
ASL: 수화 언어 어휘력 향상 *Voice-OFF

이 6주 동안, 완전히 VOICE-OFF 과정을 수강하는 동안 학생들은 수화 어휘력을 키우고 강화하며, 매 세션마다 품사의 다른 부분에 집중하게 됩니다.
Julayne Farmer
평균 평점:
수강 후기 수:

무엇이 포함되어 있나요?

6 라이브 미팅
5 시간 30 분 수업시간
보고계신 지문은 자동 번역 되었습니다

수업 소개

In this six week course students will learn common signs from different parts of speech: nouns and pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. We will then examine and practice ASL sentence structure using these different parts of speech. This course is completely voice-off, which means there will be no talking allowed during this course. This is an instruction course - I will instruct using sign language (a base knowledge of ASL is highly recommended to get the full benefit of the lesson), the text/chat box and possibly a second computer screen and/or white board. Students are permitted to use the text/chat box during class, but only after an attempt to communicate in sign language has first been made. 

This course is a great way for students to build their sign language vocabulary while also getting to experience a voice-off environment.

Each week's meeting will consist of instruction, during which time students will learn new vocabulary pertaining to a certain part of speech. Students will be exposed to new noun, verb, adverb and adjective signs as well as be asked to reproduce these signs. The final two weeks of class will focus on the organization of these parts of speech into signed sentences. If your learner has already been exposed to the basic ASL sentence structure, this will be a great way for them to get to put that knowledge into practice. If your learner has not yet been exposed to basic sentence structure, this could be a wonderful chance for them to begin to understand the different ways in which ASL sentences can be organized.

Students are encouraged to ask questions (by way of signing or the text/chat box) about signs, sign language and Deaf culture in general.

What follows is an example outline for this six-week sign language course:

Week 1 - Study and Practice of Common Noun Signs
Week 2 - Study and Practice of Common Verb Signs
Week 3 - Study and Practice of Common Adjective Signs
Week 4 - Study and Practice of Common Adverb Signs
Week 5 - Study and Practice of ASL Syntax & Grammar/Sentence Structure
Week 6 - Study and Practice of ASL Syntax & Grammar/Sentence Structure

그 외 세부 사항

학부모 가이드
It is possible that there may be discussions concerning signing about gender identification, pronouns, etc. in class. I will not go out of my way to teach specific lessons on these topics, but if a learner asks how to sign about these topics, I will answer those questions. Please be aware of that.
수업 자료
Handouts may be provided (via classroom post) for students throughout the duration of the course.
수업 진행 언어
미국 수화
가입일: July, 2020
256수강 후기
교사 전문성 및 자격증
I grew up with a Deaf family member. I learned the basics of American Sign Language at a very young age and found it incredibly helpful as I moved through childhood and into adulthood. I could communicate with other children who were clearly frustrated that no one either could or was willing to take the time and make the effort to interact with them. As an adult, I studied American Sign Language in college so that I could better communicate with the many deaf and hearing impaired members of my community. 


실시간 그룹 수업


또는 6 회 수업에₩120
6주 동안 주당 1회

실시간 화상 수업
연령: 9-14
수업당 학습자 5-18 명

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