

RACE 風格的回答寫作和 IBC 是一個很棒的項目,可以極大地提高學生在閱讀、觀看或聆聽選擇作為課堂作業或家庭作業的一部分後寫簡短答案和擴展答案的能力。
Teacher Dominique, M.A Education


4 現場會議
3 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間
Students will read independently in between our weekly group sessions.
Students will share their reading and writing at the end of class. Everyone will have the same opportunity to share.


英語程度 - 未知
美國等級 7 - 10
Each writing assignment  will have an accompanying grammar/ punctuation lesson in this course. Students will apply their learning in this class to their writing and submit written assignments for feedback and revisions on the mechanics. After making revisions, they will re-submit to Teacher Dominique!

Learners  will write paragraphs following each lesson to show understanding of the how to use proper grammar, parts I’d speech, transition words and phrases that add sentence variety and coherence in their writing; while observing subject verb agreement and improving word choice. 

Teaching students to use the RACE writing strategy or IBC writing strategy helps them use it independently; taking stressful writing our of the way for you and your students.

Gradual ease into the RACE/IBC writing strategy generates results! Here's how: 

#1 Model RACE/IBC. Start by completing some whole class exercises and model for students exactly what RACE /IBC looks like. 

We read a text together as a class, and then write the response on the whiteboard. I liked to have students write along with me as well, and then glue the example into their journals.

#2 Get clear on vocabulary. I teach the key vocabulary and provide examples of each. I add these words to our anchor chart. I also have a RACE/IBC resource that students use to refer to the process.

#3 Chunk the assignment. Before I turn students loose to write an entire RACE paragraph or IBC essay writing , I break it down step by step. 

The first time students work independently, I have them just restate the question or writing prompt. Then the next time, have them restate the question and answer the question or writing prompt, and continue building on the next element over time.

#4 Provide feedback to students. I don’t grade every single  writing sample, but students  get feedback as they learn.

I do this in a few ways. I check for understanding during writing time and ask questions to check-in with students. I  call on students over to provide quick feedback on their writing. Or I  call students for a small group where I review the writing pieces and assist.

Day 1 Intro to R.A.C.E. and review parts of speech     

Day 2 Write a short answer response and review transitional word and phrases

Day 3 Write an extended response and review how to elaborate using revising

Day 4 Practice R.A.C.E. and IBC add special details such a quotes, statistics, anecdotes 

During each class, I will provide direct literacy and writing instruction. Students will develop a deeper understanding of  the fundamental spelling rules, word recognition, correct letter formation and sentence mechanics. Each live class is designed to be incredibly engaging and interactive for each student, providing many opportunities for different senses to ensure different areas of your child's brain is engaged in the learning process. 

I will provide instruction utilizing reading strategies for first through sixth grade-level to close learning gaps and accelerate writing. Students will be supported and challenged by me throughout each class based on their individual needs. Although each student's needs are different, families should notice improvement in their child's reading, writing, letter formation or spelling abilities after just a few classes.
Students  will be learning about reading and write sentences fluenly and the importance of paying attention to how we read the words to support our understanding of the text.  Students will increase their confidence in reading  and writing through understanding grammar and sentence mechanics.  They will reflect on the  lessons by completing quick writes to show lesson comprehension.


學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 August, 2019
I teach English classes, reading classes and writing classes to students from kinder to 7th grade. My teaching experience includes elementary grades to junior high/middle school; mostly in English-Language Arts/reading and writing. 

I enjoy helping to develop  listening, reading, speaking and writing.  I believe that  engaging  activities that are one-on-one or in small group can spark a child's creativity beyond expectation.

My favorite relaxing activity is listening to nature sounds while I clean the house. I also enjoy indoor and outdoor exercise.




用於 4 課程
每週上課 x 1 次, 4 週
55 分鐘

有28 為學習者完成此課程
年齡: 12-17
3-10 每班學員人數

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