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Summer 3rd Grade Review, Multiplication, Division, Word Problems and More!

Brooke Rabideau
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Students will learn to master their 3rd Grade math concepts in a fun and interactive way! We will have a teaching time, lots of student interaction and individual attention from the teacher, and time at the ends for a game.

Class Experience

US Grade 3 - 4
Follows Teacher-Created Curriculum
  • My goal is to help students gain confidence with their 3rd grade materials so they're ready to tackle 4th grade!
Miss Brooke received a full ride scholarship and studied Piano and Voice Performance at Arizona Christian University. She has over 17 years of experience teaching piano and specializes in making the classes fun and engaging for her students. Miss Brooke is a homeschool mom and has been teaching her children in every area of school for over 10 years. She’s very excited to be offering 3rd grade math classes here on Outschool and meeting new learners! 
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Students will be given the opportunity to complete optional worksheets outside of class.
Teacher has experience working with students with High Functioning Autism and ADHD.
Students should have a basic grasp of multiplication and division. 
Students will be sent worksheets to print out before each class. If they are unable to print out the worksheets, students should have a pencil and paper ready.

Joined February, 2024
New on Outschool
Hi, my name is Mrs. Brooke and I’m a homeschool mom of six, piano instructor, dance instructor, and I own my own crochet business, pattern shop, and YouTube tutorial channel. I grew up studying music and dance and started teaching as a teenager. I... 
Group Class


1x per week
30 min

Completed by 1 learner
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-11
1-6 learners per class

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