

この 8 週間のコースでは、学生は批判的思考と分析を重視しながら、都市設計、建築、土地利用計画、ゾーニング、交通計画、交通、環境問題、気候変動、公平性について学びます。
Allison Bishins, Entrepreur + Business Classes


8 ライブミーティング
6 時間 40 分 授業時間
週1時間. Week to week homework will be minimal (no printouts) and optional. Final presentation is required, and can be done live, via essay, via pre-recorded video, or another method that fits the student's learning style.
Certificate of completion available to students who generally attend class (or watch the videos), participate in/after class (in whatever format works best for them), and complete a final (ungraded) presentation/essay.


英語レベル - A2
米国の学年 9 - 12
Beginner レベル向け
*Need a different time?  Message me, I'll see if I can add a section!*

In this interactive, exploratory semester class, learners will dive into urban design and related disciplines.  We'll explore the difference, similarities, and overlaps of urban design and its related disciplines, including:
  - Land use planning
  - Transportation planning and Safe Streets
  - Architecture and building design
  - Public space planning
  - Community health and wellbeing
  - Climate change and environmental health
  - Economics and the legacy of planning for cars, redlining, and other inequitable practices

This class will explore examples, evidence and anecdotes about how these disciplines are connected, through Powerpoint presentations, conversation, time for questions, and more.  Key questions for this class include: Can we (and do we) plan cities and towns to maximize health, prosperity, and happiness?  Do we plan for equality, equity, access and inclusion, or do we exclude people in the way we plan?  

Week 1: What is Urban Design?  Who practices it, and what is it for?
Week 2: What are Land Use Planning and Zoning?  Why are they needed?
Week 3: What is Architecture?  Why should we build nice things?
Week 4: What is Transportation Planning?  What is the impact of focusing on cars?
Week 5: What is Public Space Planning?  Why should we plant trees?
Week 6: What does the environment and climate change have to do with land use?
Week 7: Class conversation on equity (e.g. Redlining and race) and community health 
Week 8: Student presentations on equity in urban issues

Supplies: paper + pen
Homework: weekly homework is optional, final presentation is required (multiple/flexible format options offered)

This class is interactive but students can choose how they want to participate (verbally or in the chat).  Please reach out if your teen has any learning needs I can be aware of to help them learn best!

Do you prefer on-demand, prerecorded videos?  I offer this same class content in a "self paced" format as well!  Same topics, same homework, same visual examples!  https://outschool.com/classes/self-paced-urban-design-architecture-land-use-critical-thinking-equity-6yreSsci?refuid=kGLE5w9M

A note:  Students - even teens - need space to wiggle and be silly.  I try to create spaces that are supportive, cozy, and interactive. Because some behaviors can be distracting for classmates, I will share a basic set of guidelines at the beginning of class. I want to make sure that all students are cared for, and reducing on-camera distractions is part of that!
1)  Video on or off (after verification)!  Discussions can be verbal or in *on-topic* chats.
2)  Be respectful; don't interrupt.  Raise your (physical or digital) hand!  Don't intentionally distract other students (e.g. putting things directly in front of the camera)
3)  Because they can be quite distracting, this class does not allow video filters, avatars, or background changes (except blur).
4)  If necessary, I will move a disruptive student to the waiting room.  If appropriate, I will let them back in for another chance to stay in class respectfully.  If this occurs and you have questions, please reach out to Support.
5)  Any racist, homophobic, body shaming, violent or inappropriate language/images will result in removal from class.  If this happens, you may email outschool@support.com with any questions.  

A few other notes:
-  Please click your meeting link 2-3 minutes early so we can start class on time!  
-  Per OS policy, if there are no students in the classroom 10 minutes after class starts, I will log off and end class.  (If you're having tech issues trying to enter the classroom, just send a message or post in the classroom, so I know you are there!)
-  If you cannot attend, please let me know at least 7 days hours before the 1st class, so I can try to transfer you to a different section (when possible).  When it might not be possible: if you ask for a transfer for a multiday class the day close to class starting, and your transfer will result in the class dropping below the learner minimum, I may not be able to offer a transfer.  But if I can, I will!
-  Class recordings are not automatically shared, but they will be made available when possible (usually 4-12 hours after class ends.) Please note, new OS policy is that a learner can't watch a video until they have attended class, unless they are a verified learner.
-  Learners are encouraged to advocate for how they would like to participate.  If your learner needs adult help (e.g. adult on screen, adult answers for child or facilitates answers, adult takes notes), please let me know in advance per OS parent guidance.
Students will learn about the fundamentals of the above disciplines.  Please note this is not a "design a city" project - this is a theory class mixed with exploring past urban design and planning decisions and how they impact equity.


This class includes ongoing, frank, and factual discussions on the history and current status of the urban design and planning world including race and racism, equality and equity, and environmental issues (including intersectional environmentalism).
None - just a way to take notes!
参加しました January, 2022
修士号 London School of Economicsから
学士号 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hillから
I have a Master's Degree from the London School of Economics in City Design and Social Science (what they call "Urban Design" in the UK) and a BA in Political Science and Social Studies from UNC-Chapel Hill.  I also have 3 years of experience as an urban/land use planner, and 20+ years of experience in urban/environmental community issues.  I am an Outschool ACE educator and frequently take continuing education trainings on diversity, equity, LGBTQ issues, and more.




8 クラス分
週に1回、 8 週間
50 分

2 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 13-17
クラス人数: 3 人-6 人

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