
幼児向けライティングクラス: K および 1 年生向け文章ライティング (セメスターコース)

お子様のライティングスキルを伸ばしたいですか? ライティングに芸術と創造性を組み合わせることで、文章作成、視覚単語、さらには口頭言語を強化します。楽しくインタラクティブなアプローチでライティングスキルを微調整しましょう。
Miss Elizabeth: Masters of Ed, Reading Specialist


1 ライブミーティング
週あたりの授業時間数 30 分


英語レベル - 不明
米国の学年 Kindergarten - 1
Are you looking for a class that will strengthen your child's written expression and help develop sentence skills? Does your child enjoy drawing?

If so, this may be the perfect class as I will be working on blending together drawing and writing! This ongoing class will meet weekly to allow time for your child to draw, write, and share with others about their pictures and writing! We'll have lots of opportunities to interact with each other to help build social, literacy, and writing skills. 

Each class will begin with a starter question to help us think about the week's topic/theme. This part of the class is a great way for your learner to work on social and oral language skills.  I'll help facilitate our conversation as a quick warm up to get to know who is joining our class each week.

We'll then read and practice our weekly sight word that will be incorporated into our sentence writing.  Words will be selected from the K - 1st Dolch word list. The word of the week may be a review or new word for your child, depending on your child's age and sight word knowledge. 

The next part will have your learner jump into writing as we focus on the beginning part of our sentence. I will be encouraging all learners to think about word spacing, capital letters, and handwriting.  We'll use various "sentence starters" to provide a springboard for your child's writing. For example, if the theme of the week is about trips, a "sentence starter" may be "I took a trip to..." or "My favorite trip was..." Sentence starters provide a way for your child to tackle writing without having to think about how to start their writing. 

Depending on the class size, breakout rooms will be used so I can provide some 1:1 time during our group writing. If the class size smaller, I can still provide individualized assistance but we won't need to utilize breakout rooms.  During this time, learners will be working on their writing and drawing their picture to accompany their sentence as I take turns with each learner.

I will be working with each learner to ensure we are remembering good sentence writing (i.e. capital letters and proper punctuation) as well as working to expand and stretch our writing. Addressing your child's needs is something I will focus on during the class. If your child is working on 3 word sentences, that is where my instruction will begin whereas there may be another child who needs 5 words, and another who is looking to extend their writing by including 7 or 8 words in a sentences. Differentiating instruction is a specialty of mine and something that I really value so that I can meet the needs of all learners!

We'll conclude our class with each learner sharing (if they would like to) their paper so we can see and hear them read their sentence and look at their picture drawing.   *Please note, depending on time, your child may or may not finish before we conclude our class, which can be hard for some children. Some feel they must finish before sharing, but they will be encouraged to share what they have and can always go back to it after working on our writing. If your child does not feel comfortable sharing, it is not a requirement of the class. 

We will meet again the following week for some more fun with art and writing! I hope your child will try out this interactive drawing and writing club!

Currently, there are many sections set up. Each one will follow the same meeting schedule/topic. I have created 18 different topics to accommodate families/schools in need of a semester course.

Due to the ongoing course set up, you can join in at any time and stay as long (or little) as you'd like. If you are joining in after a section began, no worries! You can join at any time. If you want to know specifically which week we are in for sections that have already started, just send me a message.  
If you don't see a day/time conducive to your schedule, just let me know as I will work with you to try to set up something that works for your schedule and mine! 

Meeting 1 - Favorite Food 

Meeting 2 -  A Place You Have Visited

Meeting 3 -  Colors

Meeting 4  - Numbers

Meeting 5  - When I Grow Up

Meeting 6  - Seasons 

Meeting 7 - Nonfiction topic (learner choice)

Meeting 8 - A Good Friend

Meeting 9 - Feelings

Meeting 10 - A Kid Must - thinking about rules at home or school

Meeting 11 -  Family

Meeting 12 - Animals

Meeting 13 - Character  Theme (from a book, show, or movie; i.e. Superhero, Princess etc.)

Meeting 14 - Favorite Game

Meeting 15 - Toys

Meeting 16 - Thankfulness

Meeting 17 - Pick a Pet

Meeting 18 - Asking a question

If you'd like your learner to work on sentence writing through stories/creative writing, please see my Picture Prompt course.

Please note: 
If you have specific writing standards/goals for your child, I am happy to work to try to meet those needs. Please message me directly and let me know if you have certain writing skills in mind for your child. The class is designed for children 5 - 7 and you know your child best! I have set the class up to cover K through first grade skills as writing abilities greatly vary at this age range. Individual abilities will vary and we'll work together to address the goals listed. Please let me now if you have any specific questions about the class.

Additionally, if you would like to have your child participate in this in a private class with learners of your choice (i.e. a homeschool group, friends or family)  at no additional charge, please let me know. The class would have just the learners who you invite! If that is of interest, please let me know.
- use capital letters at the beginning of a sentence
- employ proper punctuation
- include 3 - 8 words in a sentence
- write a sentence based on a picture
- respond and interact with others with oral language skills
- review, learn, or challenge sight word recognition


Your child will need:
- pencil
- art supplies (crayons, markers, paint---whatever you prefer your child to use)

The teacher will provide:
- writing template paper
*please note if you have your own writing paper you prefer to use, please provide that for your child.
参加しました April, 2020
As a mom of four young children and having taught in both the classroom and library setting, I know how important it is to develop good writing habits at an early age. This class is designed for your child to have fun expressing themselves through art and then connecting it to writing. I am very passionate about learning and love to help young students share that same joy.  Allowing your child to be in the driver's seat of their learning, makes the process more meaningful and allows them to be vested in their work. 

You will find my personality to be energetic and enthusiastic which makes for a very fun and upbeat class. I love connecting to students by finding about their likes and interests. Our drawing time will be a way to help foster creativity and share a common connection with the other learners. Creating a safe and risk-free learning environment helps your child feel comfortable in writing and share with our class and something I strive for in every lesson I teach. I hope your child will love coming each week to draw and write in this interactive class!




30 分

385 人がクラスを受けました
年齢: 5-7
クラス人数: 4 人-6 人

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