
1対1 1:1 文章から段落まで書く

この英語ライティング 1:1 では、文章を段落にする方法を学びます。毎週テーマに沿って、学習者がそのテーマに沿って完全な段落、語彙、文法を身に付けられるようにします。ESL に適しています。
Let's Go Learning


30 分


In this English Writing Club, we will learn how to turn sentences into paragraphs. Each week will follow a theme to encourage learners to develop full paragraphs, vocabulary and grammar around it. ESL friendly. 

Each class will include a range of teaching methods and activities that are designed to engage the learners in both a hands-on and minds-on way. Classes will include discussions, Q&A, quizzes.  Learners will be encouraged to write, revise and share what they write. A variety of methods are used to support learners and cater for different learning styles and needs. 

Writing to Socialise
Week beginning 1/7/24 - Writing an email
Week beginning 8/7/24 - Writing a note
Week beginning 15/7/24 - Writing a letter to a penpal
Week beginning 22/7/24 - Writing an invitation
Week beginning 29/7/24 - Writing an autobiography
Week beginning 5/8/24 - Writing a diary entry

Poems and Plays
Week beginning 12/8/24 - Free verse poems
Week beginning 19/8/24 - Using rhyme schemes 
Week beginning 26/8/24 - Narrative poems 
Week beginning 2/9/24 - Acrostic poems
Week beginning 9/9/24 - Writing a script
Week beginning 16/9/24 - Planning a debate

Fantastically Formal
Week beginning 23/9/24 - Writing a discussion essay
Week beginning 30/9/24 - Writing clear instructions
Week beginning 7/10/24 - Writing an explanation
Week beginning 14/10/24 - Writing a report
Week beginning 21/10/24 - Writing a recount
Week beginning 28/10/24 - Writing a letter of application

Brilliant Books
Week beginning 4/11/24 - Writing a book review
Week beginning 11/11/24 - Writing a formal report
Week beginning 18/11/24 - Newspaper articles
Week beginning 25/11/24 - Adverts and brochures
Week beginning 2/12/24 - Instruction manuals
Week beginning 9/12/24 - Writing a biography

Fabulous Fiction
Week beginning 16/12/24 - Creating a character
Week beginning 23/12/24 - Describing a setting
Week beginning 30/12/24 - Writing a fairy story
Week beginning 6/1/25 - Writing an adventure story
Week beginning 13/1/25 - Writing a scary story
Week beginning 20/1/25 - Writing a science fiction story

Persuasive Language
Week beginning 27/1/25 - Writing a persuasive letter
Week beginning 3/2/25 - Writing a persuasive poster
Week beginning 10/2/25 - Writing a persuasive essay
Week beginning 17/2/25 - Writing a song
Week beginning 24/2/25 - Writing a speech
Week beginning 3/3/25 - Writing a love letter

Myths and Legends
Week beginning 10/3/25 - Making a Mythical Creature
Week beginning 17/3/25 - Using Pictures to Write
Week beginning 24/3/25 - Writing in Our Own Words
Week beginning 31/3/25 - Describing a Journey
Week beginning 7/4/25 - Creating Suspense
Week beginning 14/4/25 - Writing About Problems

Further classes will be added.

Each week will include English language direction including spelling, punctuation, vocabulary, grammar and input on ideas. Learners are expected to complete their writing following each class and submit it via the classroom. Full written feedback will be provided by the teacher.

We look forward to being part of your learning journey!


Please bring to each class with you: ✔️The activity sheets found in the classroom ✔️A notebook ✔️A pen or pencil
参加しました August, 2020
オレゴン 教員免許 初等教育で
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
米国以外 教員免許 中等教育で
Teacher Fabien - OCT BPHED BED
博士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
修士号 Erasmus University of Rotterdamから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 Benemerita y Centenaria Escuela Normal del Estado de San Luis Potosiから 教育 へ
Teacher Francisco Flores BA BA TEFL
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 化学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 University of New Mexicoから 生物学/生物科学 へ
Teacher Kim, Ph.D.
学士号 Cardiff University から
Teacher Sapphire, BSc Econ CELTA
学士号 Rhodes Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Ellen, BSc., TEFL.
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 科学 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Oregon State Universityから 歴史 へ
Teacher Cheyanne BS BA CT TEFL
学士号 Western Kentucky Universityから 初等教育 へ
Teacher Kara BEEd TEFL TESOL
学士号 Millersville Universityから
Teacher Kayla BA TEFL
学士号 University of California, Davisから
Teacher Shellan BA MA TESOL
学士号 Mississippi State Universityから 心理学 へ
Teacher Emma MEd TEFL
学士号 University of Waterlooから 英語 へ
Teacher Stacy BA TESOL
学士号 University of Central Floridaから
Teacher Kassie BS TEFL TESOL
We are a team of qualified and experienced teachers with a wealth of experience across a range of ages and subjects. Most of our teachers are also TEFL/TESL qualified. You can find out more about each teacher in our profile. We are all passionate about teaching and learning and seeing our learners succeed. We look forward to meeting you in class soon.




30 分

年齢: 3-18

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