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Italian Intermediates: Comparing, Gerunds, Pronouns, Comprehension, & More

Emily Culbertson | Italian Teacher & Italian Tutor
Average rating:4.9Number of reviews:(509)
In 7 classes, students gain confidence in learning Italian by focusing on grammar, verbs, and mini-conversation skills. We will go over gerunds, indefinite pronouns, negative expressions, comparing, and comprehension.

Class experience

The goal of this class is to help students get excited and feel confident in speaking some Italian through learning some key grammar and verb skills. We will go over gerunds, indefinite pronouns, negative expressions, comparing, and comprehension in order to get them interested in foreign languages for college or feeling more confident in upper Italian for those learning the language for fun, traveling to Italy, living in Italy, or understanding Italian relatives better.
I believe that taking foreign language classes opens the doors to many opportunities. In high school, I took Spanish, and at university, I learned up to the Intermediate level in Italian. I now give students the opportunity to learn the Italian language by making it fun and engaging through my teaching style, print-offs, and Quizlets games. I have been teaching beginner through intermediate Italian courses since 2019 involving basic conversation skills, grammar (present indicative, passato prossimo, conjugating verbs with pronouns, adjectives reflecting the correct the-- as there are 7 the's in Italian, and more), as well as vocabulary and fairytale reading classes to make the language to come to life in a fun way. I've taught over 1,000 students through private lessons, group sessions, and charter schools with over 400 positive reviews.
Homework Offered
Optional to review the material taught.
0 - 1 hours per week outside of class
Assessments Offered
There are no quizzes or tests. We review and engage in mini-conversations together. Your student should expect to participate. If asked, I provide a certificate in pdf format for finishing the course.
Grades Offered
Printer will be needed if you desire to print off the pdf of what we learn in each class.
In addition to the Outschool classroom, this class uses:
YouTube may be used in class if extra timer permits to learn conversation skills, a song, or watch a show in Italian. No account needed. Links will be in classroom to re-watch video if desired.
Printables will be in the classroom. 

YouTube may be used in class if extra timer permits to learn conversation skills, a song, or watch a show in Italian for comprehension.
Joined December, 2018
Hello, I'm Emily (or in Italiano, Ciao, Sono Emilia)!

→ A Bit About Me:
    I was born in England and currently live in the United States. I went to a Christian private school when I was younger and then did homeschooling until college. In May... 
Group Class


weekly or $175 for 7 classes
1x per week, 7 weeks
45 min

Completed by 2 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 9-14
2-6 learners per class

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