weeklyor $3,000 for 144 classes
144 ライブミーティング
144 授業時間宿題:
週あたり 1-2 時間. HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS At the beginning of each block children will be provided with a set of Main Lesson Book focussed homework assignments based on the current block and previous learning. Although this is optional, we do recommend that children complete the homework in order to strengthen classroom learning. If completed homework is sent to the teacher you will receive feedback.テスト
We believe in continuous feedback. Instead of focusing solely on end-of-unit tests, we use ongoing formative assessments. These could be interactive activities, short responses, or even lively discussions. This approach allows us to celebrate progress, catch misunderstandings early on, and adjust our teaching to support each student's individual learning journey.この文章は自動翻訳されています
英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 2
Welcome to our second-grade class! As we continue our magical journey of learning, inspired by the Waldorf approach, our focus will remain on nurturing each child's academic and creative growth. Our curriculum, as carefully crafted as ever, entwines the magic of nature, the arts, and the sciences. It offers a rich and dynamic learning experience that lets children explore the natural world, awaken their artistic abilities, and grasp the interconnectedness of all knowledge. Neatly arranged into 10 blocks, each lasting 2-4 weeks, our curriculum focuses on essential subjects like language arts, mathematics, and nature studies. Throughout the year, your child will delve into a range of engaging topics such as mythical stories, algorithms, and the marvels of nature. In line with Waldorf tradition, we believe in teaching in blocks. This unique approach enables learners to deeply engage with a single subject for an extended period, typically two to four weeks, before transitioning to another subject. Block teaching not only enhances depth of learning but also integrates core subjects like math, language arts, social studies, and science into every block. This holistic method helps learners see the interconnections between different subjects, fostering a deeper understanding of the world around them. By the end of each block, children will have gained comprehensive knowledge of the topic, along with valuable skills and insights that can be applied to other areas of their learning journey and their lives. We provide ample opportunities for learners to fully immerse themselves in their studies, supporting deep and meaningful engagement with each subject. We're excited to embark on this new phase of our educational journey with your child! BLOCK OVERVIEW 1. Tales of the Wise: Exploring Fables and their Lessons This block introduces students to the enchanting world of fables, focusing on their rich narratives and moral lessons. Through reading and discussion, students will identify key themes, develop vocabulary, and engage in creative writing activities that correlate with the fables' teachings. 2. Crunching Numbers: Discovering the Four Processes In this mathematics block, students will gain proficiency in the four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Through practical exercises and story problems, they will enhance their computational skills and understanding of arithmetic processes. 3. The Art of Writing: From Form Drawing to Cursive Writing This block is dedicated to developing writing skills, from form drawing to fluent cursive writing. Students will also learn about sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation to improve their written communication. 4. Understanding our Numbers: Exploring Place Value Students will delve into the concept of place value, learning to comprehend and use units, tens, hundreds, and thousands. They will engage in activities that solidify their understanding of the numerical value and its role in addition and subtraction. 5. Heroes of the Past: Learning from Noble Legends This block takes students through historical narratives, focusing on individuals who have made significant contributions to society. It will enhance their reading comprehension, critical thinking, and ability to draw insights from the past. 6. Solving Problems with Stories: Story Problems & Problem Solving This block is centered around applying mathematical concepts to solve story problems. Students will develop strategies for tackling complex problems and learn to apply their math skills in diverse scenarios. 7. The Wonders of the Earth Here, students will explore the physical geography of Earth. They will learn about continents, oceans, and various geographical features through map-drawing, discussions, and hands-on projects. 10. The Logic of Algorithms: Diving Deeper into Processes Students will explore the foundational concepts of algorithms and logical thinking. This block will involve problem-solving exercises and activities that enhance their understanding of sequential reasoning in mathematics. 9. Legends of the World: Folklore of Historic People In this block, students will read and discuss folklore from various cultures. They will analyze stories for cultural and moral understanding, develop their reading comprehension, and engage in creative writing exercises. 10. Life in the Wild This block focuses on the animal kingdom, differentiating between warm-blooded and cold-blooded animals. Students will engage in activities that include drawing, discussions, and writing exercises to deepen their understanding of animal biology and habitats. FULL YEAR DATES 2nd September 2024 - Tales of the Wise: Exploring Fables and their Lessons (4 weeks) 30th September 2024 - Crunching Numbers: Discovering the Four Processes (4 weeks) 28th October 2024 - The Art of Writing: From Form Drawing to Cursive Writing (3 weeks) 18th November 2024 - Understanding our Numbers: Exploring Place Value (4 weeks) 6th January 2025 - Heroes of the Past: Learning from Noble Legends (4 weeks) 3rd February 2025 - Solving Problems with Stories: Story Problems & Problem Solving (4 weeks) 3rd March 2025 - The Wonders of the Earth: Nature Studies - Continents and Oceans (2 weeks) 24th March 2025 - Legends of the World: Folklore of Historic People (4 weeks) 21st April 2025 - The Logic of Algorithms: Diving Deeper into Processes (4 weeks) 12th May 2025 - Life in the Wild: A Study of Warm-Blooded and Cold-Blooded Animals (2 weeks) 26th May 2025 - Art Week: Mini Visual Arts Projects (1 week) BREAKS Fall Break: Week of 25th November 2024 End of Year Break: 23rd December 2024 - 30th December 2024 Spring Break: 10th March 2025 Program Ends - 5th June 2025 HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS At the beginning of each block children will be provided with a set of Main Lesson Book focussed homework assignments based on the current block and previous learning. Although this is optional, we do recommend that children complete the homework in order to strengthen classroom learning. If completed homework is sent to the teacher you will receive feedback. INCLUSIVITY This is an inclusive class, meaning children of all abilities are welcome. If a learner is unable to communicate verbally they are welcome to use the chat. If your child has any other needs that require accommodations please let me know and we will work together to make sure your child gets the best class experience possible.
By the end of second grade, learners will have a greater understanding of language analysis and academic language. They will be able to recognize and analyze social and emotional themes, such as kindness, courage, and generosity, as conveyed through stories of heroic characters and fables.
Learners will be able to use writing as a tool to unlock the meaning of sound-symbol relationships within words. In mathematics, students will have a solid understanding of place value and the beginning of higher level algorithms, as well as the memorization of basic facts through movement activities and a whole-to-part process.
Through direct experiences and artistic work, learners will be able to identify and appreciate the wonders of nature, and demonstrate problem-solving skills through story problems.
Common Core State Standards (CCSS) に準拠6 ユニット
144 レッスン
36 週間以上ユニット 1: FABLES
レッスン 1:
Introduction and Digraphs
-Students will learn the concept of fables and their significance, focusing on the use of animals to convey moral lessons.
-Students will identify and practice the "th" digraph, recognizing its sound and finding words containing this digraph.
-Students will listen to "The Crow and the Pitcher" and discuss the crow's clever solution.
-Students will illustrate a key scene from the fable and incorporate 'th' words in their picture labels.
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 2:
Common Nouns and Sight Words
-Students will review the "th" digraph and introduce the sight word "other."
-Students will identify and use common nouns, practicing finding them in sentences from the story.
-Students will write a sentence from the story, highlighting common nouns and 'th' digraph words.
-Students will illustrate another scene from the story.
-Students will demonstrate their learning in their main lesson books.
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 3:
Plurals and Deep Dive into the Fable
-Students will review common nouns and introduce the concept of plurals, practicing with examples from the fable.
-Students will reflect on the crow's feelings and choices throughout the story.
-Students will illustrate a scene showing multiple elements and write plural nouns related to the story.
-Students will demonstrate their learning in their main lesson books.
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
レッスン 4:
Review and Creative Expression
-Students will review the week's sight words and introduce "were," "could."
-Students will engage in a comprehensive review of the week's lessons, focusing on digraphs, common nouns, and plurals.
-Students will summarize the fable, emphasizing the moral lesson.
-Students will conduct a wet-on-wet watercolor painting session inspired by "The Crow and the Pitcher."
-Students will demonstrate their learning in their main lesson books.
60 分のオンラインライブレッスン
You may need to help your child prepare materials for the class each day, such as their sketchbook and writing/drawing materials and painting materials.
A3 sketchbook Block and stick crayons Coloring pencils Stockmar style watercolor paints Brushes A3 watercolor painting paper Sponge for wetting the paper
We do not use any external resources.
1 先生は教員免許を持っています
ミズーリ州 教員免許 初等教育で
3 先生は大学院の学位を持っています
博士号 Saint Louis Universityから 教育 へ
修士号 Liberty University から 教育 へ
修士号 Antioch University New Englandから
修士号 Washington University-St. Louisから 幼児教育 へ
2 先生は学士号を取得しています
学士号 University of Albertaから 幼児教育 へ
学士号 University of Missouri-Columbiaから 心理学 へ
学士号 University of Missouri-Columbiaから 人間発達家族学 へ
All our grade teachers, while being deeply inspired by Waldorf principles, bring a wealth of experience from Waldorf, Waldorf-inspired, and alternative educational settings. Their longstanding association with Waldorful Days further enriches the depth and authenticity of their teaching approach.
Waldorful Days Creative Learning Academy は次にこのクラスを提案しています...
3年生向けのヴァルドルフ教育にインスパイアされたフルカリキュラム: 国語、数学、科学、美術
Waldorful Days Creative Learning Academy
$21 クラスごと
36 週間、 4/週、 1 時間
8 歳-9 歳
他のクラス by Waldorful Days Creative Learning Academy
他のクラス by Waldorful Days Creative Learning Academy
Ms. Michelle
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の3 PM です
2/週、 25 分
9 歳-11 歳
プライベート英語語学指導 2
Neda Topic
$42 セッションごと
6 歳-12 歳
Genevieve Pollock
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の3 PM です
1/週、 50 分
11 歳-14 歳
小学校 ELA コース 1: 1 年生英語言語芸術
Stone Bridges Academy
$10 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 3/18 の4 PM です
36 週間、 2/週、 25 分
5 歳-8 歳
小学校 ELA コース 2: 2 年生英語言語芸術
Stone Bridges Academy
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 8/26 の2 PM です
36 週間、 2/週、 45 分
6 歳-8 歳
Wild Prairie Learning
$16 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Monday の8 PM です
1/週、 45 分
8 歳-10 歳
明確なコミュニケーションを作り上げること: 英語の言語芸術をマスターする
$19 セッションごと
12 歳-17 歳
小学校 ELA コース 3: 3 年生英語言語芸術 (週 2 回)
Stone Bridges Academy
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 8/26 の1:15 PM です
39 週間、 2/週、 45 分
7 歳-10 歳
中学校 ELA: 7 年生と 8 年生の英語言語芸術
Beth Foster | Humanities Educator
$13 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tue 8/12 の7 PM です
32 週間、 2/週、 45 分
11 歳-15 歳
中学校英語言語芸術 (ELA): 継続的な展望 (上級ライティング)
Genevieve Pollock
$18 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Saturday の6 PM です
1/週、 50 分
11 歳-14 歳
1-1 個別指導英語言語芸術
Amy Renaud
$35 セッションごと
6 歳-10 歳
$35 セッションごと
5 歳-13 歳
中学校英語科(第 2 学期 - サイエンス フィクション)
Tassie Bauman Smith
$25 クラスごと
12 週間、 1/週、 55 分
11 歳-14 歳
小学校 ELA コース 3: 3 年生向け英語言語芸術 (週 1 回)
Stone Bridges Academy
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Fri 9/12 の8 PM です
36 週間、 1/週、 45 分
7 歳-10 歳
Ms. Caldwell, B.A. Adv. English Literature, M.Mus.
$23 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Mon 6/23 の7 PM です
3 週間、 5/週、 45 分
11 歳-14 歳
語彙力強化: 英語の言語芸術で言葉の達人になる
Wild Prairie Learning
$20 クラスごと
次回のセッションは Tuesday の7 PM です
1/週、 45 分
8 歳-10 歳