

Martha Jackson, English Language Arts and Writing
Star Educator


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 45 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 6 - 9
Beginner レベル向け
Note taking is such a critical skill as learners progress through middle and high school years. They are used to watching and listening, but taking notes (and knowing what to do with those notes) does not come naturally to most people. If you've been looking for a practical way to help your student develop these critical skills, then look no further! This class will bridge that gap between listening and note-taking, and will help prepare your learner for greater academic success.

Each week will begin by a brief overview of note taking and helpful strategies. Instead of focusing on different, specific note-taking methods we will focus on techniques such as abbreviations, headings, color coding, etc that can be applied to a variety of note-taking formats. Together we will watch a short educational video (generally Crash Course or TedEd that will be about 10 minutes or less) and take notes together. I will take notes along with students, which will display on the screen, and they will be able to either follow my notes as beginners or progress to taking notes independently. After watching the video and taking notes, there will be extended time to review notes together and discuss what do do with those notes (go back and fill in missing ideas, color code, prepare flash cards, study skills, etc).  

The following are the videos that will be used for note taking practice. We will use these videos only to practice note-taking skills and will not be discussing their content. Other videos will be posted at least a month before each class. 

Week of September 2: Crash Course English Literature #1-- How and Why We Read

Week of September 9: Crash Course World History #2-- Indus Valley Civilization

Week of September 16: TedEd-- What is Normal and What is Different?

Week of September 23: Crash Course Biology #49-- Animal Behavior

Week of September 30: Crash Course Psychology #2-- Psychological Research

Week of October 7: TedEd-- The Science of Touchscreens

Week of October 14: break week

Week of October 21: Crash Course Government and Politics #36: Election Basics

Week of October 28: TedEd-- How Fiction Can Change Reality

This class is ideal for all types of learners. Students who like to discuss and actively participate will have that option, and those who like to sit back and participate silently in the chat are also welcome. Per Outschool policy, cameras must be on at the beginning of the class for check-in, but learners are welcome to keep them off for the rest of the class if they prefer. Students with no experience taking notes will find this class beneficial, as well as students who want to improve their existing note-taking skills.

This class is structured so that students can begin at any time, and can stay as long as it's helpful. Some learners will stay for a few weeks, and some will stay for a few months. Videos will not repeat, so there will be new practice material for each class.
Students will learn and practice strategies to effectively take notes while listening to someone give a talk or watching a video.
Students will learn how to revise their notes, and use their notes to study.


Students with unique learning needs are welcome to use any accommodations (such as talk to text) to be successful. Students can practice note-taking on paper or on a device. This class will have verbal and visual cues.
Videos chosen for practice will be free of content that is controversial, graphic, or inappropriate for students in this age group. Videos will be educational in nature from either TedEd or CrashCourse (in a variety of categories). We will not be discussing the content from any perspective other than a note-taking perspective (i.e. do our notes accurately reflect the content from the video).
参加しました February, 2021
Star Educator
学士号 University of Mississippiから 英語 へ
I have a Bachelor's Degree in English from the University of Mississippi (McDonnell Barksdale Honors College) and held a professional teaching certificate in Florida to teach English to grades 6-12. Over the last two decades I have taught study skills, including note-taking, to students of all ages in public school, private school, and homeschool settings. 




45 分

年齢: 11-15
クラス人数: 4 人-10 人

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