

Teacher Dominique, M.A Education


12 現場會議
9 上課時間
Learners will continue the activity after class
Responses and participation


英語程度 - 未知
美國 Preschool - 1 年級
This six week class is for first or second graders who struggle to remember sight words, decode short vowel words, and is falling behind with using first and second grade reading strategies.  We will use first grade phonics, reading strategies, & writing skills to close learning gaps! 

We follow a year-long Language Arts curriculum in a small-group setting. This class addresses reading fluency by building on 1st and 2nd grade sight words. Learners will practice how to self correct using proper decoding  strategies. 

Learners will listen and follow as I model reading aloud. Then we will re-read text together. Learners will make mini-books  and practice rereading  their books. 

Even if your child has gone up a reading level, but you are worried about them regressing during summer break. This class is for you.

This class is perfect for a learner who is beginning to recognize some HFW.  At the beginning of each class we will practice pre-reading skills / Reading Readiness - letter recognition, phonological awareness, oral language, and handwriting
Decoding, Fluency, and Accuracy.

This phonics based program directly teaches the essential phonics structures that unlock the English code in simple and complex words, working on foundational reading skills

We will read passages that includes a lesson plan, passage, reading response questions and running record. Parents can print and copy each reading passage for continued practice after class. In addition, my students love getting the opportunity to draw and label a picture for after reading,.

Parents can help by following the plan that is the same plan I follow when using these passages. This will help your learner read the stories better on their own! To add some fun, learners enjoy using whisper phones to make reading more exciting, as they practice reading fluently :) 

Overall, reading the passages should help build your child’s confidence and help them become better readers! Our passages also include some bold words, exclamation points and question marks to help students add expression while they read. My students have not only loved these passages, but they also have been very successful reading these passages and I hope yours do too!

I use the running record (two to a page to save paper) to check in on how my students are doing. I generally will assess my
students with these running records so that I have a score for each student every other week. If students are scoring at the instructional level based on their percentage correct, then I continue using these passages until they reach the Independent score. (I usually make sure they get two scores of independent before moving on just for extra practice.)

Week One              Literacy Routines: Pre-reading skills / Reading Readiness - letter recognition, 
                                phonological awareness, oral language, and handwriting

Week Two               Decoding, Fluency, and Accuracy -  decoding words in isolation and in context by applying common letter 
                                 sound correspondences

Week Three             Fluency & Comprehension Skills - decoding words in isolation and in context by applying common letter 
                                  sound correspondences
Week Four               Independent Reading demonstrate and apply phonemic knowledge

Week Five                Genres: Fiction and Nonfiction read grade‐level text with fluency and words in isolation and in context by 
                                  applying common letter sound correspondences

Week Six                  Fluency, Word Study, Vocabulary and comprehension review and celebration


Learners will be able to read from left to right and from top to bottom. Your child will build their confidence, resilience and writing skills so that they can produce exciting pieces of work.
Your child will be happy, motivated and excited about the BOOKS they read and will want to proudly share their success and achievements with friends and family!


notebook and pencil
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 August, 2019
I teach English classes, reading classes and writing classes to students from kinder to 7th grade. My teaching experience includes elementary grades to junior high/middle school; mostly in English-Language Arts/reading and writing. 

I enjoy helping to develop  listening, reading, speaking and writing.  I believe that  engaging  activities that are one-on-one or in small group can spark a child's creativity beyond expectation.

My favorite relaxing activity is listening to nature sounds while I clean the house. I also enjoy indoor and outdoor exercise.




用於 12 課程

每週2次,共 6 週
45 分鐘
有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 3-8
3-5 每班學員人數

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