
升空到太空俱樂部(4 至 6 歲)

在這門正在進行的課程中,學生將在學習、創造、分享和發現太空時與他人互動和交談,使用來自 NASA、ESA 和 Sandbox Universe 的工具和資源以及其他技術來探索宇宙。 #超級明星
Kristina RI. (MAT BBA. AA. Spanish. TEFL)


1 現場會議
每週上課 30 分鐘 小時


英語程度 - 未知
美國 Pre-Kindergarten - Kindergarten 年級
As a Technology and Space teacher, it has become quite apparent that students need earlier introductions to both topics. They are the next generation of space explorers, and the necessity of being educated in how to use technology to learn is vital. As such, in Blast-Off to Space Club, we will integrate the two of these, along with other important life skills, such as communications and the arts to create a beautiful and synergistic atmosphere of learning all about space! 
Get that space-gear ready, my friends, and don't forget your space helmet, as we get ready to Blast-Off into Space together in this fun Space Club! 
We will combine these with lots of fun, amazement, and awe as we explore the Universe together, each week tackling another region of space!

Blast-Off to Space Club Weekly Outline:

Week of February 5-11: Our Solar System & the Sun

Week of February 12-18: Our Solar System & Terrestrial Planets

Week of February 19-25: Our Solar System & the Jovian Planets

Week of February 26-March 4: Our Solar system & the Asteroid Belt and Kuiper Belt

Week of March 5-11: Amazing Telescopes (Earth-based telescopes & Observatories, such as Hubble & the James Webb)

Week of March 12-18: Animals in Space

Week of March 19-25: Men & Women in Space

Week of March 26-April 1: Future Space Missions

*Please note: at the end of these 8 weeks, the next 8 weeks will begin anew with Week 1 subject-area covered, however, the information, crafts, and what is presented will vary with each new 8-weeks.

During each Space Club meeting, learners will be given ample time to show something to the class during our show-and-tell section at the beginning. The second part of the class will be “learning time”, as we will be using technology-driven tools to learn more about our topic of the week. During the last part of our class, we will do our “Creative time,” as we will be using our new knowledge to make something, draw, do a craft, and more. Please note: due to different types of lessons, it may be necessary to change around when each of these sections will be completed, but they will be included in each class/club meeting.

As a quick reference, each class will include:
1.	Show-and-Tell about Space (this could be anything space-related the learner wants to share with the class: a toy, book, Legos, drawing, etc.)
2.	Learning Time (this will be our space exploration topic of the week)
3.	Tech Time (this may be included within the Learning Time as we will use various technology to contribute to our space exploration)
4.	Creative Time (as a club, we will explore space through arts and craft time, coloring, drawing, or creating something space-related)
*Please note: Due to interesting and diverse nature of our club meetings, these various areas (Show-and-Tell, Learning Time, Tech Time, and Creative Time) may be presented at different times during our class. For instance, Creative Time may cover before Learning Time, and Creative Time may be including in the Learning Time, etc. 
*There are no prerequisites for this class—all learners are invited!
In a world which has become largely digital, more and more young people are lacking in communication and conversational skills. This Space Club will help Learners learn how to interact and converse with other Outschool students from various parts of the world, increasing their ability to ask and answer questions, and discuss Space-related topics; as well as show respect to others during discussions. 
Learners will also discover more about Space and current Space-related news & topics.
Learners will create something space-related during each class (arts and crafts, coloring, drawing, and/or creating unique art).


*Parent/Adult needs to be present to help the younger learner during the crafting time of our lesson. Learners will need help logging into the classroom, as well using the "mute/un-mute" buttons, as needed. Note: During certain parts of the “Learning Time & Tech Time”, learners may need to be muted, but will be asked to unmute to answer/ask questions and interact with our class-Parent/Adult assistance will also be needed for this. Youtube videos will be sometimes used in-class to help learners see/understand our topic. These video links will be shared with parents in the Outschool Classroom. Any other resources used on-screen, during our class, such as NASA and ESA websites used and/or specifically referenced during our classes will also be linked in the Outschool Classroom for parents.
Each week we will be creating different class activities and the supplies will be listed in the classroom one-week prior. 
Students should always have crayons, markers, construction paper/printer painter and other basic supplies near them. 
*A complete list will be available in our Outschool Classroom a week prior so parents have time to collect any necessary items.
學習者無需使用標準 Outschool 工具以外的任何應用程式或網站。
已加入 June, 2020
密蘇裡州 教學證書 在 中學教育
I have always had a love of space, from the moment my grandpa, an amateur astronomer, let me look through his 10-foot telescope he built all by himself, to look at the rings around Saturn! I have since built my own telescopes, and with these various telescopes have been able to spot some of the largest dust storms to hit Mars, identify the craters on the Moon, and see Jupiter and its Galilean Satellites, all from my backyard in Missouri! I spend my spare time watching shuttles lift-off & the satellites orbit past me as I stargaze, keeping my eyes ready to see those shooting stars/meteors as they fall! I have never ceased my exploration and search, looking to the skies to watch for eclipses, comets, and so much more! My love of all things Space has only increased with time, and I feel it is the next great wave of the future! As a teacher with a Master’s Degree in Teaching & over 30 years of experience working with children of various ages, and more than 7 years teaching students about Space, as well as other Science-related subject-matter, I love sharing my knowledge with the next generation. My hope is to instill the awe-inspiring beauty the Unknown Universe holds, as well as encourage students to dream and believe! I hope to see you in class as we Blast-Off to Space together!




每週 1 次
30 分鐘

有1 位學習者完成此課程
年齡: 4-6
2-10 每班學員人數

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