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Literati Society: Club de lectura para empoderar a jóvenes feministas

A lo largo del año, los estudiantes explorarán el feminismo interseccional a través de la literatura, la teoría, relatos de no ficción y biografías.
Miss Kennah, B.A. in Anthropology and Thanatology
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Qué está incluido

1 reunión en vivo
50 minutos horas de clase por semana

Experiencia de clase

Nivel de inglés: desconocido
*Coupon code for $10 off your first class until September 24, 2024: KENNAH202410*

Are you passionate about exploring literature through a feminist lens? Do you yearn to dive deep into powerful narratives that challenge societal norms and ignite discussions about gender equality? Welcome to our dynamic and thought-provoking Feminist Book Club for 14-18 year olds!

In this course, we will delve into an array of captivating feminist literature spanning fiction, nonfiction, theory, biographies, and more. Each month, we will embark on an exhilarating journey through a new book, unraveling its themes, dissecting its messages, and uncovering its significance in the realm of feminism and social justice.

Throughout the year, we will explore a diverse range of topics including existential feminism, misogyny, women's education advocacy, body politics, archetypal feminism, gender representation in literature, the intersection of race and gender, and much more. From ancient poetry to contemporary novels, our syllabus is designed to provoke critical thinking, ignite passion for gender equity, and inspire action.

Our class meets once a week, offering a nurturing and inclusive space for vibrant discussions, creative exploration, and collaborative learning. Each month, we will focus on a different book, with weekly lessons meticulously tailored to engage students with the themes and content of the assigned text. Through interactive activities, group discussions, and multimedia presentations, students will have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of feminist literature and its implications in our world.

As your instructor, I am committed to fostering a supportive and intellectually stimulating environment where every voice is valued and heard. I will guide you through the rich tapestry of feminist literature, providing context, encouraging critical analysis, and facilitating meaningful discussions. Additionally, I will incorporate a variety of teaching methods including lectures, group activities, multimedia presentations, and creative projects to cater to different learning styles and interests.

Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the power of literature to challenge, inspire, and shape our understanding of feminism. Enroll in our Feminist Book Club today and be part of a community dedicated to learning, growth, and social justice. Together, let's amplify diverse voices, dismantle stereotypes, and envision a more equitable future for all.



September: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
*Week of Sept 2: Introduction to Fantasy Fiction and Gender Representation
*Week of Sept 9: Exploring Female Protagonism and Empowerment in "Throne of Glass"
*Week of Sept 16: Analyzing Themes of Identity, Power, and Agency
*Week of Sept 23: Discussion on Feminist Themes in Young Adult Literature
*Week of Sept 30: Celaena's Portrayal of Mental Health and Overcoming Trauma

October: Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu
*Week of Nov 4: Introduction to Gothic Literature and Female Villainy
*Week of Nov 11: Analyzing Carmilla as a Representation of Female Sexuality and Desire
*Week of Nov 18: Exploring Queer Themes and Subtext in the Novel
*Week of Nov 25: Discussion on Gender Roles and Social Taboos in 19th-Century Literature

November: The Woman Destroyed by Simone de Beauvoir
*Week of Oct 7: Introduction to Simone de Beauvoir and Existential Feminism
*Week of Oct 14: Analyzing Themes of Existentialism and Gender in "The Woman Destroyed"
*Week of Oct 21: Exploring Character Development and Feminist Critique in the Novel
*Week of Oct 28: Discussion on Existentialism, Feminism, and the Role of Women in Society

December: Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler
*Week of Dec 2: Introduction to Zelda Fitzgerald and the Jazz Age
*Week of Dec 9: Analyzing Gender Dynamics and Creativity in the Fitzgeralds' Relationship
*Week of Dec 16: Exploring Mental Health and Femininity in the Context of the 1920s
*Week of Dec 23: Discussion on Feminist Interpretations of Zelda's Life and Work
*Week of Dec 30: No class!

January: They Were Her Property by Stephanie Jones-Rogers
*Week of Jan 6: Introduction to the History of Slavery in the United States
*Week of Jan 13: Analyzing Gender, Power, and Slavery in the Antebellum South
*Week of Jan 20: Exploring Resistance and Agency Among Enslaved Women
*Week of Jan 27: Discussion on the Legacy of Slavery and Gender Inequality Today

February: The Furies by Elizabeth Flock
*Week of Feb 3: Introduction to Contemporary Feminist Fiction
*Week of Feb 10: Analyzing Themes of Friendship, Betrayal, and Revenge in "The Furies"
*Week of Feb 17: Exploring Female Anger and Empowerment in the Novel
*Week of Feb 24: Discussion on Intersectional Feminism and Mental Health Representation

March: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
*Week of Mar 3: Introduction to Classic Literature and Feminist Themes in "Little Women"
*Week of Mar 10: Analyzing Gender Roles and Family Dynamics in the March Sisters
*Week of Mar 17: Exploring Femininity, Independence, and Sisterhood
*Week of Mar 24: Comparison Discussion: "Little Women" Then and Now, Adaptations and Interpretations
*Week of Mar 31: Understanding the Lifestyles of Women During the Civil War

April: I Am Woman by Lee Maracle
*Week of April 7: Introduction to Indigenous Feminist Literature and Lee Maracle
*Week of April 14: Analyzing Intersectionality and Indigenous Women's Experiences
*Week of April 21: Exploring Identity, Colonization, and Resistance in "I Am Woman"
*Week of April 28: Discussion on Indigenous Feminism, Activism, and Solidarity Movements

May: Circe by Madeline Miller
June: Diana: Her True Story by Andrew Morton
July: Are Prisons Obsolete by Angela Davis
August: Antony & Cleopatra by Shakespeare/Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff
September: Ain't I a Woman? by bell hooks
October: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
November: We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
December: Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
Metas de aprendizaje
1.Critical Analysis Skills:
-Develop the ability to critically analyze feminist literature, including fiction, nonfiction, theory, biographies, and other relevant texts. Students will learn to identify and evaluate themes, perspectives, and arguments presented in these texts, honing their skills in discerning nuanced meanings and messages within the context of gender equality and feminist theory.

2.Empowerment and Awareness:
-Foster a deeper understanding of feminist principles and their relevance in contemporary society. Through the exploration of diverse voices and experiences found in feminist literature, students will develop a heightened awareness of gender issues, inequalities, and intersectionality. They will also gain insights into how literature can be a tool for empowerment and social change, encouraging them to advocate for gender equity and justice.

3.Community and Dialogue:
-Cultivate a supportive and inclusive community where students can engage in meaningful discussions about feminist literature. Encourage active participation, respectful exchange of ideas, and empathetic listening. By sharing perspectives, experiences, and interpretations, students will broaden their understanding of feminism and its implications, fostering empathy, solidarity, and a sense of belonging within the group. This goal emphasizes the importance of creating a safe space for exploration, reflection, and dialogue.
objetivo de aprendizaje

Otros detalles

Orientación para padres
In our Feminist Book Club, we delve into literature that challenges conventional narratives, confronts uncomfortable truths, and inspires critical reflection. As we navigate the pages of various texts, we recognize that some topics may be difficult to confront, yet they are essential for fostering empathy, awareness, and advocacy. From Laura Bates' "Men Who Hate Women" to Stephanie Jones-Rogers' "They Were Her Property," our syllabus includes works that confront issues such as misogyny, gender-based violence, and the legacy of slavery. These topics are not easy to read about, but they are vital for understanding the complexities of gender inequality and systemic oppression. Throughout our discussions, we provide a supportive environment where participants can engage with these challenging themes while feeling respected and validated. Our goal is not to shy away from discomfort, but rather to confront it with courage and compassion, knowing that through understanding and dialogue, we can work towards meaningful change.
Recursos externos
Los estudiantes no necesitarán utilizar ninguna aplicación o sitio web más allá de las herramientas estándar de Outschool.
--2024-- April: The Woman Destroyed by Simone de Beauvoir May: Men Who Hate Women by Laura Bates June: I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai July: Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado August: Women Who Run With the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés September: Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas October: The Poetry of Sappho by Sappho/Cleopatra: A Life by Stacy Schiff November: Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu December: Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler --2025-- January: They Were Her Property by Stephanie Jones-Rogers February: The Furies by Elizabeth Flock March: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott April: I Am Woman by Lee Maracle -Introduction to Existentialism - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy -Analysis of "The Woman Destroyed" - Literary Articles -Feminist Perspectives on Literature - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy -Feminism and Existentialism - Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture -Understanding Misogyny - The Conversation -Case Studies on Gender-Based Violence - UN Women -Strategies for Combating Misogyny - Everyday Feminism -Gender Equality and Activism - TED Talks -Malala Yousafzai Biography - Nobel Prize Organization -Gender Inequality in Education - UNESCO -Resilience in the Face of Adversity - Malala Fund -Youth Activism and Global Feminism - Global Fund for Women -Introduction to Carmen Maria Machado - Author's Website or Biography -Feminist Analysis of "Her Body and Other Parties" - Literary Journals or Academic Articles -Exploring Narrative Structure and Genre in Short Stories - Literary Criticism or Analysis -Creative Writing Resources - Writing Workshops or Guides on Crafting Short Stories -Overview of Archetypal Feminism and Jungian Psychology - Academic Journals or Psychology Websites -Analysis of Mythical and Folkloric Themes - Cultural Studies or Folklore Research -Exploring Healing and Empowerment Through Storytelling - Psychology Articles or Narrative Therapy Resources -Feminine Power and Intuition - Books or Articles on Feminine Psychology -Overview of Fantasy Fiction and Gender Representation - Literary Criticism or Genre Studies -Analysis of Female Protagonism and Empowerment - Feminist Literary Theory or Character Studies -Themes of Identity, Power, and Agency - Critical Essays or Academic Articles on the Novel -Feminist Themes in Young Adult Literature - Scholarly Articles or Discussions on YA Fiction -Analysis of Sappho's Poetry - Classical Studies or Literary Criticism on Ancient Poetry -Cleopatra's Life and Legacy - Biographies, Historical Accounts, or Archaeological Sources -Women's Influence and Agency in Ancient History - Historical Studies or Feminist Interpretations of Ancient Texts -Overview of Gothic Literature and Female Villainy - Literary Criticism or Genre Studies -Analysis of Carmilla's Representation of Female Sexuality and Desire - Gender Studies or Queer Theory -Queer Themes and Subtext in the Novel - LGBT+ Studies or Critical Essays on Carmilla -Gender Roles and Social Taboos in 19th-Century Literature - Historical Studies or Feminist Critiques of Victorian Literature -Overview of Gothic Literature and Female Villainy - Literary Criticism or Genre Studies -Analysis of Carmilla's Representation of Female Sexuality and Desire - Gender Studies or Queer Theory -Queer Themes and Subtext in the Novel - LGBT+ Studies or Critical Essays on Carmilla -Gender Roles and Social Taboos in 19th-Century Literature - Historical Studies or Feminist Critiques of Victorian Literature -History of Slavery in the United States - Academic Books or Historical Articles -Gender, Power, and Slavery in the Antebellum South - Scholarly Works or Historical Studies -Resistance and Agency Among Enslaved Women - Slave Narratives or Historical Accounts -Legacy of Slavery and Gender Inequality Today - Social Science Research or Contemporary Analyses -Contemporary Feminist Fiction - Literary Criticism or Genre Studies -Themes of Friendship, Betrayal, and Revenge - Critical Essays or Character Analysis -Female Anger and Empowerment - Feminist Theory or Gender Studies -Intersectional Feminism and Mental Health Representation - Academic Articles or Intersectional Feminist Literature -Classic Literature and Feminist Themes - Literary Criticism or Feminist Interpretations -Gender Roles and Family Dynamics - Sociological Studies or Gender Studies -Femininity, Independence, and Sisterhood - Critical Essays or Character Studies -Comparison of "Little Women" Adaptations and Interpretations - Film Criticism or Comparative Literature -Indigenous Feminist Literature and Lee Maracle - Author's Works or Indigenous Feminist Studies -Intersectionality and Indigenous Women's Experiences - Academic Articles or Indigenous Studies -Identity, Colonization, and Resistance - Indigenous Feminist Theory or Postcolonial Studies -Indigenous Feminism, Activism, and Solidarity Movements - Indigenous Rights Organizations or Scholarly Research
Experiencia y certificaciones del docente
Miss Kennah brings a wealth of expertise and academic qualifications to the field of anthropology education. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology and Thanatology from the University of Rhode Island, and ongoing studies pursuing a master's degree in Anthropology at Harvard University, she possesses a strong foundation in the field. Additionally, Miss Kennah has gained valuable international experience during her time at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, where she studied and immersed herself in the vibrant local culture. This diverse educational background allows her to bring a rich global perspective to the classroom, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of cultural diversity among students. With her passion for anthropology and dedication to providing engaging and comprehensive instruction, Miss Kennah is committed to creating a stimulating learning environment that nurtures curiosity and critical thinking skills in every student.


Clase grupal

18 US$

1x por semana
50 min

Completado por 3 alumnos
Videoconferencias en vivo
Edades: 14-18
1-18 alumnos por clase

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