
当時彼らは何をしていたのか? 8週間クラス第2巻

Chrissie D
この 8 週間のクラスでは、毎週、学習者は歴史のさまざまな時代の人々が行ったさまざまな活動について学び、自分で試します #academic


米国の学年 3 - 6
I love history and learning about how people lived during different times. I like to do research into how people lived and trying things out for myself. I believe the best way to learn about something is to try and experience it first hand and through this class we will try to experience this as best we can. I teach history classes on Outschool in a variety of formats and subjects and am a former Arts and Crafts teacher.
A supply list will be posted in the classroom each week for the next class, but all needed supplies will things learners should already have around the house or optional.
All topics covered are age appropriate, and handled in an age appropriate manner. If parents have any concerns about a particular topic they should contact the teacher directly.
All activities are inspired by the American Girl activity books, cookbooks, American Girl Magazine, "The American Girls News" and "The American Girls Club and Historical Society" all published by Pleasant Company during the 1990s, supplemented by online research from reputable websites as needed.
I am a former Home School student who has never stopped learning! I love history and telling stories verbally and through writing, and I want to share that passion with others. I believe the statement is true: “Those who don’t learn from History... 


毎週または¥57 8 クラス分
週に1回、 8 週間
25 分

7 人がクラスを受けました
Ages: 8-12
クラス人数: 1 人-9 人

Outschool International
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