weeklyor US$495 for 33 classes
33 現場會議
27 小時 30 分鐘 上課時間作業
每週 1-2 小時. Homework assignments should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. If the assignment is taking you longer to complete, please stop what you are doing and bring it to class the next day. You can even send me a message with a picture of where you are stuck and I will write back to you before the next class to help you. :)評估
Verbal assessment with feedback will be provided throughout class. Progress reports, quarter grades, and final grade reports can be provided to parent after parent request.評分
Grades Offered All tasks are expected to be completed and full participation is required to receive a completion certificate Grade 6 & 7 English Language Arts: Trimester 2. All work must be submitted by the Sunday following the last scheduled class. The work must be received before Monday, 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time to apply to grade and allow teacher to complete your request. Grading rubric will be provided in class. 🧠Expected tasks: 1. Working under a Deadline: Worksheets submitted in the learner area of the classroom 2. Self-editing Skills (Earn points back) Corrected errors on worksheet after teacher feedback 3. Global Citizenship: Interacting with partner to complete a task in online environment. 4. Communication I: When requested by teacher, post a brief conversational video using the add video button below teacher posting. Communication II: When requested by teacher, post a response using emoji's only or a photo related to the root of the week. 5. Add to Your Environment: Your sparkling personality and participation adds to the happy atmosphere of the classroom. Your posts and interactions help to make learning come alive and can help your classmates understand the topic more deeply.我們無法翻譯此文,請刷新頁面並再試一次。
英語程度 - 未知
美國 6 - 7 年級
Beginner - Advanced 等級
6th & 7th grade English Language Arts standards for Reading and Writing are covered in a full year curriculum. This is the second of three trimesters. You do not need to have taken Trimester #1 to enroll in Trimester #2. Trimester two addresses: ✅Basic Grammar Review ✅Reading Strategies ✅Informational Text ✅Main Idea, Keywords, Captions, and Vocabulary ✅Characterization of Real Life Players ✅Informational Essay: Outline, Supporting Evidence ✅Installation Art Project based on Informational Essay Outline ✅Evaluating Your Own Work Using a Rubric ✅Research Essay -Topics Given by Teacher -Research Provided by Teacher ✅All Steps of the Writing Process ✅Citing Your Sources ✅Writing a Proper Bibliography Key Text: Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance by Jennifer Armstrong This non-fiction book can be found here: I model everything that I ask students to do. Each class is structured beginning to end: Welcome/Warm Up/ Instruction/ Guided Practice & Check/ Independent Practice & Check/ Closure & Exit Ticket. We meet twice a week for 50 minutes each meeting. You may have a small task of up to 15 minutes to complete on your own and bring it to our next class. On Fridays, you will post your work via picture or message in the classroom. I'll send a reminder after our second class of the week to remind you to post your excellent work on Fridays. First, I welcome students to class. Next, I provide brief instruction and students do quick practice with the teacher. Next, I introduce the task for the day and thoroughly explain my expectations. Together we complete the task with writing and discussion. It isn't a lot of writing and is a bit of fun discussion. We finish class with another small task to evaluate our learning and performance. With a quick question of assessment, class is finished for the day. ***Students must have their camera turned on. This is not a lecture type of class. Students will be encouraged to participate and usually do so easily. Your student's presence adds to the atmosphere of the class. If you student is unwilling to keep their cameras on, I will dismiss them from class. Engagement is key in student understanding. I need to see your student to gauge your student's participation and understanding so that I may reteach a topic or review if necessary.*** Grades Offered All tasks are expected to be completed and full participation is required to receive a completion certificate 6/7 ELA Trimester 2. All work must be submitted by the Sunday following the last scheduled class. The work must be received before Monday, 12:00 a.m. Eastern Time to apply to grade and allow teacher to complete your request. Grading rubric will be provided in class. 🧠Expected tasks: 1. Working under a Deadline: Worksheets submitted in the learner area of the classroom 2. Self-editing Skills (Earn points back) Corrected errors on worksheet after teacher feedback 3. Global Citizenship: Interacting with partner to complete a task in online environment. 4. Communication I: When requested by teacher, post a brief conversational video using the add video button below teacher posting. Communication II: When requested by teacher, post a response using emoji's only or a photo related to the root of the week. 5. Add to Your Environment: Your sparkling personality and participation adds to the happy atmosphere of the classroom. Your posts and interactions help to make learning come alive and can help your classmates understand the topic more deeply. Week 1 Grammar Boot Camp Top to bottom basics Week 2 Non-Fiction Unit Study Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Reading Strategies Keywords Summary Sentences Characterization of Real Life Players Week 3 Non-Fiction Unit Study Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Main Idea, Vocabulary, Summary Sentences Characterization of Real Life Players Week 4 Non-Fiction Unit Study Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Keywords, Captions, Vocabulary Characterization of Real Life Players Week 5 Non-Fiction Unit Study Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World Characterization of Real Life Players Week 6 Non-Fiction Informational Essay Skeleton Essay Outline, Keywords, Main Idea Installation Project based on Informational Essay Outline and Research Week 7 Work Time for Presentations for Installation Project based on Shackleton book Process Essay Post Speech Recordings in the Classroom Week 8 View Speech Recordings from Classmates & Teacher, Provide Written Feedback to Teacher regarding Classmates and Your Own Speech/ Evaluate Speech/ Grade Yourself and Submit to Teacher Week 9 Research Essay: Topics Given/ Rubric/ Model/ Evaluate the Model Research Essay: Topic Selected from List/ Brainstorm/ Outline Research Essay: Revise Outline/ Quick Write/ Model & Draft Introduction Week 10 Research Essay: Revise Outline/ Quick Write/ Model & Draft Body Paragraph 1 & 2 Using Research Provided by Teacher Model & Draft Body Paragraph 3 & Conclusion Using Research Provided by Teacher Week 11 Research Essay: Review Rubric/ Edit Model for Ideas/ Word Choice/ Conventions Edit Own Essay for Ideas/ Word Choice/ Conventions Research Essay: Review Rubric/ Model Bibliography/ Write Bibliography Revise Essay to accommodate your errors. Class will Evaluate Essay Excerpts (Teacher Provided) Using Rubric Submit Essay to Teacher
Students will improve reading comprehension and automaticity while reading excepts from literary text. Students will improve in all Common Core (USA) English & Writing Standards for Grade 6 & 7.
***Students must have their camera turned on. This is not a lecture type of class. Students will be encouraged to participate and usually do so easily. Your student's presence adds to the atmosphere of the class. If you student is unwilling to keep their cameras on, I will dismiss them from class. Engagement is key in student understanding. I need to see your student to gauge your student's participation and understanding so that I may reteach a topic or review if necessary.***
Non-Fiction Unit Study: Shipwreck at the Bottom of the World: The Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance by Jennifer Armstrong This non-fiction book can be found here: Composition Book from the Dollar Store Pencils/Colored Pencils Items for Illustration Project in Week 7
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
學士學位 在 英語 從 Grand Valley State University
I have taught middle and high school English Language Arts for 17 years. I have taught English literature and composition for advanced students preparing for private high schools with even higher aspirations of attending ivy league schools. I have taught at all grade levels from grades 4 through 12. I have tutored adult college students in these areas as well. I have taught students with minimal English and have taught seventh grade students who read at first grade level. I have achieved great success for myself while completing courses in my doctoral program.
Amy Westrick, Certified English Teacher (She/Her)的其他課程
Amy Westrick, Certified English Teacher (She/Her)的其他課程
US$35 每堂課
私人英語語言藝術輔導 2
Neda Topic
US$42 每堂課
初級 ELA 課程 2:二年級英語語言藝術
Stone Bridges Academy
US$20 每班
下次會議在 2 PM Tue 8/26
36 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
Genevieve Pollock
US$18 每班
下一堂課今天 3 PM
1/週, 50 分鐘
US$28 每堂課
中學 ELA:七年級和八年級英語語言藝術
Beth Foster | Humanities Educator
US$13 每班
下次會議在 7 PM Tue 8/12
32 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
初級 ELA 課程 1:一年級英語語言藝術
Stone Bridges Academy
US$10 每班
下次會議在 4 PM Tue 3/18
36 週, 2/週, 25 分鐘
10、11、12 年級英語語言藝術 (ELA) 文學暑期強化班
Ms. Caldwell, B.A. Adv. English Literature, M.Mus.
US$23 每班
下次會議在 7:45 PM Mon 6/23
3 週, 5/週, 45 分鐘
Wild Prairie Learning
US$16 每班
下次會議在 5 PM Friday
1/週, 45 分鐘
7、8、9 年級英語語言藝術 (ELA) 文學暑期強化班
Ms. Caldwell, B.A. Adv. English Literature, M.Mus.
US$23 每班
下次會議在 7 PM Mon 6/23
3 週, 5/週, 45 分鐘
初級 ELA 課程 3:三年級英語語言藝術(每週 2 次)
Stone Bridges Academy
US$20 每班
下次會議在 1:15 PM Tue 8/26
39 週, 2/週, 45 分鐘
Nicole Salcido
US$45 每堂課
US$19 每堂課
DEM Academy: Learn through Gaming
US$40 每堂課
Tassie Bauman Smith
US$25 每班
12 週, 1/週, 55 分鐘
Wild Prairie Learning
US$9 每班
下次會議在 8 PM Monday
2/週, 25 分鐘