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Ancient History: The Graffiti of Ancient Pompeii

Janette Eggiman M.A.
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In this one-time class students will learn about the meaning of select ancient graffiti that remains in the city of Pompeii and discuss its cultural function and significance.


per class
Meets once

Completed by 10 learners
Live video meetings
Ages: 10-15
4-12 learners per class

This class is no longer offered
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Intro to Graffiti Lettering and Typography
Brandon Carn
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Students will learn the basics of some form of graffiti lettering and the street art movement.
Group Class
Ages: 9-14
60 min
Meets once
Live video meetings
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(Summer Camp) Myths and History of Ancient Olympia and the Ancient Olympic Games
Spyridon (Spiros) Loumakis
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In this camp, students will be introduced to the archaeological site of ancient Olympia, as well as the mythical origins and the social and political history of the ancient Olympics and delve into ancient art that immortalized the games
Group Class
Ages: 11-14
60 min
5x per week, 1 week
Live video meetings
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Ancient History: IEW Writing Course | Grades 3-8 | Part Two
Isabella Franklin, IEW, BS, MPH, ESL, CNA, PT
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Part Two: Experience the adventures of the ancient world! This theme-based writing curriculum exposes students to the ancient world through cultural literature and the study of famous places and events while they learn to write the SS way.
Group Class
Ages: 9-14
50 min
1x per week, 15 weeks
Live video meetings
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A tour of Ancient Greece and Its Culture
Sophie Dalkalitsi
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Read about Greek culture and history
Group Class
Ages: 10-15
50 min
3x per week, 2 weeks
Live video meetings
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Five Good Emperors of Ancient Rome
Matthew Akins
The “Five Good Emperors" of Rome is a term used to refer to a series of Roman Emperors known for their effective leadership during a time of peace and stability in the Roman Empire. This course will review these emperors.
Group Class
Ages: 13-18
70 min
1x per week, 5 weeks
Live video meetings
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The Chariots of Ancient Egypt: Warfare Along the Nile
Ilene Sennuwy Springer
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(For Older Students) Let's look at the ancient Egyptian chariot and discover why the pharaohs considered it the most powerful weapon of the time. We'll also see the other strategies and weapons that ancient Egypt used in its many battles.
Group Class
Ages: 13-18
55 min
Meets once
Live video meetings
per class
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Ancient History: IEW Writing Course | Grades 3-8 | Part One
Isabella Franklin, IEW, BS, MPH, ESL, CNA, PT
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Experience the adventures of the ancient world! This theme-based writing curriculum exposes students to the ancient world through cultural literature and the study of famous places and events while they learn to write the SS way.
Group Class
Ages: 9-14
50 min
1x per week, 15 weeks
Live video meetings
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Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt - History, Culture, Animals & Stories
Sorrel MSc.
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In this one off class we will delve into myths of Ancient Egypt, learning about this great civilisation as we do so!
Group Class
Ages: 8-11
50 min
Meets once
Live video meetings
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Pay upfront
The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt: What Came Before and After Giza?
Josee Dimson
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In this three-week course, we will learn about the many pyramids of ancient Egypt!
Group Class
Ages: 8-12
55 min
1x per week, 3 weeks
Live video meetings
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Unlocking Gardens of Ancient Islam: Politics, Culture, & Creative Forces
Marie Morgann
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In this one-time course, we will discuss the fascinating role of exquisitely-crafted gardens in the politics and culture of ancient Islam.
Group Class
Ages: 11-16
55 min
Meets once
Live video meetings
per class
Pay upfront
Ancient History Explorers
Tamara J Stafford (T.J.)
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In this 26-week ongoing History class students will explore ancient civilizations through discussion, music, art and activities.
Group Class
Ages: 8-13
45 min
1x per week
Live video meetings
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The Black Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt: Meet the Nubians (Small Class!)
Ilene Sennuwy Springer
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(For Older Students) Learn about the Nubians - southern neighbors to the ancient Egyptians - with their own pharaohs, grand pyramids and temples - and who had a love/hate relationship with their Egyptian counterparts.
Group Class
Ages: 13-18
55 min
Meets once
Live video meetings
per class
Pay upfront
Eye-Of-Osiris Club - Sharing the Magic and Mystery of Ancient Egypt
Ilene Sennuwy Springer
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The Eye-of-Osiris Club will be an ongoing, informal get-together, meeting once a MONTH, for ancient Egyptian enthusiasts to connect with each other and share knowledge on a variety of topics regarding ancient Egyptian society.
Selling fast
Group Class
Ages: 13-18
55 min
1x per week
Live video meetings
per class
Pay weekly
History's Mysteries - Ancient History
Aaron Potsick
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Explore ancient histories greatest enigmas. Dive into the secrets of Stonehenge, Easter Island statues, Nazca Lines, and Roman Dodecahedrons. Engage in critical thinking and problem-solving while uncovering these captivating mysteries.
Group Class
Ages: 11-16
55 min
1x per week, 4 weeks
Live video meetings
per class
Pay upfront
1:1 Tutoring in Archaeology & Ancient History
Susan Lanigan
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Students can privately explore their own interests and self-direct their learning and research with a practicing archaeologist and anthropologist!
1-on-1 Tutoring
Ages: 11-18
45 min
Meets on demand
Live video meetings
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Ancient World Civilizations for High School History
Brandy Dahlen and BE Education
Average rating:
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In this 8 week semester course, students will explore the foundations of civilization and history around the world #academic
Group Class
Ages: 14-18
45 min
1x per week, 8 weeks
Live video meetings
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