
演技 - キャラクターの作成: シーンとモノローグでの演技スキルを習得!

Coach Zee, SAG-AFTRA Actress/Certified Vocal Coach
演技 - キャラクターの作成: シーンとモノローグでの演技スキルの習得は、キャラクターの開発、演技テクニックの探求、俳優が演技パフォーマンス スキルを開発するシーン ワークショップに重点を置いた継続的なクラスです。


英語レベル - 不明
Beginner - Advanced レベル向け
このクラスは 英語で教えられます。
**Before your lesson upload a scan or picture of your scene or monologue into the classroom or message it to the teacher. Or let the teacher know you would like a scene or monologue assigned to you.  
**Before your lesson upload a scan or picture of your scene or monologue into the classroom or message it to the teacher. Or let the teacher know you would like a scene or monologue assigned to you.  

I would like to point out that Outschool uses the recommendations from Common Sense Media to inform decisions about age appropriateness. So, I suggest for parents to use the Common Sense Media website to set content limits in the areas listed below so that the student can search within the parents' set parameters for material to work on.  

On the Common Sense Media website the parent and student can search by category (movies and TV), set content limits in the areas of Violence & Scariness, Language, Sex, Romance & Nudity, Drinking, Drugs & Smoking, and then the parent and student can search by the student's specific age, they will then find an assortment of projects within the set parameters. Since I coach one-on-one this allows for detailed attention to the student's specific scene and monologue choices, acting goals, and ability to work on material that is approved within the Common Sense Media for the student's age.

This is the link to the Common Sense Media: website: https://www.commonsensemedia.org/

What I recommend for my students to do is to choose a scene they are intrigued by and feel challenged by within their age range in a movie or TV show within the Common Sense Media website including the content limits set by the student's parents. Once they choose a project, they can then do an online search to see if there is a copy of the script already available. And if the desired script is not available the student is encouraged to simply write the scene out themselves. I am also able to help the student write out the scene during a lesson as we discuss the material as long as they can replay the scene from a recording, for example taking a cell phone video of the scene that we can replay during the lesson to write out a script of the scene. 
参加しました February, 2024
Hello, I'm Coach Zee, Zatcha Rodriguez, SAG-AFTRA Actress and Singer/Certified Vocal Coach and Acting Coach.

1) I'm passionate about teaching acting & singing, and stage performance as I have experience as a professional SAG-AFTRA actress and... 




50 分

2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-18
クラス人数: 1 人-6 人

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