

この継続的なクラスでは、話し合い、交代し、毎週最大 3 枚の情報カードを提示しながら、バイオーム、植物、動物について学びます。
Amy Westrick, Certified English Teacher (She/Her)


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 3 - 6
***I'm taking a sabbatical from teaching until the Fall 2024 to recharge and pursue some personal projects. I'm looking forward to returning refreshed and energized.*** 

This course has 37 lessons. As a homeschool mom, I would use this as a full-year for Elementary Science combined with English Language Arts. You can use this course as a springboard to build your other daily homeschool lessons.

Get $7 off my class "Science Biomes, Food Webs, Plants & Animals Reading With Nature Full Year Course" with coupon code WESTRSCIENCE7 until Mar 13, 2024. 

Expert teacher creates a warm environment for rigorous growth using Science & Nature as the vehicle for learning. A gamified atmosphere where almost any answer is welcome as long as it is appropriate. This is a social class that allows students to become comfortable talking and sharing ideas in a group setting Students will improve their public speaking skills and build confidence while speaking with others. 

Teaching Style:
This is not a lecture-based class. You will hear a lively classroom that revolves quickly between skill, task, and conversation. This is key for my extraordinary learners: sit, stand, perch, wiggle. Your students can do whatever they need apart from yelling. In my classes, the mute button is not something I use in class. Being able to be a part of a conversation is key to forward development: listening, speaking, viewing, and presenting skills are practiced within each meeting. 

Areas of Study:
Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
Science: Biomes of the World, producers, consumers, food web

Reading Comprehension
Reading Strategies
Main Idea & Key Details
Evidence within the Text

Practice these English Language Arts Skills:
Listening, Speaking, Viewing, & Presenting

Class Structure:
Warm Welcome/ What Did You Bring / Biome of the Day/ Modeling & Practice/ Game

We discuss a new biome during each class. I model idea-generating techniques, getting ready to speak (planning), and how to share ideas in a group setting. I will have slides ready for students to present a biome during class. This will help with public speaking and confidence while presenting. Students can discuss anything as long as the conversation stays on the topic of the day for that class.  A countdown timer allows students to talk for only brief moments to keep ideas flowing. Class topics repeat after we go through all 38 areas.

This class meets on the same day and time each week for your particular session. If you want your student to further work on public speaking and confidence, I am open to having your student join on multiple days. They would be able to present new information than they did earlier in the week.

Students will create team names and answer funny questions. I will utilize games I have written on bamboozle.com. An example question would be: Do you dance when you are alone? No personal information is allowed. I will make sure the class is upbeat and fun! No sign-in is required on Baamboozle.

Students can join or leave at any time. 

Feb 13    Tropical Rainforest:  Amazon Rainforest (South America)
Feb 20   Tropical Rainforest:  Congo Rainforest (Africa)
Feb 27    Tropical Rainforest:  Southeast Asian Rainforest
Mar  5    Tropical Rainforest:  Seasonal Rainforest
Mar 12    Tropical Rainforest:  Montane Rainforest
Mar 19    Tropical Savanna

Mar 26    Desert:  Sahara Desert (Africa)
Apr   2     Desert:  Sonoran Desert (North America)
Apr   9     Desert:  Gobi Desert (Asia)
Apr  16    Desert:  Cold Desert
Apr  23    Desert:  Coastal Desert

Apr 30    Temperate Deciduous Forest:  Eastern Deciduous Forest (North America)
May  7     Temperate Deciduous Forest:  European Deciduous Forest
May 14    Temperate Deciduous Forest:  East Asian Deciduous Forest
May 21    Temperate Deciduous Forest:  Mixed Deciduous-Coniferous Forest
May 28   Temperate Deciduous Forest:  Broadleaf Evergreen Forest
June  4   Temperate Deciduous Forest:  Temperate Broadleaf & Mixed Forests
                                                                     Southern Great Lakes forests 

June 11    Tundra:  Arctic Tundra (North America and Eurasia)     
June 18    Tundra:  Alpine Tundra (Various Mountain Ranges)     

June 25    Temperate Grassland:  North American Prairie
July    2    Temperate Grassland:  Eurasian Steppe
July    9    Temperate Grassland:  South American Pampas

July   16    Chaparral:  Mediterranean Basin (Europe)
July   23    Chaparral:  California Chaparral (North America)
July   30    Chaparral:  South African Fynbos
Aug     6    Chaparral:  Matorral

Aug    13    Freshwater Biomes:  Great Lakes (North America)
Aug    20   Freshwater Biomes:  Lake Baikal (Asia)
Aug    27   Freshwater Biomes:  Pantanal Wetlands (South America)
Sept     3   Freshwater Biomes:  Lotic Systems
Sept     7   Freshwater Biomes:  Lentic Systems

Sept     14   Marine Biomes:  Coral Triangle (Asia-Pacific)
Sept     21   Marine Biomes:  Kelp Forests (Various Coastal Regions)
Sept    28   Marine Biomes:  Galápagos Marine Reserve (South America)

Oct        1   Taiga (Boreal Forest):  North American Canadian Shield
Oct        8  Taiga (Boreal Forest):  Europe
Oct       15  Taiga (Boreal Forest):  Asia
Topics start over beginning Oct. 15th
Michigan 5th Grade Science Standards
Science Matter and Energy in Organisms and Ecosystems
5-PS3-1 Use models to describe that energy in animals’ food (used for body repair,
growth, motion, and to maintain body warmth) was once energy from the
5-LS1-1 Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth
chiefly from air and water.
5-LS2-1 Develop a model to describe the movement of matter among plants,
animals, decomposers, and the environment.

Michigan 5th Grade English Language Arts Standards
Speaking and Listening Standards K–5

Engage effectively in a range of collaborative
discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and
texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing
their own clearly.
a. Come to discussions prepared, having read
or studied required material; explicitly draw
on that preparation and other information
known about the topic to explore ideas under
b. Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and
carry out assigned roles.
c. Pose and respond to specific questions by
making comments that contribute to the
discussion and elaborate on the remarks of
d. Review the key ideas expressed and draw
conclusions in light of information and
knowledge gained from the discussions

Students will use brainstorming techniques.
Students will improve their public speaking skills and build confidence while speaking with others.


I teach classes for grades 2-12 for Neurodivergent and Traditional Students. I utilize numerous strategies to teach learners of all backgrounds and abilities. I teach a wide array of students with unique learning needs.
参加しました October, 2020
学士号 Grand Valley State Universityから 英語 へ
I have taught middle and high school English Language Arts for 17 years. I have taught English literature and composition to advanced students preparing for private high schools with even higher aspirations of attending Ivy League schools. I have taught at all grade levels from grades 4 through 12. I have tutored adult college students in these areas as well. I have taught students with minimal English and seventh-grade students who read at first-grade level. I have achieved great success while completing courses in my doctoral program.

I have a minor in Geography and gave school tours at a Local Nature Center. I love nature and my happiest moments are spent in the woods. As a child I grew up walking through the trails at my grandparents house and loved to see the flowers bloom and change as the seasons changed throughout the year. I am an avid but terrible gardener. I thoroughly enjoy plants and nature and want to share my enthusiasm for the natural world with students through the lens of reading and exploration.




45 分

年齢: 8-12
クラス人数: 4 人-10 人

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