40 US$
per weekClub de escritura creativa Zoomies: potencie sus habilidades y su confianza mientras establece conexiones
Completado por 8 alumnos
Edades 7-12
Clase grupal
Videoconferencias en vivo
2x por semana
2-7 alumnos por clase
55 min
Qué está incluido
2 reuniones en vivo
1 horas 50 minutos horas de clase por semanaExperiencia de clase
Nivel de inglés - B2+
Grado de EE. UU. 2 - 5
Nivel Intermediate
Welcome to Club Zoomies, where young writers meet regularly over Zoom to practice creative writing skills and make connections with other students. Consistent writing practice with high interest topics improves writing proficiency and confidence. Regular meetings allow students the opportunity to get to know other students and build relationships through commonalities, sharing of ideas, and supporting each other through impactful writing experiences. Content does not build from class to class, so students will feel comfortable joining any week for fun, creative writing practice and relationship building. This club is for students who can write independently and could benefit from regular creative writing exercises to strengthen abilities, skills, and confidence, as well as make new friends. The idea is to have students routinely enjoy positive writing experiences while building a love for writing, rather than getting stuck in a single, mundane writing piece. Consistency grows stronger, more confident writers! Let’s get writing with meaningful writing experiences and have fun while doing it! ***Why join a creative writing club?*** It’s a communal environment where students can grow as creative writers and critical thinkers! BENEFITS INCLUDE: ~ Stronger Writing Skills ~ Encouragement ~ Motivation ~ Support ~ Creative Sparks ~ Writing Accountability ~ Feedback ~ Imagination ~ Broader Vocabulary ~ Critical Thinking ~ Camaraderie ~ Fun, Positive Writing Experiences to Boost Skill and Confidence! EACH CLASS HAS 4 PARTS: 1) SHARE TIME Each meeting begins with 5-8 minutes of student share time where students can tell about interesting or exciting things going on in their daily lives while making connections with other students. (Appropriate topics for share time might include things such as losing a tooth, winning a baseball game, going on a trip, telling about a new book of interest, a special dinner, a birthday, an accomplishment, a new toy, or even going to visit a family member. - Kids this age always have something they can’t wait to share with others, and this will be a supportive place to do it.) Students are encouraged, but not required to share during this time. 2) INTRODUCE AND BRAINSTORM After that, we will discuss the creative writing skill, prompt, or exercise for the day. I will introduce the new topic and have students brainstorm ideas together that they may use in their new writing piece. We will also include important spellings and vocabulary words students may need to incorporate in their Writing of the Day. 3) INDEPENDENT WRITING TIME WITH SUPPORT/ CONFERENCING Using various imaginative and meaningful prompts, students will have the freedom to create a new writing piece each class. Students will have independent writing time and have the opportunity to conference with the teacher for support and guidance. (20 -25 minutes) 4) SHARE YOUR WORK At the end of our meeting, every student will have the option to share what they have written with the class. Students will provide feedback to each other in the form of compliments and encouragement. Teacher may also provide helpful feedback to benefit the writing skills of the class as a whole. (10 minutes) *Students may choose to continue writing after class to complete a writing piece, but it is not required. I am always happy to view students completed writing pieces in the classroom if they share them with me. I provide written feedback as I’m able. **Families may choose to flesh out a creative writing piece into a more substantial writing project at home if desired. Each meeting will be a chance to create something new based on prompts, questions, and ideas. The idea is to have students continue to enjoy positive writing experiences while building a love for writing, rather than getting stuck in a single writing piece and being overwhelmed with mechanics and multiple drafts. We will end with final shares and goodbyes. (2 minutes) Students may sign up on a weekly basis. Pop in and out as your schedule allows. Content does not build, so your student will never be behind from week to week. *****PLEASE NOTE THERE ARE DIFFERENT SCHEDULES FOR THE 10:00 AM EST MEETING VERSUS THE 12:00 PM EST MEETING—SCROLL TO BOTTOM FOR 12:00 PM***** **MONDAY / WEDNESDAY CLASSES MEET AT 10:00 AM EST **WEDNESDAY/ FRIDAY CLASSES MEET AT 12:00 PM EST ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~SCHEDULE FOR 10:00 AM EST MONDAY / WEDNESDAY MEETINGS BELOW~ Week of : April 1st Sentence Structure Variation ~ Day 1 - Learning and practicing various types of sentences ~ Day 2 - Writing a short story from a prompt with focus on variety of sentences Week of April 8th Descriptive Writing Through Senses ~ Day 1 - Learning to use descriptive language through senses ~ Day 2 - Descriptive writing through a picture prompt Week of April 15th Building Ideas Through Choice ~ Day 1 - Choosing a character, setting, and description to begin a short story ~ Day 2 - Expanding on your best story idea, write a short, descriptive story Week of April 22nd Descriptive Art ~ Day 1 - Studying art and using descriptive language to write about it ~ Day 2 - Writing a short story from inside a painting Week of April 29th Meaningful Writing ~ Day 1 - Creating heart maps to identify meaningful writing ideas ~ Day 2 - Writing a short story based on something you love Week of May 6th Let’s Eat Grandpa! Commas Can Save Your Life! : ) ~ Day 1 - Learn 8 common rules for comma usage with practice and application ~ Day 2 - Learn 2 final comma rules and apply to creative writing using a picture prompt Week of May 13th **(Classes are on Tuesday and Wednesday this week!!) Fun With Writing Comic Strips ~ Day 1 - Learn to create a basic story with simple images and a problem/resolution ~ Day 2 - Creating a comic - Developing a character and storyline Week of May 20th Mystery Adventures: Writing Prompts and Key Words to help create characters / setting / plot development Incorporating Specific Items In Your Creative, Fiction Stories About Being Trapped In Fun Locations. ~ Day 1 - Trapped in a Zoo (What problems do you encounter before getting out?) ~ Day 2 - Trapped in a Shopping Mall (What exciting adventures do you have?) Week of May 27th **(Classes are on Tuesday and Wednesday this week!!) Magic Adventures - Fantasy Writing Writing Prompts and Key Words to help create characters / setting / plot development ~ Day 1 - Genie and Three Wishes- Brainstorm, outline, begin writing ~ Day 2 - Focus on the ending and wrap up your story Week of June 3rd Magic Adventures - Fantasy Writing Writing Prompts and Key Words to help create characters / setting / plot development ~ Day 1 - A Magician’s Surprise!- Brainstorm, outline, begin writing Set the scene, mood and introduce characters ~ Day 2 - Focus on the ending and wrap up your story Resolve a conflict or give a satisfying ending to the events of the story Week of June 10th: If Dreams Came True ~ Day 1 - Remodeling your dream bedroom ~ Day 2 - Your PERFECT day Week of June 17th Alliteration Fun! ~ Day 1 - Define alliteration and it’s purpose, study how and why it is used, practice application in independent writing ~ Day 2 - Review concept, practice writing exercises, alliterative poetry Week of June 24th: Roll-A-Story - Creative Writing Exercise ~ Day 1 - Story elements (Character, setting, problem/plot) -Putting it all together ~ Day 2 - Using random story elements, write a creative and imaginative story ******NO MEETINGS THE WEEK OF JULY 1ST****** Week of July 8th: Roll-A-Story - Creative Writing Exercise ~ Day 1 - Using random (rolled) story elements, write a creative and imaginative story ~ Day 2 - Using random (rolled) story elements, write a creative and imaginative story Week of July 15th: Roll-A-Story - Creative Writing Exercise ~ Day 1 - Using random (spun) story elements, write a creative and imaginative story ~ Day 2 - Using random (spun) story elements, write a creative and imaginative story Week of July 22nd: Responding to Literature Bring a favorite book to introduce to the class, & describe your favorite character. ~ Day 1 -A day in the life with your favorite character ~ Day 2 - Imagine your favorite story with an entirely different ending. Week of July 29th: Introducing a Family Member or Pet ~ Day 1 -Brainstorming 3 main topics & supporting details about your family member or pet ~ Day 2 - Bring a photo, write an informative essay introducing your family member or pet Week of August 5th: Picture Prompts ~ Day 1 -Choose a picture prompt and write a story about what you think is happening ~ Day 2 - Bring a photo, use it as inspiration to write an imaginative story Week of August 12th: Point of View ~ Day 1 -Practice Writing from different points of view ~ Day 2 -Writing from point of view using prompts given in class Week of August 19th: Story Sentence Starters ~ Day 1 -Choose a sentence starter to spark your imagination ~ Day 2 - Create a story based off an interesting sentence starter ** No classes the week of September 2nd** Week of September 9th: Fiction Writing ~ Day 1 -Choose one of the story ideas given in class to jumpstart your adventure ~ Day 2 - Expand your adventure based off a story idea chooses from class Week of September 16th: Descriptive Stories ~ Day 1 -Choose one of the scenarios from class to practice descriptive writing techniques ~ Day 2 - Practice using imagery and figurative language to bring an adventure to life Week of September 23rd: Point of View of Ordinary Objects- Fantasy Writing ~ Day 1 - The story of a dollar bill: Who, What, Where ~ Day 2 - The story of my _____ Week of September 30th: Once Upon a Time ~ Day 1 - Rewriting popular fairytales from a different character’s point of view ~ Day 2 - Put yourself in a popular fairytale ***ADDITIONAL DATES TO COME*** Week of: October 7th Not Again! ~ Day 1 - A character is stuck with the same thing happening over and over again ~ Day 2 - Write about a character’s big mistake they vow to NEVER do again Week of: October 14th Opinion Writing ~ Day 1 - The best sport ~ Day 2 - The best animal Week of: October 21st Writing Stories With New Ideas ~ Day 1 - Incorporate 5 words or objects into one story ~ Day 2 - Choose 5 adjectives and incorporate them into one story Week of: October 28th I’m Sick of This! (A Bad Case of Stripes, Chocolate Fever…) ~ Day 1 - Invent an unusual, imaginary illness. What are the symptoms, cause, and cure? ~ Day 2 - Write a story about a character that contracts this illness. Week of: November 4th Wheel of Ideas ~ Day 1 - Spin the Wheel of Ideas and incorporate new themes, objects, and adjectives ~ Day 2 - Challenge Writing - Write a cohesive story with the new ideas Week of: November 11th Circle Stories ~ Day 1 - Study the genre and brainstorm your own story. If you give a _____ a _____ ~ Day 2 - Write a story where the character winds up right back where they started Week of: November 18th A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words ~ Day 1 - Write a short story from the perspective of one of the people in a photo ~ Day 2 - Write a poem in response to a photograph Week of: November 25th Thankfulness ~ Day 1 - Write a short story about a character (or personal narrative) who is very thankful ~ Day 2 - Feast of the Imagination - Short story w/ food as the main characters or story line Week of: December 2nd Descriptive Writing Techniques - Spin The Wheel ~ Day 1 - Review 8 different descriptive writing techniques and apply one in short story ~ Day 2 - Use a selected descriptive writing technique in response to a writing prompt Week of: December 9th That Time of Year ~ Day 1 - Write a story about a character celebrating their favorite holiday ~ Day 2 - Write a poem about your favorite holiday. Use each of your senses. Week of: December 16th Snow Mystery ~ Day 1 - I followed the footprints in the new fallen snow… (Use onomatopoeia) ~ Day 2 - I could see a tiny piece of it poking up through the snow… (Use sensory words) Week of: BandaidS, Boo Boos, and Bandages ~ Day 1 - Write a short story about a character who gets hurt ~ Day 2 - Write an alliterative poem about a time you (or a character) gets injured Week of: I Can’t Believe My Eyes! ~ Day 1 - “I never believed that unicorns existed until …” ~ Day 2 - There was a knock at the door. When I opened it, I could not believe my eyes! Week of: Knock, Knock. Who’s There? ~ Day 1 - Who is at the door? - Must contain a joke. : ) ~ Day 2 - Closed Door: What’s behind the door? Why is it locked? Week of: Getting Our Hands Dirty Writing ~ Day 1 - Write a story where the main character winds up covered in mud ~ Day 2 - What a disaster! What does it look like? What happened? Week of: A Walk Down Memory Lane ~ Day 1 - What does Memory Lane look like? How do you get there? ~ Day 2 - Write about one of your favorite childhood memories Week of: It’s Dark in Here! ~ Day 1 - What happened when the lights went out? ~ Day 2 - Write a story about a character that is afraid of the dark. What happens? Week of: Writing Voice ~ Day 1 -A family member has just lost something important. What do they do/say/think? ~ Day 2 - Write a story about a character who loses their voice. What happened? Week of: Roll-A-Story ~ Day 1 - Roll your die and give a story a try ~ Day 2 - Write a cohesive story with random story elements Week of: A Fresh Start ~ Day 1 - Make a list of your hopes and dreams for the next year ~ Day 2 - Write a story about one of your hopes or dreams coming true WEEKS TO COME: A Wacky Winter No Way Snow Day Snow Poetry Dashing Through the Snow Ways to Warm Up When the Snowman Came to Life Winter Roll-A-Stories Fortune Cookie Stories Love “Letters” Kindness Counts Run, Run, As Fast As You Can When the Luck Runs Out - Luckiest Kid in the World The Spy on the Wall Here Comes Trouble Raincoats and Umbrellas Compare and Contrast ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ~SCHEDULE FOR 10:00 AM EST WEDNESDAY / FRIDAY MEETINGS SCHEDULE BELOW~ Week of September 18th: Writing From Point of View ~ Day 1 - Bringing and object to life ~ Day 2 - Seeing from different characters’ points of view - Writing perspective Week of September 25th: Future Thoughts Week ~ Day 1 - Describing a futuristic setting ~ Day 2 - A letter from your future self Week of October 2nd: Villains Week ~ Day 1 - Create a Wanted Poster for a famous villain ~ Day 2 - Interviewing a villain Week of October 9th: Fantasy Week ~ Day 1 - What’s int the mystery box? ~ Day 2 - My time machine Week of October 16th: Characters Week ~ Day 1 - Create a character with fact and fiction ~ Day 2 - Creating a superhero Week of October 23rd: About My Life ~ Day 1 - If my life were a musical ~ Day 2 - On a deserted island **NO CLASSES THE WEEK OF OCTOBER 30TH** Week of November 6th: Creative Sparks ~ Day 1 - Advertisement Posters ~ Day 2 - Rainbow Haikus Week of November 13th: Humorous Thoughts ~ Day 1 - Grocery Store Shenanigans ~ Day 2 - Stream of Consciousness Thinking Week of: Critical Thinking ~ Day 1 - One sentence in 10 different directions ~ Day 2 - Writing a Review Begin Zoomies Part Two
Metas de aprendizaje
Students grow as creative writers and critical thinkers while making friends in a supportive environment.
Otros detalles
Orientación para padres
Students may sign up on a weekly basis. Pop in and out as your schedule allows. Content does not build, so your student will never be behind from week to week.
Lista de útiles escolares
Writing journals or notebook Pencil Eraser Great attitude Occasional drawing materials as will be noted in the classroom posts when needed *Worksheets that will occasionally be linked in classroom depending on the class
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
No additional sources are required
Conoce al profesor
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Maestría en Educación desde University of South Florida
I have a Masters degree in Elementary Education, years of experience teaching 2nd and 3rd grade in the classroom, and years of experience teaching language arts and ESL on line to more than 1,200 students of varying ages. I have a passion for teaching, and a love of writing, adventuring, and reading in my free time.
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Cómo escribir un ensayo de cinco párrafos
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