes with only 4 students. √ Lots of student interaction. √ Dramatic Keynote (like PowerPoint) presentation with illustrations and photos to enhance learning. √ Clips of videos to increase the understanding and enjoyment of the class content. √ The display of my collection's AUTHENTIC ANTIQUITIES used by ancient Egyptians. I encourage kids to share their opinions, ideas, mistakes and triumphs. I love it when kids laugh. After the class, I message parents/caretakers to inform them how their student did, and I send extra files for their interest. CLASS PRICE includes (in addition to the scheduled class): 1. Welcome message to both the student and enroller. 2. Quiz (actually, a learning tool) as a pre-lesson activity. 3. Personalized, post-class message to the student and en-roller, detailing how the learner did in class and any recommendations. 4. AI-generated SUMMARY for enroller (or student). *** REVIEW from a recent Student: "Hello Mrs Ilene, this is Janelle. I just wanted to let you know that me and my dad just got back from Cairo yesterday. It was a birthday present and it was the best trip I’ve been on! I got to share some of the stuff I learned in this class with my dad and I felt like I was living in ancient Egypt when we went to the museums. Thank you! " 💥 For more scheduled classes, please scroll down to “Show Alternative Times.” Copyright ©, Ilene Springer, 2024 All rights reserved. No part of this lesson may be reproduced without the written permission of the author.
After this class, students will be able to:
1. Really RELATE to THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS who wanted to keep their favorite possessions for eternity.
Some students may be afraid of talking about the ancient Egyptians' perception of death and the afterlife.
Students will not need any materials outside the class.
I use several primary and secondary materials from experts on the
subject of grave goods and other associated funerary practices:
1. The American Society of Overseas Research (ASOR) presents original research in
"Ancient Egypt: A Tale of Human Sacrifice?" by Thomas Hikade and Jane Roy.
These archaeologists speculate how to determine if young men found in a burial site at the very ancient Egyptian capital of Hierakonpolis were sacrificial burials to accompany the king into the afterlife - or if they were buried there for some other reason.
2. "Death and Burial in Ancient Egypt"– June 1, 2015, by Salima Ikram:
Egyptologist Salima Ikram, a specialist in mummified pets, investigates burial goods in the field involving several pharaohs and people of noble birth.
3. "The Egyptian Book of the Dead: The Book of Going Forth by Day: The Complete Papyrus of Ani" with Dr. Raymond Faulkner (Translator), Ogden Goelet (Translator), Carol Andrews (Preface), J. Daniel Gunther (Introduction). The authors analyze the original Book of the Dead to see how grave goods played or did not play into one's acceptance into the afterworld.
4. Museum, University of Oxford, UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology 2009, escholarship.org ]
5. "Grave Goods in the Naqadan Burials"
Alice Stevenson of the Pitt Rivers Museum at Oxford wrote: “The Neolithic burials at Merimde were usually without grave goods...In contrast, from the [later] Badarian [period] onward, the investment in burial symbolism was more pronounced, and the dead could be accompanied to the grave by numerous types of accouterments, which varied considerably depending upon the period, social factors and status."
I hold a Diploma in Egyptology from Oxford College in England and a Certificate of Museum Studies from Harvard University. And I’ve been to Egypt three times on personalized, educational tours.
I've been captivated by ancient Egypt since I was 10 years old. And I feel it's my destiny to share my enthusiasm for and expertise on this beautiful and brilliant 5000-year-old civilization with all of you. I hope to see you soon for a class. I think you'll agree that The Egyptian Room is an attractive, fun and inspiring place to learn.
Ilene Springer - A New Take on Ancient Egypt は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
Ilene Springer - A New Take on Ancient Egypt
$20 クラスごと
3 週間、 1/週、 55 分
11 歳-15 歳
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Janelle Hopkins M.Ed - World History
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