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Learn Piano Now (Level 12) with Dr. Nathan

Dr. Nathan
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Rising Star
In this ongoing class, students will continue their musical journey at The Royal Conservatory's Prep B Level.

Class Experience

  • Students will be able to: 1. Identify intervals by sight and by ear 2. Identify standard rhythmic notation 3. Copy rhythmic patterns with counting and clapping 4. Sight read simple rhythmic and melodic examples on the grand staff (including sharps and flats) 5. Discuss some of the historical context of the piano 6. Perform pieces for fellow students as well as friends and family 7. Develop appropriate playing posture and hand position 8. Use the damper pedal while playing
Dr. Nathan earned a BM in Music Education, a MM in Piano Performance, and a DMA in Piano Pedagogy. He has been teaching since 2014.
2 - 4 hours per week outside of class
Frequency: Available upon request
Feedback: Available upon request
Details: Learners will want to practice and perform the songs they learn in class. Two to three hours of practice is recommended each week. It is best to divide this into six 25-minute sessions.
Frequency: Available upon request
Details: Each student will receive feedback during each class regarding sight playing or technique. In the 4th week of each cycle, students will hear more detailed comments during their mini-lesson. Dr. Nathan and classmates will offer feedback during performances. Students will earn a certificate once they have completed the requirements for a Royal Conservatory Prep A Exam.
Celebration Series Piano Repertoire Preparatory B. ($25)
Piano or Digital Keyboard (88 velocity-sensitive keys, weighted action, and pedal)
Joined August, 2020
Rising Star
Teacher expertise and credentials
Doctoral Degree in Music or Theatre or Arts from University of South Carolina
I teach piano classes for beginning through advanced students. My undergraduate and graduate degrees have focused on music and teaching (B.M. Music Education, M.M. Piano Performance, D.M.A. Piano Pedagogy). I began teaching while still in high... 
Group Class


1x per week
40 min

Completed by 3 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 7-12
2-6 learners per class

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