
彼女は誰だったのか?古代エジプトで発見された謎の少女ミイラ 𓅓𓅲𓅓𓇌𓎼𓇋𓂋𓃭

Ilene Sennuwy Springer


米国の学年 8 - 11
Students will learn about the following:
1. Archaeological research that is usually done to determine facts about the life of a mummified person.
2. What it may have been like for a young, Egyptian girl living under Roman conquest.
3. What life was like near a large desert oasis along a famous caravan route in Egypt.
I hold a Certificate of Museum Studies from Harvard University and a Diploma in Egyptology from Oxford College in England.  And I’ve been to Egypt three times on personalized, educational tours.

I've been captivated by ancient Egypt since I was 10 years old.  And I feel it's my destiny to share my enthusiasm for and expertise on this beautiful and brilliant 5000-year-old civilization with all of you.  I hope to see you soon for this or another class.  I think you'll agree that The Egyptian Room is an attractive, fun and inspiring place to learn.  And, please, if you like, call me Ms. Sennuwy - my chosen ancient Egyptian name.
Students will not be given formal homework, but I will strongly encourage students to follow up on the material we discuss in class on their own.
授業以外に週あたり 0 - 1 時間の学習が期待されます
There will be an informal and fun quiz to download and take together at the beginning of class. At the end of the class, we will review the questions and see what students have retained. They will also receive a worksheet that we did together in class.
 クラス登録時に 1 の学習素材が提供されます
Learners will receive files to download before the class. They will need nothing except materials or devices if they want to take notes on their own.
The only content which may be objectionable is the photo (s) of the remains of a mummified girl.  Some learners could be squeamish about such images or facts about it.
There are a number of passages and images collected from several websites on ancient Egypt.  These images and this information will be integrated into a Keynote (PowerPoint) presentation.  Students will not have to directly go to any of the websites, but they will receive a list of resources so they can follow up on their own about the subject.
Mother's Day - May 12, 2024.

Please check out:
What Mothers Told Their Daughters in Ancient Egypt (Small Class!)... 


55 分

25 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 13-18
クラス人数: 1 人-4 人

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