
若手起業家: インタラクティブなビジネス + 趣味のディスカッション、価格設定、マーケティング

このインタラクティブなクラスでは、ビジネス プラン、批判的思考、問題解決の要素について学びます。クラスの流れと学習者のニーズに応じて、起業家のアイデア、財務スキル、ソーシャル スキル、人前でのスピーチについて学びます。
Allison Bishins, Entrepreur + Business Classes


1 ライブミーティング
45 分 授業時間


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 4 - 7
Beginner レベル向け
* Please feel free to use the auto-schedule feature if the available class times don't suit you! *

This class starts with an overview of the elements of a business plan and then dives into a collaborative discussion of each element.  Learners can bring specific questions about their business idea/product or just come to learn!  (Students can also submit questions via private chat and I can read them anonymously.)   This class is appropriate for any level of business knowledge and benefits from lots of different perspectives!  

Please note: This class will not teach learners exactly how to start a business, or create a business plan, rather, it's a jump start conversation!  I do offer multi-day and semester classes on crafting a business plan, a business plan Flex class, as well as 1:1 support (one time and ongoing).

This class currently has a minimum size of 1, however, class is much better with other students!  Please consider sharing with friends!  If there is just 1 learner signed up, I may reach out about an optional transfer to a section with other student(s) enrolled.  

Learners need space to wiggle and be silly.  I try to be flexible and understand that everyone learns differently.  It's also my responsibility to have a classroom that's not super distracting, as this can impact learning as well.  These classroom guidelines help us all start from the same page, and keep class flowing well!
1)  Video on or off (after verification)!  Discussions can be verbal or in *on-topic* chats.
2)  Be respectful; don't interrupt; raise your (physical or digital) hand!  Don't intentionally distract other students (e.g. putting things directly in front of the camera)
3)  Because they can be quite distracting, this class does not allow video filters, avatars, or background changes (except blur).
4)  If necessary, I will move a disruptive student to the waiting room.  If appropriate, I will let them back in for another chance to stay in class respectfully.  If this occurs and you have questions, please reach out to Support.
5)  Any racist, homophobic, body shaming, violent or inappropriate language/images will result in removal from class.  If this happens, you may email outschool@support.com with any questions.  

A few other notes:
-  Please click your meeting link 2-3 minutes early so we can start class on time!  
-  Per OS policy, if there are no students in the classroom 10 minutes after class starts, I will log off and end class.  (If you're having tech issues trying to enter the classroom, just send a message or post in the classroom, so I know you are there!)
-  If you cannot attend, please let me know at least 24 hours before class starts, so I can transfer you to a different section (when possible).  When it might not be possible: if you ask for a transfer for a multiday class the day before it starts, and your transfer will result in the class dropping below the learner minimum, I may not be able to offer a transfer.  But if I can, I will!
-  Class recordings are not automatically shared; they will be made available when possible.  Please note, new OS policy is that a learner can't watch a video until they have attended class, unless they are a verified learner.
-  Learners are encouraged to advocate for how they would like to participate.  If your learner needs adult help (e.g. adult on screen, adult answers for child or facilitates answers, adult takes notes), please let me know in advance per OS parent guidance.


Students will learn about the underpinnings of a business plan, helping them hone in on what they need to work on.
Students will practice participating in brainstorming sessions - one of the great joys of business life.


We may discuss utilizing social media to promote your business, as well as more traditional methods of marketing like talking to friends or having a website. All of these are discussed with the preface that they need parental supervision and encourage parental involvement/monitoring for safety. If you have any questions about this, please reach out!
Highly recommend: Pen/pencil and paper for jotting down notes and questions.  
Optional: You can (optionally) prep for this class by preparing some notes on your business or entrepreneurial idea, as well as questions.  You can either bring questions to class, submit them directly to the teacher while on Zoom, or send the questions in advance (they will be asked anonymously.)  If you do send questions in advance, please send them no later than 30 min prior to class start!  Thank you.
I do not generally use off-platform resources or share my screen, although there may be exceptions.
参加しました January, 2022
修士号 London School of Economicsから
学士号 University of North Carolina - Chapel Hillから
I have had a small business for 12+ years, in fact, I have run small businesses in vintage goods, handmade jewelry, craft events, business workshops, and business consulting.  I have 25+ years of work experience in food service, marketing, non-profit work, environmental policy, urban planning, writing, and much more!  I have worked with young folks on business topics for around 5 years, and have taught adult business workshops for the same amount of time.  I have taught social media marketing and other business topics to thousands of learners.





45 分
50 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 9-12
クラス人数: 1 人-4 人

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