for 5 classes
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Viking Expansion, c.750–c.1050 Please refer to the Viking Expansion SOW (Scheme of Work) attached for a detailed plan for the course and each class. In this Multi-Day (1hr) class students will learn about the following: Week of 24 October Homelands The Vikings in Scandinavia: landscape, society and everyday life Viking ships, seafaring and trade c.750 Viking beliefs and rituals Week of 1 November Volga Vikings The changing nature of Viking (Rus) trade and settlement in Russia from c.750 The nature of Viking trade and interaction with the Arab world Viking relations with Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire Week of 8 November Raiders and Invaders The nature and causes of Viking raids in Britain, Ireland, the Scottish Islands and France, 793–850 The nature of Viking warfare: warships, warriors and tactics The ‘great heathen army’ in England and the establishment of Danelaw, 865–879 Week of 15 November Settlers The nature and extent of Viking settlement in the British Isles and France Week of 22 November Viking life in Jorvik The nature and extent of Viking settlement across the Atlantic including Iceland, Greenland and North America Week of 29 November Kings Harald Bluetooth, Jelling and the conversion of the Vikings to Christianity Svein Forkbeard and his invasions of England Cnut’s Anglo-Scandinavian Empire, 1016–1035
Students will learn about Viking life
Students will learn about Viking raids
Students will learn about Viking voyages
Students will learn about Viking Kings
Anita Ganeri All in a Day's Work - Raiders and Traders: The Vikings1997; Heinemann 0 431 05384 7 Viking life and times Suitable as a classroom resource or library book for children aged 5-11 years. Plenty of coloured illustrations. Deals with all aspects of Viking life and culture. English
Terry Deary. The Vicious Vikings (in the Horrible Histories series) 1994 Scholastic Children's Books, London A humorous and deliberately bloodthirsty look at Vikings and especially their dealings with the English. Suitable for 7-10 year olds and, though lighthearted and funny, there ARE important lessons on how to separate fact from opinion and how history may have been distorted in its transmission. English
Roesdahl, Else. The Vikings 1987 *; Penguin 0 713 99048 1, London. Vikings, history, everyday life, customs and beliefs, travels, language, geography, transport, slaves, settlement, commerce and trade, fortifications, weapons and warfare, expansion, art and poetry, kings and kingdoms. Good all-round authoritative work for teachers/adults. * Originally published in Denmark as 'Vikingenes Verden' by Gylendal, Copenhagen, 1987. First English language version published 1991.English.
Magnusson, Magnus. Viking Expansion Westwards (Bodley Head Archaeologies) 1973 Bodley Head 0 370 01577 0 London. Viking archaeology, England, Scotland, Isle of Man, Ireland, The Faroes, Iceland, Greenland, Vinland. A bit dated now. Plenty of black and white and colour illustrations/photos. Maps. Useful as teachers' reference or for other adults.. English.
Logan, F.D. The Vikings in History (2nd Edition) The Vikings' role in European history. Adults.
Henderson, H (ed) The Maiden Who Rose From the Sea and Other Finnish Folktales, 1992; Hisarlik Press 1 874312 01 X. Enfield Lock, U.K. Finland, Finnish, folktales, folk stories, myhts, legends.. Intended for use by scholars and teachers - an academic analysis, translated from the original. Includes glossary, notes on tale-types and indexes to motifs. English.
Byock, J.L. Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas and Power, 1992. Hisarlik Press. 1 874312 04 4, Enfield Lock, U.K. Iceland, sagas, society, history, medieval, literature, social order, social processes, individuals. A scholarly work intended mainly for academic consumption.. English
Byock, J.L. The Saga of the Volsungs: The Norse Epic of Sigurd the Dragonslayer, 1992 Hisarlik Press. 1 874312 03 6. Enfield Lock, U.K. Sigurd, Siegfried, myth, legend, Norse, Germanic, Iceland, sagas, Scandinavian, folk culture, Wagner, Tolkien, dragons, migrations, A scholarly work, translated into English from Icelandic. English
Palsson, Professor G. From Sagas to Society: Comparative Approaches to Early Iceland. 1992 Hisarlik Press. 1 874312 02 8. Enfield Lock, U.K. Iceland, sagas, life, Heimskringla, nationalism, personality, Sverris saga, emotions, love, gender, humour, heroic values, ideology, Njal's saga, democrats, despots, friendship, market, subsistence, profit, social ideals, culture, servitude, sexuality. A scholarly work. Artciles contributed by several academic writers. English
Ritchie, A., Viking Scotland. Batsford, London. Non-fiction. Scotland, Vikings, invaders, settlers, history, archaeology, monuments. Academically-orientated. Well-illustrated. Could be used as teachers' reference source.
Ritchie, A and Breeze, D. Invaders of Scotland. Historic Scotland. 0 11 494136 X. Edinburgh. Non-fiction. Romans, Scots, Angles, Vikings, Scotland, history, monuments, invaders, settlers. Adult-orientated though children could make use of it as a reference book. Well-illustrated with lots of colour photos. Part of a series of three, the others being 'Scotland BC' and 'Picts'.
Curtis, E and Davidson, K. Settlers of Scotland 1996. Hodder & Stoughton Educational. 0 340 65536 4 London. Non-fiction. Settlers, invaders, Scotland, Viking, Picts, prehistory, Iona, archaeology. Suitable for the curriculum 5-14 years. Includes photos and activities.
Stenton, Sir Frank Anglo-Saxon England 1971 (3rd edition). Oxford at the Clarendon Press. Oxford, UK.
Richards, JD Viking Age England - English Heritage Series, 1991. Book Club Associates, London. Viking, England, archaeology, history, York, Jorvik, Lincoln
Stenton, DM English Society in the Early Middle Ages 1962. Penguin. Anglo-Saxons, middle ages, society, everyday life, social organisation, England
Geipel, J The Viking Legacy, 1971. David & Charles, Newton Abbott, Devon, UK. Newton Abbott, UK. English, language, Scandinavian, Viking, Old Norse, dialect, words, etymology.
Serjeantson, Mary. A History of Foreign Words in English, 1935 (2nd Impression 1961). English, Scandinavian, Old Norse, language, words, etymology.
Brock, JL. The Saga of the Volsungs, 1993. Hisarlik Press. Myth, legend, saga, Norse, Germanic.
Selbie, R. The Anatomy of Costume, 1977. Mills & Boon. Costume, dress, attire, clothes, clothing, history.
Ellis Davidson, HR. Viking & Norse Mythology, 1982 (Revised edn). Chancellor Press, London. Viking, Norse, myth, legend, gods, Germanic, pre-Viking, religion, belief, custom, Christianity, deities, cults, culture. More appropriate as a reference work for teachers and other adults but there are plenty of colour and b/w illustrations which would interest children from primary school age upwards. Deals with pre-Viking era, which is useful.
Folklore, Myths & Legends of Britain, 1973. Readers Digest Association. Folklore, myth, legend, Britain.
Kennedy, CW An Anthology of Old English Poetry 1960. Oxford University PressOxford, UK. Anglo-Saxon, language, Old English, poetry, verse, England
Ingram, M. The Voyage of Odin's Raven, 1982. Clearwater Publishing. Vikings, voyages, Odin.
Loyn, HR. The Vikings in Britain. 1977. Batsford. Viking, Britain, England, raids, Danelaw.
Foote PG, & Wilson DM. The Viking Achievement, 1973. Sigwick & JacksonVikings, travel, trade, everyday life.
Simpson J. Everyday Life in the Viking Age. 1971. Carousel Books. Viking, everyday life, society, social organisation.
Whitlock R . The Warrior Kings of Saxon England. 1977. Moonraker Press.
Anglo-Saxon, England, kings, kingdoms, warrior, warfare.
Hinton, DA. Alfred's Kingdom (Wessex and the South 800-1500), 1977. JM Dent & Sons Ltd. Anglo-Saxon, England, Wessex, Alfred, King Alfred the Great, kingdom.
Quennell, M & Quennell, CHB. Everyday Life in Anglo-Saxon Times, 1972.. Carousel Books. Anglo-Saxon, England, everyday life, society, social organisation, history.
Campbell, J (ed). The Anglo-Saxons. 1982. Phaidon Press. Anglo-Saxon, England, middle ages, everyday life, society, social organisation, history.
Hunter-Blair, P. An Introduction to Anglo-Saxon England. 1977. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Anglo-Saxon, England, middle ages, social organisation, society, everyday life.
Judd, Elizabeth. Women Before the Conquest : A Study of Women in Anglo-Saxon England - Papers in Women's Studies 1.1, pp 127-149, 1974. University of Michigan, Michigan USA. Anglo-Saxon, England, women, social organisation, everyday life.
Whitlock D, Douglas DC, & Tucker SL. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles. 1961. Eyre & Spottiswood. Anglo-Saxon, England, middle ages, history.
Maitland, FW Domesday Book and Beyond 1960 The Fontana Library Domesday, Norman, William, Duke of Normandy, William I, England.
Darby, HC & Campbell, EMJ The Domesday Geography of South East England 1987. Oxford University Press Oxford, UK. Domesday, geography, history, south east England, William, Norman, Duke of Normandy, William I.
Darby, HC & Terrett, IB. The Domesday Geography of Middle England 1987. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Domesday, geography, history, midlands, middle England, William, Duke of Normandy, William I.
Darby, HC & Welldon-Finn, R. The Domesday Geography of South West England, 1987, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Domesday, Norman, geography, history, south west England, William, Duke of Normandy, William I.
Darby, HC. The Domesday Geography of Eastern England, 1957. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. History, geography, eastern England, Domesday, Norman, William, Duke of Normandy, William I.
Domesday : 900 Years of England's Norman Heritage. 1986. Millbank Publishers. Norman, England, Domesday, conquest.
Golding, B. Conquest & Colonisation - The Normans in Britain 1066-1100. 1994 The Macmillan Press. Conquest, Norman, colonisation, England, Britain, Hastings, Domesday, William, Duke of Normandy, William I.
Whitlock, Douglas, Barlow & Lemmon. The Norman Conquest. 1966. Eyre & Spottiswood. Norman, conquest, William, Duke of Normandy, William I, England.
Stenton, FM. William the Conqueror. 1928. William the Conqueror, Duke of Normany, William I, England, Norman, Anglo-Saxon, conquest, Domesday, Hastings.
Wise, T & Embleton, G. Saxon, Viking & Norman (Osprey Military). 1979. Anglo-Saxon, Viking, Norman, military, social organisation, warfare, England.
Harrison, M & Embleton, G Viking Hersir (Osprey Military). 1993. Viking, military, hersir, social organisation, warfare.
Harrison, M & Embleton, G Anglo-Saxon Thegn - Osprey Military. 1993. Anglo-Saxon, thegn, thane, social organisation, military.
Warren Hollister, C. Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions. 1962. Oxford & Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK. Anglo-Saxon military institutions on the eve of the Norman Conquest.
Chadwick-Hawkes, S. (ed) Weapons & Warfare in Anglo-Saxon England. 1989. Oxford University Committee for Archaeology, Oxford, UK. Warfare and weapons of Anglo-Saxon England.
Hall, R (1994) Viking Age York - English Heritage Series. Batsford, London. ISBN 0 7134 7013 5 (cased) and 0 7134 7014 3 (limp).
Illustrated World History - The Viking World (11 years upwards); Usborne Books.
Book of Europe (10 years upwards); Usborne Books.
Newspaper Histories - The Viking Invaders (10 years upwards); Usborne Books.
Starting Point History - Who Were The Vikings ? (6 years upwards); Usborne Books.
3 学位
修士号 American Military Universityから 歴史 へ
学士号 University of Maine at Farmingtonから 教育 へ
学士号 Acadia University (Nova Scotia, Canada)から 歴史 へ
I have taught I.G.C.S.E, A-Level, I.B., and A.P. History throughout the Atlantic region covering a variety of rigorous history exam subjects.
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Keith (M.A. Military History)
13 歳-18 歳
他のクラス by Keith (M.A. Military History)
他のクラス by Keith (M.A. Military History)
Nelson Vargas, JD; Law/Hist. Professor
次のセッションは明日の 12 AM です
1/週、 55 分
7 歳-11 歳
世界史ヘラルド: 世界史の旅 - 中学・高校 - パート 1
Courtney Murray, M. Ed, M. Hist. World US History
次回のセッションは Tue 9/9 の2 PM です
14 週間、 1/週、 45 分
11 歳-14 歳
Professor Zbysek Brezina, PhD
15 週間、 1/週、 50 分
12 歳-17 歳
1700 年までの世界史; パート I
Professor Zbysek Brezina, PhD
次回のセッションは Thu 4/3 の5 PM です
15 週間、 1/週、 50 分
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世界史 II (通年) - パート 1/4
Nicole Trusky
次回のセッションは Thu 9/11 の6 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
世界史 I (通年) - パート 3/4
Nicole Trusky
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
世界史 II (通年) - パート 3/4
Nicole Trusky
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
世界史 II (通年) - パート 4/4
Nicole Trusky
次回のセッションは Tue 4/15 の6 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
テーマ別の世界史: パート 1/2
Darby Kennedy, MA
次回のセッションは Wed 8/27 の4 PM です
14 週間、 2/週、 55 分
14 歳-18 歳
世界史 I (通年) - パート 4/4
Nicole Trusky
次回のセッションは Mon 3/31 の4 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
世界史 I (通年) - パート 1/4
Nicole Trusky
次回のセッションは Wed 9/3 の5 PM です
8 週間、 1/週、 55 分
13 歳-18 歳
テーマ別の世界史: パート 2/2
Darby Kennedy, MA
14 週間、 2/週、 55 分
14 歳-18 歳
世界史コース: 主要な時代、文明、出来事 (教科書付き)
Savannah Gilmore
次回のセッションは Wed 8/6 の3 PM です
20 週間、 1/週、 50 分
12 歳-17 歳
映画で見る世界史 - B
Courtney Runchey
次回のセッションは Wed 9/3 の5 PM です
14 週間、 1/週、 50 分
13 歳-18 歳
Britain Earl, Historian, Artist, Lawyer
次回のセッションは Tue 3/25 の5 PM です
1/週、 50 分
10 歳-14 歳
Learning With Love - Science, History, Geography
次回のセッションは Wednesday の10:15 PM です
1/週、 30 分
5 歳-8 歳