

與帕梅拉女士一起參加 40 分鐘充滿樂趣的課程,深入了解動物棲息地的多樣化世界。每週,我們都會考察不同類型的棲息地。探索它們的獨特之處以及以此為家的動物。
Ms. Pamela - Preschool-3rd Gr, Book Clubs, & More


16 現場會議
10 小時 40 分鐘 上課時間
每週 1 小時. Each learner will be asked to draw an animal living in the habitat we discuss each week to be shared in class the following week.
We will be discussing the various habitats through out the course so recall will be important.


英語程度 - 未知
美國 1 - 3 年級
In this 40-minute, sixteen week course with Ms. Pamela, we will look at a DIFFERENT TYPE of HABITAT every week.

Each class will include:
* A specific habitat - what does it look like? What is the weather there? What sets it apart from other habitats? How is it similar or different from others? 
*We will read a book about that habitat written by myself.
*We will create a CAN, HAVE, and ARE chart
*We will look at several animals that live in that habitat - What makes this habitat best for them to survive? Where do these animals live? What do they eat?
*We will either play a game or do an activity regarding each habitat.

HOMEWORK: Each learner will be expected to draw an animal living in the habitat we discussed that week to be shared at the start of class the following week if desired. 
I will be sending a word search based on each habitat after class too.


Learners will know about the different habitats
Learners will know about the animals that live in each habitat
Learners will know how animals have adapted to each habitat
Learners will know about the different layers of particular habitats


遵循 Teacher-Created 課程
16 課程
超過 16 週
課 1:
What is a Habitat?
 Introduction - What is a habitat? We will define a habitat, talk about our favorites and what we want to learn more about in this class. We will talk about the factors that shape our habitats and why animals might need to adapt. We will play a game about animals and which habitat they might live in. 
40 分鐘線上直播課
1 作業
課 2:
The Wetlands - Swamps, Bogs, and Marshes
 We will read "The Wetlands" written by Pamela Williams. We will look at the animals that live in this habitat. We will look at a beaver's dam. How does it hold the water back? We will look at it's layers and how it works. We will do a crossword puzzle. 
40 分鐘線上直播課
1 作業
課 3:
The Coral Reef
 We will read "The Coral Reef" written by Pamela Williams. We will look at the animals that live in this habitat. We will look at the differences and similarities between hard and soft coral. Our game will be Coral Reef Jeopardy. 
40 分鐘線上直播課
1 作業
課 4:
The Open Ocean
 We will read "The Open Ocean" written by Pamela Williams. We will look at the animals that live in this habitat. We will look at the different layers of the ocean and talk about the animals that live in each. 
40 分鐘線上直播課
1 作業


Be sure to have on hand:
Paper, and pencil
crayons, markers, or colored pencils
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
副學士學位 在 教育 從 College of DuPage
Hello, I am Ms. Pamela! 

If this is your first class on Outschool, ✨Use code MSPAME20 to save $20 on this class!✨

A Bit About Me:

I am passionate about learning and have been privileged to engage with over 900 learners from 25 countries since teaching my first class on Outschool in 2020. My classes span a range of ages and subjects, with a focus on full curriculum semester classes for preschool through third grade. I offer many craft classes, often by request, and I am always up for teaching a book club as I am an avid reader. I am always working on more too!

My Background:

With 35+ years of teaching experience, I've held various roles, including Montessori teacher, private early elementary teacher, center director, preschool owner, homeschool co-op leader, and private tutor in math, writing, and early reading skills. In my previous position, I taught the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum and I have incorporated many of the basic ideas into my personalized curriculum. 
We homeschooled our daughter from preschool to eighth grade. I have run a homeschool co-op, a preschool program, an early learning center, and scouting groups. I have an educational background in Early Childhood Education and American Sign Language.

My Teaching Style:

I believe that learning needs to be fun, and listening is just as important as talking and teaching. I am not one to mute a learner unless necessary but will encourage raising hands and taking turns during our games and discussions for all ages. I prioritize active participation and mutual respect.

Something Fun:

Crafting is a lifelong passion of mine, encompassing quilting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, painting, and jewelry making. I'm delighted to share my expertise through crafting classes on Outschool, and I'm always open to requests for new or existing classes.


I strive to be responsive to emails, typically replying within a day. My teaching hours are from 8 am to 6 pm CST, during which I also attend to administrative tasks.

Missed Classes, Cancellations, Refunds:

I pride myself on being punctual and ready for class. We do live in Tornado Alley and take storms seriously since being hit by a tornado last March 2023. I try to warn ahead of time if possible. I will reimburse you for technical issues on my side or offer a single transfer for one-time classes if needed. I will teach only one or two students. Some of my best classes have happened with only one or two learners. It can make for great in-depth discussions!
I cannot wait to meet your child.




每週或US$160 用於 16 課程
每週1次,共 16 週
40 分鐘

有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 6-8
1-6 每班學員人數

在應用程式商店下載在 Google Play 上取得
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