

or US$300 for 25 classes


由 1522 位學習者完成
年齡 10-15
(2,300 評論)

每週1次,共 25 週
10-18 名學習者(每班)
45 分鐘


25 現場會議
18 小時 45 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. There will be work each week for students if they want to do it. All turned in work is optional and determined by the student and parent. We will have a fun weekly project or assignment that I encourage the students to do, but it is also optional.
I offer weekly assessments most weeks in the folder for your student to take on the topics we covered. Students who want to test their knowledge of the content can take these and submit to be added into their grade. Most of the time, answer pages are also linked in there as well, but in the case there is none, submit for grading.
Grades will be provided via request but require students to submit weekly work to be graded and then averaged at the end for an overall grade. Please let me know the week you enter class if you wish to have a grade, and I will keep track of progress throughout the class.
I will offer a certificate of completion for this class if requested. Once class ends, send me a message to receive this.


英語程度 - A1
美國 6 - 9 年級
Beginner - Intermediate 等級
General Info:
This class is a full curriculum course meaning we will cover a full year of content topics in the given weeks listed. Please find all content and topics in the syllabus. Content does not necessarily build, but flows in an organizational manner that makes sense for covering topics. 

About the Teacher:
I am a certified teacher in various topics, which I teach on Outschool, and I hold a Bachelor’s degree and two Master’s degrees. I strive to align my classes with state standards and GED and ACT topics. Each week, your student will see a topic they need to master to pass those major tests. 

About this Class: 
This class is geared towards late Middle School to early High School (Grades 6-9 are ideal depending on the level of your student). Each week, we cover a new topic using a variety of learning tools and methods for all styles of learners: discussion, lecture, trivia, videos, and more! Some weeks we practice the skills we learn in class, and others we cover more content. Students will have a textbook for each section to download and follow along with through the weeks for more coverage of the topics, as well as additional activities, experiments, projects, and resources. 

Class is 45 minutes but might run over a few minutes on experiment days. Please check the supplies list weekly to ensure your student can participate but I will list them weekly in class. 

Following class each week, I will put a message in the Outschool classroom with a link to a Google folder where I provide my notes from class, resources, and more. I also link videos in the message for further coverage of topics. I provide fill-in-the-blank notes for your student to have each week if they want to follow along and take notes during class and tell students supplies for the following week. 

I do provide an overall grade for the class as a full semester/year class style, but I require at least 2 activities to be turned in weekly to me to grade. Some documents have answer pages, so you can go through the work before submitting and mark things wrong, but if there is not an answer page provided, I will grade the work. Remember, work is not required, but if you desire a grade, I have to see your student’s work. I will also provide fill-in-the-blank notes for your student to have each week if they want to follow along and take notes during class.

Helpful Information

1. This class is structured for 6th-9th or higher. My goal is to have students enroll and stay in the class for the full listed count of weeks so they get all the topics they need. 
2. Please let your student know that I love participation but it is not required. I do ask that they raise their hands to speak so everyone can feel heard and get to participate. 
3. Since this class is a course, if there are skipped weeks in the schedule you will be billed for them, but you will only pay for the total amount of weeks that the course is that you are enrolled for. 

Refund Policy: 
1.  If a makeup class is set by me due to a change on my end, you will not receive a refund. You can access recordings and all resources. 
2. Due to high demand of classes, I do not offer weekly refunds for missing class due to there being a class recording. You can access everything in the class even when you miss. 
3. If you need to withdraw or move to another session, that must be asked at least 1 week before the start of the session (1st meeting). Otherwise, a refund will not be given and the move of session will not be granted. 


Week 2 – Chemical Reactions 

1st experiment Supplies 
• 1 Egg 
• 1 Cup or Glass (large enough to hold your egg and vinegar)
• Vinegar (distilled or apple cider will work)

2nd Experiment Supplies 
• Empty water or soda bottle (cut top off) - 16oz Bottle is Recommended 
• An extra cup (needs to be normal size drinking cup)
• Large bowl
• Large tray or pan to go UNDER the bowl
• Spoon to stir 
• Towel or paper towels
• Measuring cups and spoons (1 Cup and 1 Tablespoon)
• Hydrogen Peroxide (1 Cup or MORE)
• Dry Yeast (can be found online or at the store) THIS IS NEEDED - You need 3 TABLESPOONS at least.
• Dish soap of any kind 
• Average Temp Water  - NOT COLD
• Food color (OPTIONAL - any color and you can use two)  

Week 4 - Motion

Gravity Defying Water 
• Clear mason jar (small) 
• Additional water in something that can pour
• Square of poster or cardstock that fully covers the size of the mason jar opening
• Scissors
• Two strong rubber bands
• Piece of mesh or window screen (old) about 5x5 inches - If you do not have this, the cardboard will be enough to demonstrate. 
• A large bowl

Week 6 - Energy

Thermal Energy Experiment
• Ice (any kind works and you can keep in freezer until experiment time)
• Two bowls
• Latex Balloon (large is fine)
• Empty water bottle - Needs to be thinner plastic. This won't work with think water bottles. 
• Water (we will put hot water in one and ice water in the other when we do the experiment at the end of class)

Week 7 - Waves 

Light Experiment Supplies 
• Clear glass 
• Water in another container 
• Small plate or saucer 
• Penny 

Sound Experiment Supplies 
• Clear glass 
• Water in another container (they can use the same from the previous experiment) 
• Plastic straw 
• Scissors

Week 8 – Electricity 

Static Experiment Supplies 
• Salt 
• Pepper 
• Plastic Spoon 

Week 14 – Organs Part 2 

Lung Experiment Supplies 
• Empty water bottle (do not use a thick bottle – we have to cut the bottle so thinner is better) • Two regular balloons (larger is better – do not get the small balloons) 
• Scissors 

Week 16 – Disease and Disorder (Plant for NEXT WEEK)

Planting Supplies 
• Jars or containers for your plants (mason jars work well for this- but something with a drain hole  in the bottom is better)
• Soil (You can get this at a store or from your yard - the better the soil the better they will grow) • Spoon (or something to dig with and put dirt into your containers) 
• Seeds (choose from the following) 
o Calendula (flower) 
o Marigold (flower) 
o Morning Glory (flower) 
o Radish (vegetable) 
o Carrot (vegetable but needs deeper potting containers) 
o Onion (vegetable) 
o Parsley (herb) 
o Basil (herb) 
o Mint (herb) 

Week 19 - Plate Tectonics

Graham Cracker Plate Boundaries
• Graham Crackers
• Cool whip (or peanut butter, nut butter, or soft food like icing)
• Two plates 

Week 20 – Rocks, Weathering, Erosion 

Erosion Experiment 
• Jar with lid or bottle 
• Bowl 
• 2 Peppermints or hard candies 
• 2 M&Ms or Skittles 
• 2 Gummy Candies of some kind 
• Water 

Week 21 – Fossils 

• Show and Tell- Students will also be able to show and talk about any fossils they have collected. We will do this at the end of class.  There is no experiment but they should bring things related that they want to show. 

Week 23 - Weather and Climate

Snow Storm in a Jar
• Jar with a lid 
• Baby Oil (Full large bottle – enough to fill  your jar ¾ full of oil) 
• Water 
• White paint 
• Alka Seltzer TABLET (for  bigger jars, get two of  these)


Students will leave with a well-rounded coverage in all major sections of Science.


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
與 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)對齊
3 單位
25 課程
超過 25 週
單位 1: Unit 1: Chemistry and Physics
課 1:
Atomic Structure, Molecules and Compounds
 We will cover the atomic structure, what the parts do, how they make molecules and compounds and more. We will end with counting atoms and parts of atoms. 

Class Experiment: None

Homework: Build an Atom of any element and bring it to the next class. 

Check the master supply list in the folder for supplies needed for next week, if there are any. 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 2:
Chemical Bonding, Matter, and Chemical Reactions
 We will cover how elements bond and discover the different levels of matter, while exploring live chemical reactions in class. We will also see the difference in mixtures and solutions. 

Class Experiment: Elephant Toothpaste and Rubber Egg 

Homework: Conduct any additional experiments you want and then share your experience with us in the next class. 

Check the master supply list in the folder for supplies needed for next week, if there are any. 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 3:
Periodic Table, Elements, and Atomic Formulas
 We will cover the periodic table and study an interactive one in class, discover some cool elements, discuss their uses, and conclude with balancing atomic formulas. 

Class Experiment: None - Review in class IXL

Homework: Build a compound with any materials you want and learn 1-2 facts about it you can share. 

Check the master supply list in the folder for supplies needed for next week, if there are any. 
45 分鐘線上直播課
課 4:
Motion (Velocity, Force, Gravity)
 We will cover Newton and the laws of motion, forces that act on motion including gravity, and terms such as acceleration and velocity that play a role. 

Class Experiment: Gravity Defying Water - Also some in class demonstrations of gravity and motion

Homework: Conduct any other experiment this week you want and work on motion, gravity, and the terms that go with it. 

Check the master supply list in the folder for supplies needed for next week, if there are any. 
45 分鐘線上直播課


You will need random supplies throughout the section. I will post an updated list of supplies at the start of class and remind you each week what will be needed for the following week. This class is hands on. Here is the supply list which you will also get once class begins but there will be a master list weekly in the folder. 


Week 2 – Chemical Reactions 

1st experiment Supplies 
• 1 Egg 
• 1 Cup or Glass (large enough to hold your egg and vinegar)
• Vinegar (distilled or apple cider will work)

2nd Experiment Supplies 
• Empty water or soda bottle (cut top off) - 16oz Bottle is Recommended 
• An extra cup (needs to be normal size drinking cup)
• Large bowl
• Large tray or pan to go UNDER the bowl
• Spoon to stir 
• Towel or paper towels
• Measuring cups and spoons (1 Cup and 1 Tablespoon)
• Hydrogen Peroxide (1 Cup or MORE)
• Dry Yeast (can be found online or at the store) THIS IS NEEDED - You need 3 TABLESPOONS at least.
• Dish soap of any kind 
• Average Temp Water  - NOT COLD
• Food color (OPTIONAL - any color and you can use two)  

Week 4 - Motion

Gravity Defying Water 
• Clear mason jar (small) 
• Additional water in something that can pour
• Square of poster or cardstock that fully covers the size of the mason jar opening
• Scissors
• Two strong rubber bands
• Piece of mesh or window screen (old) about 5x5 inches - If you do not have this, the cardboard will be enough to demonstrate. 
• A large bowl

Week 6 - Energy

Thermal Energy Experiment
• Ice (any kind works and you can keep in freezer until experiment time)
• Two bowls
• Latex Balloon (large is fine)
• Empty water bottle - Needs to be thinner plastic. This won't work with think water bottles. 
• Water (we will put hot water in one and ice water in the other when we do the experiment at the end of class)

Week 7 - Waves 

Light Experiment Supplies 
• Clear glass 
• Water in another container 
• Small plate or saucer 
• Penny 

Sound Experiment Supplies 
• Clear glass 
• Water in another container (they can use the same from the previous experiment) 
• Plastic straw 
• Scissors

Week 8 – Electricity 

Static Experiment Supplies 
• Salt 
• Pepper 
• Plastic Spoon 

Week 14 – Organs Part 2 

Lung Experiment Supplies 
• Empty water bottle (do not use a thick bottle – we have to cut the bottle so thinner is better) • Two regular balloons (larger is better – do not get the small balloons) 
• Scissors 

Week 16 – Disease and Disorder (Plant for NEXT WEEK)

Planting Supplies 
• Jars or containers for your plants (mason jars work well for this- but something with a drain hole  in the bottom is better)
• Soil (You can get this at a store or from your yard - the better the soil the better they will grow) • Spoon (or something to dig with and put dirt into your containers) 
• Seeds (choose from the following) 
o Calendula (flower) 
o Marigold (flower) 
o Morning Glory (flower) 
o Radish (vegetable) 
o Carrot (vegetable but needs deeper potting containers) 
o Onion (vegetable) 
o Parsley (herb) 
o Basil (herb) 
o Mint (herb) 

Week 19 - Plate Tectonics

Graham Cracker Plate Boundaries
• Graham Crackers
• Cool whip (or peanut butter, nut butter, or soft food like icing)
• Two plates 

Week 20 – Rocks, Weathering, Erosion 

Erosion Experiment 
• Jar with lid or bottle 
• Bowl 
• 2 Peppermints or hard candies 
• 2 M&Ms or Skittles 
• 2 Gummy Candies of some kind 
• Water 

Week 21 – Fossils 

• Show and Tell- Students will also be able to show and talk about any fossils they have collected. We will do this at the end of class.  There is no experiment but they should bring things related that they want to show. 

Week 23 - Weather and Climate

Snow Storm in a Jar
• Jar with a lid 
• Baby Oil (Full large bottle – enough to fill  your jar ¾ full of oil) 
• Water 
• White paint 
• Alka Seltzer TABLET (for  bigger jars, get two of  these)
除了 Outschool 教室外,本課程也使用:


已加入 March, 2020
俄克拉荷馬州 教學證書 在 英語/語言藝術
碩士 在 教育 從 Kaplan University
學士學位 由 Ashford University
I have been a certified teacher for almost 9 years. I have two Master's degrees, one in education, and I enjoy sharing my knowledge and seeing students grow. I have taught in the classroom and for the largest charter in the US, and I have learned various methods of teaching. I have worked with all types of learning styles, so I am more than qualified to teach this class. 


法醫學 2 - 高中:生物科學
Thomas Jones
US$16 每班
16 週, 1/週, 55 分鐘
Dr Pete PhD Earth Science Philosophy Geology
US$10 每月
Meghan Jones, M. Ed.
US$11 每班
下一堂課明天 5 PM
1/週, 30 分鐘
Miss Robyn Discover Explore Create
US$18 每班
下次會議在 7:15 PM Mon 3/31
1 週, 1/週, 45 分鐘
1:1 科學導師 |中學、生物學、地球科學
Ms. Erica, M. Ed (Science & Technology)
US$40 每堂課
讓我們學習科學:體育中的科學(7-11 歲)
Let's Go Learning
US$12 每班
下次會議在 2:20 PM Saturday
1/週, 35 分鐘
Alida Noort, BA CYC, ECE
US$14 每班
下次會議在 6 PM Wednesday
1/週, 40 分鐘
Kathy Borja
US$25 每班
下一堂課今天 3 PM
1/週, 55 分鐘
Amy Barnhardt
US$9 每班
下次會議在 12 AM Thursday
1/週, 25 分鐘
Angie Wolf, M.Ed.
US$15 每班
下次會議在 6 PM Mon 5/5
8 週, 1/週, 45 分鐘
Angie Wolf, M.Ed.
US$15 每班
下次會議在 6 PM Tue 10/7
9 週, 1/週, 45 分鐘
Ashley Ward
US$9 每班
下一堂課今天 4 PM
1/週, 30 分鐘
30 分鐘生物學、環境科學和普通科學輔導
Lisette Diaz
US$28 每堂課
Miss Robyn Discover Explore Create
US$18 每班
下次會議在 3:15 PM Tue 4/1
1 週, 1/週, 45 分鐘
Ms. Judy
US$17 每班
下一堂課明天 3 PM
6 週, 1/週, 55 分鐘
Sarah Wood
US$15 每班
36 週, 2/週, 50 分鐘