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Endangered: One of the Rarest Cats on the Planet: Amur Leopard

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In this class we take a closer look at the Amur Leopard. After this class your learner will know basic information about the animal, how the animal fits in the ecosystem, why they are endangered, and species conservation. (zoology, biology)


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Meets once

Completed by 5 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 6-11
3-11 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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Animals 101: Felidae (Big Cats and Other Members of the Cat Family)
Greg Korczak B.S.
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Does your learner love zoology, biology, or cats? In this course, we will discover and learn about each of the species that we call a feline. A new species’ natural history and ecology will be explored in each week so feel free to join in!
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30 min
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Cats of the World: Let's Learn About a New Cat Each Week and Make Crafts
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Animals at the Top of the Food Chain Summer Camp: Big Cats!
Miss Elizabeth
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The Cat Cabana
Blue Cat Music by Alexandra Rhoads
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A fun group for fellow cat lovers to learn and share about their favorite animal!
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Chat Group
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Cat Cafe: Meow Madness Challenge • Cats Versus Pasta!
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In this one-time class, learners will participate as a spectator for the Cats vs Pasta challenge. Learners will make observations, predictions, and reflections based on the outcomes of our three competitors, my cats!
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Cat Club: Let's Chat and Draw Cats!
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Tracy Traver
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Group Class
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Live video meetings
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Tracy Traver
Average rating:
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Join other cat fans to travel the world learning about cats through stories, crafts and fun feline facts. We’ll earn “Cultured Cat Badges” as we touch on geography, history and mythology through the eyes of our furry friends! #superstar
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Average rating:
Number of reviews:
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Average rating:
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Cat Cafe: Meow Madness Challenge • Summer Break Camp!
Ms. Chelsea • ESL/ELA • 1:1 Tutoring • Cat Cafe
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In this summer break camp, learners will participate as a spectator for the Cats vs... challenges. Learners will make observations, predictions, and reflections based on the outcomes of our three competitors, my cats!
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Dawn Sifuentes
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In this multi-day summer camp, students will learn all about big cats in the wild. They will learn what they look like, their habits, their location, and other fun facts. Learners will learn to draw a big cat at the end of each lesson.
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