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Club de creación de monstruos de D&D

Un grupo creado para dar rienda suelta a la creatividad de los estudiantes que tienen ideas fantásticas e innovadoras sobre los monstruos en Dungeon and Dragons.
Keith (M.A. Military History)
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Qué está incluido

Experiencia de grupo

This is a great group for students with super special scary ideas about new monsters for D&D. We will use the D&D 5E rules (of course) but we will let our imaginations wander as we create the ultimate monsters for the "world's greatest role playing game"!

Do not limit yourself to only scary monsters! There are plenty of awesome ideas which can be cute and friendly familiars and/or companions as well. You might even have fantastic ideas about sidekicks and non-player characters (NPCs) that you would like to share. Your imagination is the only limit to the absolutely wild and creative creatures we can share with each other. 

When creating your version of a monster it would be best to have a picture/drawing of your monstrosity. This can also be a written description of how you might change or alter these creatures if you do not wish to draw. OR you could make a clay model of your monster or familiar. Also provide a written description of the monster's special attributes as well as an imaginary scenario when the adventures encounter the beastie! This will help Dungeon Masters if they want to use your creation in the adventures with their players. 

As per the Dungeon Master's Guide there are some rules we must stick to to make it official. It would good for everyone to also see the STATS of your creation. This can be done on-line by going to https://tetra-cube.com/dnd/dnd-statblock.html. If you need help with this let me know, it might be a little hard at first, but once you do one or two it gets easier. Then you can take a snap shot and include with your post about your new creation! Super Cool! Perhaps other DMs will use YOUR creation in their next adventure!

As moderator I will facilitate the creative process and help check the student's idea against the D&D 5E rules to make sure it ticks all the boxes. Questions that I will provide concerning monster creation: 

What noises will the monster make normally? How about when he spots the adventurers? 
What is the monster's "ecology"? What type of environment does it live in? 
How would the adventurers know that they have spotted the monster? What signs does it leave behind?
Will this monster be able to regenerate hit points like a troll? If so, how many per round?
Can this monster be reasoned with? Could the adventurers talk their way out of confrontation? 
Why is the monster that color? How does the monster see color? What color could the adventurers wear to avoid detection?
How is its sense of hearing? Does it have keen hearing? 
What inspired this monster? 
How do you envision it being used in a dungeon? Should the adventurers encounter it at the beginning or towards the end?
Metas de aprendizaje
Students will be able to share their awesome monster ideas with other members. 
Students will gain super helpful ideas about D&D monsters and how to provide descriptions. 
Students will learn about D&D 5E monster stats, thus learning more and more about the game.
Students will gain experience in being future Dungeon Masters by learning about and envisioning these monsters in dungeons.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
D&D is a fantasy game based upon the Three Pillars of Adventure (exploration, role playing, and combat). This group is based upon inventiveness and creativity in designing monsters and other fantastic creatures. Students are asked to conform to the basic design D&D 5E design rules which discuss different attacks (i.e., bite, claw, weapons) yet these are not meant to gory descriptions. All student submitted posts will be reviewed and commented upon.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
Welcome to D&D Monster Creation Club! We want all of our learners to feel comfortable, connected, and safe. That's why we have 3 rules we ask you to follow: Be Kind, Be Safe, and Be Respectful. Be Kind - Help all learners feel welcome and included. Learners from all over the world, with different backgrounds, races, ethnicities, abilities, gender identities, religions and body types, participate in our Group. Always be nice and make others, especially new learners, know that they belong and are welcome. Teasing, name calling, or bullying anybody in our community? Nope. Not happening here Be Safe - Keep your personal information private and never ask other learners for theirs. Personal things are personal. We want to keep you safe on Outschool, but we also want YOU to understand how to be safe when you're meeting other learners or teachers. Keep your full name, home address, gaming or social media name, email, and school name private. Be Respectful - Treat others how you want to be treated. Keep language clean and information you share safe. If you wouldn't say it or share with your grandma, don't do it here. Swear words, racy videos, and violent images are not allowed. Treat Outschool like a public place, and when in doubt, keep things covered. All members want to share their monster ideas because they are proud of what they have created. As YOU would want others to make positive and constructive comments please make sure that your comments are helpful. Thank you.

What can learners do in this chat group?

Keith (M.A. Military History)
The Hundred Eyed Giant (CR 8)
D&D Monster Creation Club is a community of learners that come together on Outschool to share what they’re learning, ask questions, participate in challenges, and get feedback on their projects
Sample learner reactions

¿Cómo funciona un “grupo de chat”?

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Acceso a una comunidad en línea, en cualquier momento: comparte y crea con compañeros de ideas afines desde cualquier dispositivo
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Un espacio para estudiantes verificados: Outschool verifica a todos los participantes mediante video antes de unirse
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Actividades, eventos y debates dirigidos por educadores: el educador de Outschool modera el contenido y facilita actividades interesantes
Un grupo de ejemplo de la Comunidad de Estudiantes
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Se unió el September, 2020
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Historia desde American Military University
Licenciatura en Educación desde University of Maine at Farmington
Licenciatura en Historia desde Acadia University (Nova Scotia, Canada)
Over the past 30 years I have taught I.G.C.S.E, A-Level, I.B., and A.P. History throughout the Atlantic region in both private and public school settings. During that time I have instructed students in a variety of rigorous exam subjects . I am a strong advocate of "immersion education" (historic setting RPG) in the Social Studies classroom. My passion is Military History, which I have been enthusiastically studying my entire life. My present RPG classes involve a number of embedded lessons learned (empathy, teamwork, problem solving, decision-making, etc.) through the Three Pillars of Adventure: Exploration, Role-playing, and Fantasy Combat. My Battles & Generals classes are akin to an "On-Going, interactive discussion-based documentary" as one student put it not too long ago....and that seems about right.


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5 US$

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1 alumno/a activo
No hay videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 8-13

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